第二节 团队角色(Second team roles).doc

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1、第二节 团队角色(Second team roles)Team roleTan Xiaofang teachers believe that over the years, in the work I always think he is good, but not always know what kind of people at work, what is the role in the team, on the weekend, a small high always gave me a test today, I carefully and true its finished, th

2、e highest score of the corresponding results: perfectionist, secondly doer.I have been looking for myself, positioning myself, in fact, I know what kind of person I am, but I cant find any words. Today I can finally fix myself. I am the part in the team. Cambridges most famous career test: belbin te

3、am role testThere are no perfect individuals, only perfect teams. No man is perfect, but a team is the best team.Explanation: the answer to the following questions may describe your behavior to varying degrees. There are eight sentences for each question. Please assign the total score to eight sente

4、nces for each question. The principle of distribution is that the sentences that reflect your actions are the highest, and so on. The most extreme cases may also be very fully assigned to one of them. Please fill in the following table according to your actual situation. Heres a copy of Excel that w

5、ill help you check every mark.First, I think I can contribute to the team:A, I can quickly find and seize new opportunities.B, I can work with all kinds of people.C, I was born to love ideas.D, my ability is that once I find someone who is really valuable to achieve a collective goal, I recommend th

6、em in time.E, I can do it. Its mainly my personal strength.F, if it can lead to beneficial results at the end, I would like to face a temporary cold shoulder.G, Im usually aware of whats real and whats possible.H, in choosing the action plan, I am able to propose a reasonable alternative without bia

7、s or bias.Two, I may have weaknesses in the team:A, if the meeting is not well organized, controlled and presided over, I will feel uncomfortable.B, I have good and easy for those who are not properly released people are too tolerant.C, as long as the group is talking about new ideas, I always talk

8、too much.D and my objective algorithm make it difficult for me to identify with my colleagues.E, in order to get things done in the circumstances, I sometimes make people feel particularly tough and arbitrary.F maybe it was because I was too focused on the atmosphere of the group that I found it dif

9、ficult to be different.G, Im prone to sudden imagination and forget whats going on.H, my colleagues think I paid too much attention to details, there is unnecessary worry, afraid to mess things up.Three, when I work with other people in a job:A, I have the ability to influence others without any pre

10、ssure.B I am always careful to avoid carelessness and negligence in my work.C, Im willing to put pressure on the action to make sure the meeting isnt a waste of time or a digression.D, I am one of the best in my opinion.E, I am always ready to support positive proposals that are of mutual interest.F

11、, Im keen on finding new ideas and new developments.G, I believe my ability to judge helps to make the right decision.H, I can assure you that I can organize the most basic work in good order.Four, my feature in the work team is:A, Im interested in getting to know more of my colleagues.B, I often ch

12、allenge other peoples opinions or stick to my own opinions.In the debate, C, I can usually find arguments to reverse the less reasonable claims.D, I think, as long as the plan has to start, I have the ability to work.E, I intend to avoid making myself too conspicuous or unexpected.F, I can do everyt

13、hing I can.G, Id like to get in touch with people outside the team.H, although Im interested in all points of view, it doesnt make sense for me to make the decision when necessary.Five, at work, I am satisfied, because:A, I like to analyze the situation and weigh all possible options.B, Im intereste

14、d in finding a workable solution to the problem.C, I feel that I am promoting good working relationships.D, I can have a strong influence on decision making.E, I can adapt to people who have new ideas.F, I can get people to agree on a necessary action.G, I feel a temperament in my body that puts me

15、into my work with all my heart.H, Im glad to find a place where I can use my imagination.Six, if suddenly give me a difficult job, and the time is limited,Unfamiliar with personnel:A, before I have a new plan, Id rather hide in the corner and work out a plan for getting out of it.B, I prefer to work

16、 with people who show a positive attitude.C, I would imagine reducing the workload by employing the director.D, my inborn sense of urgency, will help us not to fall behind the plan.E, I think I can keep a cool head and think systematically.F, despite the difficulties, I can guarantee that the goal r

17、emains the same.G, if collective work does not progress, I will take positive measures to promote it.H, I would like to open up a wide range of discussions aimed at stimulating new ideas and promoting work.Seven, the problems that arise when working with a group or working with people around you:A,

