智力落后儿童的身心特征(Physical and mental characteristics of mentally retarded children).doc

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智力落后儿童的身心特征(Physical and mental characteristics of mentally retarded children).doc_第1页
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《智力落后儿童的身心特征(Physical and mental characteristics of mentally retarded children).doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《智力落后儿童的身心特征(Physical and mental characteristics of mentally retarded children).doc(9页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、智力落后儿童的身心特征(Physical and mental characteristics of mentally retarded children)I. physical development of mentally retarded childrenPhysical development of mentally retarded children varies greatly due to their different defects and causes. Generally speaking, the physical development of children wit

2、h mild mental retardation is basically the same as that of normal children. Their height and weight were not significantly different from those of normal children of their own age. According to a study in Japan, the average height of 10 year old boy is 131.9 cm, 132.2 cm for girls, while 10 year old

3、 mentally retarded boys and girls were 129.4 cm and 130.5 cm; the average weight of 10 year old boy was 28 kg, 28.5 kg for girls, 10 year old mentally retarded boys and girls were 26.6 kg and 27.1 kg. With the aggravation of the mental retardation, the physical development of the mentally retarded c

4、hildren will be worse and worse, and the physiological and health problems will be more and more. Children with moderate or above mental retardation significantly lag behind able-bodied children in terms of vital capacity, muscular strength, body balance and physical coordination. Mayerns research a

5、lso illustrates this point.In addition, the majority of mentally retarded children do not have a special look on the surface. Only a small number of special types or children with severe brain damage show special features. For example, in the common schools for the mentally retarded children are con

6、genital stupidity external characteristics were obvious: eyes and wide, flat, round face and nose collapse, through Bian Pingzu, hands, fingers and toes short and thick, often stretched tongue export etc.Two, cognitive characteristics of mentally retarded children(I) perception characteristics.Most

7、of the researches on the perception of children with mental retardation are focused on the speed and capacity of perception. The results of the study are basically consistent, that is, children with mental retardation feel slower and have less capacity.In the aspect of childrens perception speed of

8、mental retardation, the most classic experiment when the former Soviet psychologist virje soots of card. The Education Department of Beijing Normal University Beijing city blind, deaf and mentally retarded research group of physiological and psychological characteristics of students indicated that s

9、tudents visual perception of slow mental retardation, 3 5 grade (9 -15 years old age the majority of students with mental retardation) visual perception of velocity is much lower than the deaf children and normal school the first grade (5-7 years old) the students. Wu Jies experiment also found that

10、 the average mental and auditory response time of retarded children in the retarded grade school was almost two times that of the normal children in the same grade, and gradually decreased with age. The greater the level of mental retardation, the greater the shortening; the slow pace of perception

11、of mentally retarded children is easily observed in everyday life; for example, they do not like to see animated pictures that are moving too quickly.Mentally retarded children are much smaller than normal children in terms of perceived capacity. Someone with a tachistoscope is not continuous, meani

12、ngless words or symbols, when the distance is 1/10 seconds, normal children can correct perception of 7 + 2 words or symbols, the most sensible 15, and mentally retarded children often perceive only 3 to 4. 000 wing dichotic listening test results of control experiments also showed that the children

13、s scores lower than normal binaural discrimination of mentally retarded children, and the difference is very significant, indicating that childrens auditory perception capacity is far lower than normal children with mental retardation.In addition to the above two characteristics, mental retardation

14、children also show that visual perception is not enough differentiation, spatial perception and time perception are not enough differentiation, lack of awareness, initiative, enthusiasm and so on.(two) memory characteristics.Memory deficits are an important factor affecting intellectual activity in

15、mentally retarded children. Educational practice and experimental study show that the intelligence behind the memory of the children there are two main defects, one is memorizing slow, keep strong, difficult or inaccurate reproduction. In learning new knowledge, a mentally retarded child can master

16、it only after repeated practice, and it is easy to forget. A considerable number of mentally retarded children in our country are still using textbooks from ordinary primary schools, but the teaching progress is half or more than that of the regular primary schools. Even so,The students academic lev

17、el can not be compared with that of the healthy students. There are many reasons for this, but it is not related to the memory. Further, the study of this trait is further argued that the memory deficits of mentally retarded children are mainly in transient memory and short-term memory, and that the

18、y can not translate transient memory and short-term memory into long term memory. The reason is that they are not good at using appropriate review strategies. Two is the memory goal difference, the choice function is weak. Mentally retarded children often is based on external memory materials, using

19、 a simple way to repeat the memory, not good at a destination to find memory material internal links, to understand on the basis of memory. Such an experiment is that question: for mentally retarded children and normal children were presented with a group of pictures (dogs, wolves, buildings, tables

20、, chairs, hut, cottage, cat), asking them to look at a few times after that. Normal children tend to disrupt and categorize pictures in memory so that they will soon be remembered. And mentally retarded children can hardly be classified, only simple repetition, and poor memory. The emergence of this

