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1、1.SSI因子一级因子Factor二级因子 Attributes 开始购车经历 Sales Initiation等候被接待的时间Amount of time waited to be greeted销售人员对汽车配置、优点和好处的解释Explanation of features and benefits prior to purchase销售人员专心接待您Salespersons attention focused on you展示车辆整洁且选择性多Clean and wide selection of display vehicle销售人员圆满回答您的疑问和要求Thoroughness o

2、f follow-up on enquiries/ requests经销商设施 Dealer Facility指示牌能明确地指引您Signs clearly guide you经销商展厅外广场区域环境整洁有序 Cleanness and tidiness of dealer square展厅内车辆展示区整洁舒适Comfort and cleanness of vehicle display area 产品信息的展示,如报价,产品手册,竞争车型的信息等Display of product information洽谈区舒适程度Comfort of discussion area客户休息区(如整洁,

3、 舒适程度等)Comfort and cleanness of customer resting area交车区(如整洁, 舒适程度等)Comfort and cleanness of vehicle delivery area销售人员 Salesperson销售人员的车辆知识Salespersons knowledge about vehicles销售人员礼貌及友善Courtesy and friendliness履行承诺Fulfillment of commitments试乘试驾 Test Driving试驾车辆车况良好Vehicle good condition在试驾过程中销售人员的专业

4、性Salespersons professionalism during test drive所提供的试驾路线满足您的需求Test drive route is satisfy your needs交易条件 Deal付款方式的多元化(包括贷款/现金的选择)Wide range of payment options公开透明的报价Transparent deal quotation议价过程令您愉快Pleasant negotiation process完成议价过程的速度How quickly you negotiated deal最终成交的车价与您的期望相比较Price paid relative

5、 to expectations书面文件 Paperwork完成购车书面文件的容易程度Ease of completing purchase documents对所有购车书面文件的解释清晰Clear explanation of all purchase documents圆满回答您对购车书面文件相关问题的能力Ability to answer purchase paperwork queries交车与回访Delivery and Calling back交车所需时间Length of time needed to deliver vehicle在您要求的时间交车的能力Ability to d

6、eliver at requested time在承诺的时间交车的能力Ability to deliver at promised time您的新车干净程度/ 车况良好(干净,无凹陷,划痕等)Condition/ cleanliness of your vehicle (clean, free from dings, scratches, etc.)交车中对您的关注程度Attention focused on you during delivery工作人员的热情使得交车过程令人愉快Enthusiasm of staff to make the delivery process enjoyabl

7、e完成交车过程所需时间Time to complete delivery process详细的解释Thoroughness of explanations during the delivery process经销商解决问题的能力Dealer problem-solving ability销售顾问为您引荐服务顾问Introduce to service advisor 交车后仍然在关心你Still care of you after vehicle delivery*:仅作为考察项,不计入SSI得分。The items marked with * wont be accounted into

8、SSI final score.2.神秘客户审核细则:环节Process考察对象Assessed personnel题号No.考核点CheckpointA-电话接待Telephone contact前台接待/销售顾问Receptionist/ SalespersonA1电话铃响3声之内是否有人接听(如是彩铃,则确认15秒内是否有人接听)Answer phone call within three rings (if music tone, confirm if phone is answered within 15 seconds)A2电话沟通中是否采用统一问候语,用语中体现厂商品牌和经销商信

9、息Use standardized greetings that include manufacture brand and dealer informationA3电话接听时是否使用了礼貌用语Use polite phrases when answered the phone callA4是否主动询问您的需求Proactively inquire about your needsA5是否主动询问您感兴趣的车型Proactively inquire about the vehicle models you are interested inA6是否询问了您的称呼和联系电话Ask for you

10、r name and contact informationA7是否主动邀请您到店看车并预约具体时间Proactively invite you to the dealer and make an appointment with you A8结束通话前,销售顾问是否感谢您的来电Before ending the call, Salespersons thank you for callingA9销售顾问是否等待您挂断电话后再放下电话Salespersons wait for you to hang up the phone before hanging offB-展厅接待Reception门

11、卫/引导员Guard/ Guide B1是否向您致意Greet youB2是否主动确认您来访的意图?Proactively inquiry about your intention of this visitB3是否主动指引您去展厅或引导您停车Proactively guide you to the showroom lobby or the parking areaB4展厅门口是否有接待员/销售顾问及时礼貌的迎接了您Salespersons/ Receptionist politely greet you at the entrance of the showroom lobby接待员/销售

12、顾问Receptionist/ SalespersonB5销售顾问是否在进门接待时主动向您介绍自己的姓名及职务Salespersons introduce himself( name and job title) while greeting you at the entranceB6谈话过程中销售顾问是否询问您的姓氏来尊称您During the conversation, Salespersons ask for and greet you with your surnameB7销售顾问是否尊重您的意愿,给你充分的空间Salespersons respect your intention a

13、nd give you sufficient spaceB8销售顾问是否一直专心接待你Salespersons focus on serving youB9销售顾问是否在接待时主动向您及同行成人双手递交名片Salespersons proactively offer his business card to you and accompanied adults with both handsB10工作人员是否主动告知可供选择的饮品种类,并询问您的选择Staff proactively inform you about choices of drinks, and ask for your ch

14、oiceB11提供的饮品是否有选择(2种热饮和2种冷饮)Provide choices of drinks (two hot drinks and two cold drinks)B12销售顾问礼貌送别(天气好时送您到展厅正门台阶;雨雪天或阳光猛烈天气下,没开车的话询问是否代为叫出租车,并为您撑伞,送至车上/销售店出口处)Salespersons see you off politely B13销售顾问感谢您来店赏车,并向您说再见Salespersons thank you for your visit and say goodbye to you B14销售顾问挥手致意,目送您离开Sales