18、its easy for me to be impatient with those who are hindering progress.B, others may criticize me for being too analytical and lacking in intuition.C, I have the desire to do a good job, to ensure that the work continues to progress.D and I tend to get bored and need one or two passionate people to c

19、heer me up.E, its hard to get me started if the goal isnt clear.F, Im not very good at explaining and clarifying the complex problems Ive encountered.G, I consciously turn to others for what I cant do.H, when Im in conflict with the real opposite, Im not sure I can make myself understood.Self evalua

20、tion table attached.CW CO, SH, PL, RI, ME, TW, FIOne G, D, F, C, A, H, B, EA B E G C D F HH A C D F G E BD H B E G C A FB F D H E A C GF C G A H E B DE G A F D B H CTotalThese eight team roles are:1, doer CW (Company Worker)A typical features: conservative; obedient; pragmatic and reliable.B positiv

21、e qualities: organizational skills and practical experience; hard working and self disciplinedThe weakness that C can tolerate: lack of flexibility; not interested in Uncertain IdeasThe role of D in a team1 change conversations and suggestions into practical steps2, consider what works and what does

22、nt work3. Sort out recommendations to match agreed plans with existing systems2 coordinator CO (Coordinator)A features: calm, confident, and capable of controlling situationsB features: positive value to various opinions without prejudice to a fully inclusive and equitable, look at problems in a rel

23、atively objectiveThe weakness that C can tolerate: not exceptional in intelligence and creativityThe role of D in a team1 define the goals and direction of the team2 choose problems that require decisions and identify their order3 help define roles, responsibilities, and boundaries in a team4 summar

24、ize the teams feelings and achievements, and integrate the teams suggestions3 promoter SH (Shaper)A typical features: quick thinking; cheerful; active explorationB positive qualities: motivated, ready to challenge the traditional, inefficient and complacentC can tolerate weaknesses: good to provoke

25、disputes, impulsive, irritableThe role of D in a team1 find and find possible solutions in team discussions2 shape tasks and goals within a team3 promote team consensus and direction actionA 4 PL (Planter)A typical features: personality, deep thinking, not stick to the patternB positive qualities: b

26、rilliant, imaginative, intelligent, broad knowledgeC can tolerate weakness: superior; without heavy details; informalityThe role of D in a team1 provide advice2 put forward criticism and help to draw the opposite opinion3, put forward new views on the already formed action plan5 diplomat RI (Resourc

27、e Investigator)A features: outgoing personality; enthusiastic; curious; wide range; well-informedB positive qualities: the ability to reach out to a wide range of contacts; to explore new things; to meet new challengesC can tolerate weakness: but, interest transfer immediatelyThe role of D in a team

28、1 make recommendations and introduce external information2 an individual or group that holds other views3 participate in the nature of consultations6 supervisor ME (Monitor uator)A features: sobriety; sanity; discretionB positive characteristics: strong judgment, resolution, practical;The weakness t

29、hat C can tolerate: the lack of the ability to agitate and inspire others; and it is not easy for others to agitate and stimulate themselvesThe role of D in a team1 analyze problems and situations2 simplify complex materials and clarify obscure ones3 evaluate other peoples judgments and actions7 agg

30、lomerate TW (Team Worker)A typical features: good interpersonal skills; gentle; sensitiveB positive features: ability to adapt to the environment and people; to promote team cooperationCs weakness to tolerate: indecision at times of dangerThe role of D in a team1 give support to others and help othe

31、rs2 break the silence in the discussion3 take action to reverse or overcome differences in the team8 perfectionist FI (Finisher)A typical features: diligence, order, earnest, sense of urgencyB positive characteristics: idealists; the pursuit of perfection; perseveranceC can tolerate weaknesses: ofte

32、n adhere to the details; easy anxiety; not free and easyThe role of D in a team1 emphasizes the objectives, requirements and schedule of activities2 look for and point out errors, omissions, and neglected items in the program3 stimulate others to participate in activities and prompt team members to feel the urge to be pressed for timeIt should be noted that some people may score as much in two or three roles, which is permissible. What part can you play?


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