21、 situation may be related to their intuitive thinking, image and lack of memory.(three) linguistic features.Compared with the normal children, the language development level of the mentally retarded children is lower, and the development speed is slower. Normal children usually begin talking at the

22、age of 1, and have basically mastered the skills of oral communication when they enter school. Able to express his thoughts and feelings more fluently in spoken language. The overall level of mentally retarded children is much lower. Some children are two or three years old before they speak a singl

23、e word, and five or six years old will say simple, content poor sentences. Some children do not even speak to their families when they go to school. In the possession of vocabulary, the mentally retarded children are much less, and the understanding is not comprehensive, inaccurate. In addition, the

24、y also have a lot of problems with grammar. The more serious the mental retardation is, the more prominent the problem is.In addition, a considerable number of mentally retarded children still have barriers to articulation, voice and speech. Dysarthria is pronunciation, enunciation unclear, most chi

25、ldren often speak of phoneme substitution, ellipsis, distort or add phenomenon. The sound barrier for children is the voice is too large or too small, lack of tone cadence changes, hoarseness, air sound, falsetto and even voice, hypernasality or nasal etc. The main stream of speech disorders is stut

26、tering in some children. The language defects of the mentally retarded children affect and restrict their intelligence development directly. Therefore, it is an important aspect of developing their intelligence to improve their language ability and correct their language defects.(four) thinking char

27、acteristics.One of the main characteristics of mental retardation childrens thinking is that their thinking stays at the stage of intuitive image for a long time, and the level of abstract generalization is low. They are usually simple thinking activities directly observe things in daily activities

28、under the condition of thinking mainly depends on the specific image or representation of things, not good at analysis and synthesis, it is difficult to have the knowledge, concepts and representation together. Some people have 30 with an average age of 9 and a half years old with mild mental retard

29、ation children object classification experiments, they found the abstract generalization significantly behind the kindergarten (6 years old) children, only close to the middle class (5 years old) children. Rigid thinking and lack of purpose and flexibility are another characteristic of mentally reta

30、rded children. This is not related to the inertia of the nervous system. Such features are easily observed in real life, as when they are engaged in an activity, once it is in trouble or other more interesting things, it will soon stop and move on to other activities. The mental retardation of child

31、rens thinking also shows the lack of independence and critical characteristics. On the one hand, they tend to believe in their own actions and thoughts, rarely take the initiative to examine their behavior, find out the mistakes and correct them; on the other hand, they are easily affected by the en

32、vironment. ,Blind obedience. For example, in the Peizhi school classroom, often may be by common consent scenario: when the teacher questions, a student answer is wrong, the other students will be infected, repeat the same wrong answer.The intelligence behind the characteristics of childrens thinkin

33、g is the other characteristic and recognition activities related to the defects of perception, memory and language can affect the normal development of thinking, in turn, thinking obstacles can also adversely affect the perception, memory and language.Three, the personality characteristics of childr

34、en with mental retardationBecause of the lack of cognitive activities and the limitations of their social activities, children with mental retardation suffer from relatively little living experience, which affect the healthy development of their personality and show the following characteristics:(1)

35、 weak will, lack of initiative, vulnerability to suggestion and obstinacy.When the mentally retarded children are learning and engaging in other activities, it is difficult to follow the long-term goal of behavior and lack initiative. But sometimes it can show a morbid stubbornness, inflexible behav

36、ior and lack of adaptability. In dealing with the influence of people around them, they are susceptible to cues and often accept other peoples suggestions and drives.(two) the development of advanced emotion is slow, the emotion is unstable and the ability of regulation is poor.The research shows th

37、at the emotional experience of the mentally retarded children is at a low level for a long time, and the advanced emotions, such as sense of responsibility and collective sense of honor, are late and slow to develop. In the intelligence behind the school, many students twelve year old and three or f

38、our year old children, emotional expression is similar, obviously excited explosive, type, there is little need to close contact with society advanced emotion complex. Associated with this, their emotions are easily influenced by the external situation, easy to change, not deep and unstable. In emot

39、ional regulation, they are dominated by the needs of the body and are difficult to harmonize with social ethical standards.(three) interest is single, stability is poor.The interest of most mentally retarded children is often limited to something or activity, and material interests predominate, espe

40、cially for safety, comfort, money, food, or other material rewards. Whats more, their interest in things cant last and change easily.(four) the expectation of failure is higher than the expectation of success, and the self-concept is negative.Children with mental retardation due to the understanding

41、 of activities of defects in learning and life often encounter setbacks and failures, the long-term experience of failure will make them gradually lose confidence, failure is expected to study and work, to strive to overcome difficulties and strive for success.(five) the original defense mechanism is dominant.Compared with the normal children, the mentally retarded children use more primitive defense mechanisms, such as refusal, withdrawal, depression, anxiety, etc., and they are less flexible and more flexible in use.


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