15、persons wave hands in greeting and see you leaving C-需求分析Needs analysis销售顾问SalespersonC1销售顾问是否询问并听取您的新车用途Salespersons inquire and listen to your new vehicle usageC2销售顾问是否询问并听取您的购车时间Salespersons inquire and listen to your vehicle purchase timeC3销售顾问是否询问并听取您的用车经验Salespersons inquire and listen to your

16、 vehicle usage experienceC4销售顾问是否询问并听取您感兴趣的车型Salespersons inquire and listen to your interested vehicle modelC5销售顾问是否询问并听取您的购车预算Salespersons inquire and listen to your budgetC6销售顾问是否引导客户在放松的环境中进行需求分析Salespersons guide you to a relax environment when conducting the needs analysisD-产品介绍Product Introdu

17、ction销售顾问SalespersonD1展厅的展示车辆是否都符合展示要求Exhibit cars in showroom match exhibition requirementsD2销售顾问是否主动提供足够的产品和业务介绍资料信息Salespersons proactively provide sufficient product and service informationD3销售顾问在产品介绍的过程中,是否针对您的需求/关注点介绍车辆的性能Salespersons introduce the performance of vehicle according to your need

18、s/ interests D4销售人员介绍产品配置时,是否强调优点和好处When introducing the vehicle features, Salespersons emphasize on their advantages and benefitsD5访问过程中, 销售顾问是否对其他竞争品牌都很熟悉Salespersons is familiar with other competing brandsD6销售顾问在对比竞品时是否用语恰当When comparing with competitive model, Salespersons use appropriate phrase

19、sD7销售顾问介绍过程中,是否鼓励您进行发问Salespersons encourage you to ask questionsD8销售顾问介绍过程中,是否鼓励您亲自动手体验Salespersons encourage you to personally experience the vehicleD9您的问题和疑虑能得到圆满答复Your questions and queries are answered completelyE-试乘试驾Test Drive销售顾问SalespersonE1销售顾问主动邀请您进行试乘试驾Salespersons proactively invite you

20、 to test ride/driveE2试乘试驾的要求能否当场满足Test ride/drive can be conducted on the spot?E3销售顾问为您提供至少两条试乘试驾线路选择,并进行适当的解释Salespersons provide at least two test-ride/drive routes, and explain appropriately E4试乘试驾车辆是否整洁,温度适宜Test drive car is neat and clean, and with suitable temperatureE5为您准备好的试驾车停靠的位置是否方便出发Test

21、 drive car is parked in location convenient for depart E6试驾车是否有试乘试驾标贴Test drive car is tagged with test drive labelE7销售顾问/试驾员是否主动要求您签署试乘试驾协议Salespersons/ Test Driver proactively ask you to sign the test drive agreement E8销售顾问/试驾员是否主动介绍前排座椅介绍,演示座椅、方向盘、后视镜的调节方式 ,并在试驾时主动为你调节Salespersons/ Test Driver pr

22、oactively introduce the front seat, demonstrate the seats, steering wheels and side view mirror adjustment, and adjust for you when you test driveE9销售顾问/试驾员是否主动请客户先试乘,然后再让客户试驾Salespersons/ Test Driver proactively invite you to test ride first, then test drive E10销售顾问是否向您指出动态车辆的主要特性、优点、好处(包含试乘试驾全过程)S

23、alespersons pointed out to you the key characteristic, advantages and benefits of the dynamic vehicle (include entire test drive process)E11销售顾问/试驾员是否确保车上所有乘客都系好安全带 (全过程)Salespersons/ Test Driver ensure all the passengers fasten their seat belts (the entire test drive) E12销售顾问/试驾员是否主动进行成交的试探,询问您的购车意

24、向Salespersons/ Test Drive proactively probe you about the deal, inquiry about your purchase intention E13过程中, 是否有故障,油箱警报, 违章驾驶或无车牌During test drive, no breakdown, empty fuel tank warning, illegal driving or unlicensed vehicleF-协商议价Negotiation销售顾问SalespersonF1销售顾问向您推荐介绍一款至二款车型,并提供清晰的报价明细Salespersons

25、recommend you one to two vehicle model and provide clear and detailed quotationF2销售顾问是否向您介绍经销商的增值服务Salespersons introduce dealers value-added services to you F3销售顾问主动、自然地留下您的姓名和联系方式等Salespersons proactively and naturally obtain your name and contact method F4洽谈过程没有给客户不愉快的感觉Did not cause any customer

26、s unhappiness during negotiation processF5洽谈区是否干净,整洁Negotiation area is neat and cleanG-展厅氛围Showroom AtmosphereG1同一展厅内的销售顾问着装整洁、统一Within the same dealership, Salespersons attire is neat/clean and standardizedG2销售顾问是否佩戴标明姓名和职务的胸牌?Salespersons wear badge with name and titleG3其他人员在远处与客户目光相遇时,是否微笑致意Othe

27、r staff smile and greet you when there is eye contact with themG4是否有工作人员聚集闲聊现象或其它非工作状态Working staff did not gather to chat or not in working modeH-售前跟进Sales Follow-up销售顾问SalespersonH1进店检测的七天之内,销售顾问是否对您进行电话跟进Salespersons phone you to follow-up within 7 days from your visitsH2销售顾问电话跟进,礼貌、热情,理由合适、自然Salespersons follow-up call is polite, warm, with appropriate reasons and naturalI-洗手间设施Washroom FacilityI1洗手间设施是否完好无损,各个角落是否整洁Facility in washroom is in good condition, cleanliness in all area I2洗手间是否无异味No unusual smell in washroom I3洗手间是否温度适宜Suitable temperature in washroom


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