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1、初三英语第4单元词汇复习课的教学设计一、 教学内容:第4单元的单词和词组。 二、 教学目标: 1、提高、激发学生学习英语词汇的兴趣,培养学习的自觉性和合作精神。 2、会拼读单词,掌握常见的使用方法。 3、掌握词汇的记忆方法,以及各种变化方式。 4、培养词汇的听、说、读、写技能,形成一定的语言运用能力。 三、 教学重点:词汇的记忆和拓展。 四、 教学难点:词汇的综合运用。五、 教学过程1、 跟读第四单元的所有单词。2、 老师朗读要10个单词,学生听写(写出单词与意思)。3、 老师抽查一个小组,其它组用3分钟检查并改正。4、 再次跟读第四单元的所有单词。5、 朗读第四单元的所有词组。6、 老师朗读

2、要10个词组,学生听写(写出词组与意思)。7、 老师抽查一个小组,其它组用3分钟检查并改正。8、 再次朗读第四单元的所有词组。9、 根据下列句子及所给中文写出所缺单词,注意其适当形式。(1) The police are _ (盘问) the thief about the robbery.(2) Please dont _ (忽视) the importance of the matter.(3) We are very lucky because were living in a _ (和平的) society.(4) Even a _ (有天赋的) student should also

3、 work hard at his study.(5) Its not her _ (过失). After all shes only a little girl.(6) After reading the letter, she gave a sigh of _ (慰籍).(7) Someone called me in street one day. I couldnt _ (辨认出) him at first. (8) When you meet difficulty, please make an _ (努力) to work it out and never give up.(9)

4、With your help, I can _ (解决) the problem easily.(10) You look very tired these days. I _ (建议) you to stop working and have a good rest. 10、根据下列句子及所给单词的首字母写出所缺单词。(1) The book will b_ to you if you pay for it.(2) Everyone has his own w_, but we can try to overcome them.(3) The police has found new e_

5、for the case.(4) The poor old man had s_ a lot before he died of the terrible illness.(5) Its too noisy! I cant b_ it any more.(6) The car n_ hit the careless boy.(7) Its no use to r_ after the bad result. So please try your best now.(8) Can you guess what the r_ between the man and the woman is?(9)

6、 When youre 18 years old, you will become an a_.(10) The boys often b_ little girls, thats why most of us dont like them at all.11、完成句子。(1) 我们想个方案解决那个问题吧。 Lets _ _ a plan to solve the problem.(2) 常做运动对你有好处。 Often doing exercise will _ _ _ you.(3) 你从没去过美国,是吗? Youve never been to America, _ _?(4) 汤姆比杰克跪得更快。 Tom runs _ _ Jack.(5) 莉莉对这次失误负有责任。 Lily is _ _ _ the mistake.12、简短说话。本周你遇到了一件不大开心的事,请你把它说出来,问大家有什么办法?


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