物流与供应链管理- 供应链整合.ppt

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《物流与供应链管理- 供应链整合.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《物流与供应链管理- 供应链整合.ppt(24页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、5 Distribution Strategy in Supply Chain,沈厚才 博士(Dr. Houcai SHEN) 南京大学 hcshennju.edu.c ,配送战略要解决的问题及手段,如何选择配送决策机构? 集中控制战略与分散控制战略 如何做出配送决策的方式? 直接运输的战略 仓库的战略 直接转运的战略 如何选择生产和储仓? 中心机构与地方机构的战略 如何选择驱动供应链的方式? 推动型系统与拉动型系统,配送决策战略,集中型配送决策 一个中心机构为整个供应链作出配送决策 将整个供应链整体最优进行到底 分散型配送决策 多个机构作出配送决策 每个机构寻找其最有效的战略 局部最优,集中

2、型决策与分散型决策的比较,配送战略,直接运输的配送战略 产品从供应商直接运往最终顾客,不经配送中心 通过仓储的配送战略 仓库保持库存 根据顾客所需从仓库向顾客配送 直接转运的配送战略 仓库为配送协调点,不是储存点 产品到达仓库,然后转运往顾客 库存期不长于12小时,Cross Docking,In 1979, Kmart was the king of the retail industry with 1891 stores and average revenues per store of $7.25 million At that time Wal-Mart was a small nic

3、he retailer in the South with only 229 stores and average revenues about half of those Kmart stores. Ten years later, Wal-Mart transformed itself; it has the highest sales per square foot, inventory turnover and operating profit of any discount retailer. Today Wal-Mart is the largest and highest pro

4、fit retailer in the world.,What accounts for Wal-Marts remarkable success,The starting point was a relentless focus on satisfying customer needs; Wal-Mart goal was simply to provide customers access to goods when and where they want them and to develop cost structures that enable competitive pricing

5、 The key to achieving this goal was to make the way the company replenished inventory the centerpiece of its strategy.,What accounts for Wal-Marts remarkable success?,This was obtained by using a logistics technique known as cross-docking. Here goods are continuously delivered to Wal-Marts warehouse

6、s where they are dispatched to stores without ever sitting in inventory. This strategy reduced Wal-Marts cost of sales significantly and made it possible to offer everyday low prices to their customers., Apr 13, 2000, , May 11, 2000, ,传统的配送中心 - / - / - , Delay,Cross Dock, Apr 13, 2000, Apr 13, 2000,

7、Cross Docking,Cross Docking,- Flow-Through - No Stocking,Sorting, Routing, Unpacking, Repacking,Characteristics of Cross-Docking:,Goods spend at most 48 hours in the warehouse, Avoids inventory and handling costs, Wal-Mart delivers about 85% of its goods through its warehouse system, compared to abo

8、ut 50% for Kmart, Stores trigger orders for products.,Cross-docking 系统的好处,由于能够采购到满车货物并避免了通常的库存成本与搬运成本,“直接转运”使得沃尔玛的运作更加经济。因而,沃尔玛可以用自己的仓储系统进行配送其85%的货物,而KMART只能用自己的仓储系统进行配送其中的50%。同整个行业水平相比,这就减少了沃尔玛销售成本的2%到3%,这一成本上的差别使沃尔玛的“天天低价”成为可能; 低价格还可以使其节约促销费用; 天天平价使每天的销售更好预测,从而降低了过量库存与库存缺货; 最后,每天低价还吸引了大量顾客。,问题,既然“

9、cross-docking”有许多好处,为什么不是所有的零售商都采用呢? 原因就在于使用Cross-docking系统非常难管理。为了使得Cross-docking系统发挥作用,Wal-Mart在一系列将供应链连接起来的辅助系统方面进行了大量战略投资,而这些投资很难用传统的ROI准则来评价 先进的IT系统 快速、灵敏运输系统,System Characteristics:,Requires linking Wal-Marts distribution centers, suppliers and stores to guarantee that any order is processed a

10、nd executed in a matter of hours, Wal-Mart operates a private satellite-communications system that sends point-of-sale data to all its vendors allowing them to have a clear vision of sales at the stores,System Characteristics:,Need a fast and responsive transportation system: Wal-Mart has a dedicate

11、d fleet of 2000 truck that serve their 19 warehouses This allows them to ship goods from warehouses to stores in less than 48 hours replenish stores twice a week on average.,组织管理变革,为了获得“cross-docking”的最大益处,Wal-mart还在其管理体制上做了根本的变革。 传统的零售业中,采购、定价、促销等决策基本上集中在高层,组织管理采用的是“命令-控制”思想,产品是控制是采用的推动(push)方式; “c

12、ross-docking”却将这种转变过来: 决策分权分散在基层,鼓励店面、配送中心与供应商之间的合作,产品控制采用的是拉动(pull)方式; 中高层管理的任务不是去教个别经理如何去做,而是创造一个环境让他们从市场中学习以及互相学习: 例如,信息系统向经理们提供顾客特性的详细资料; 经理们定期的前往公司总部会晤讨论市场趋向。 随着公司的发展,商店数目也在增多,以至公司的飞机数量不足以维持经理们的必要联系,于是Wal-Mart安装了视频系统以连接他的总部和各个分店。经理们定期举行视频会议以交换对市场的一些信息和看法。,Wal-Mart的人力资源系统,Wal-Mart认识到第一线的员工在满足顾客需

13、要的过程中具有重要的意义。于是推行了采取了一系列措施如员工持股、利润共享等,以使得全体员工更加重视顾客、更好服务顾客。,Wal-Mart的Supply Chain and Capability,中心设施与地方设施,中心设施 一个中心仓库或制造地点 地方设施 多个地方仓库或制造地点,中心设施与地方设施的比较,驱动供应链的方式,推动型供应链 根据长期预测进行生产决策 利用定单来预测需求 拉动型供应链 生产由需求驱动的 顾客需求而不是预测决定生产,看板式供应链,看板供应链是拉动型的一种 每个级别上有一个看板,上面表示本级的需求量 顾客需求写在第一个看板上,驱动整个链 每级为满足下一级的需求,更新本级的看板,配送需求规划(DRP),DRP(Distribution Requirement Planning)也一种拉动式系统 根据零售商的需求,制定上一级供应链的库存量和配送量 然后,根据本级的需求,制定上一级供应链库存量和配送量 原理与MRP近似,推动型与拉动型供应链的比较,


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