On the efficient classroom of high school math in the new curriculum(高效课堂的高中数学新课程).doc

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1、 On the efficient classroom of high school math in the new curriculum Abstract: The efficient classroom is the highest state of effective classroom, efficient classroom-based and efficient teaching. With the implementation of the new curriculum in the province, the requirements to fully open the who

2、le course, reduce the burden of students in teaching practice, inefficient classroom has been a major problem in our high school math teacher teaching to improve the efficiency of classroom, from the following aspects were discussed: 1. the creation of life problem scenarios, efforts to stimulate st

3、udents interest; problem is the soul of mathematics teaching; Using a variant training in teaching methods, to improve students knowledge of the absorption rate. Keywords: new curriculum, efficient and high school mathematics classroom Rolling craze of the new high school curriculum to read through

4、the curriculum standards, the old and new standards are a constant theme: “The classroom teaching of Interaction between teachers and students and between students and common development process. Classroom teaching students learn in school during the main front of the scientific and cultural knowled

5、ge, is the main way for students to acquire knowledge and skills mathematics teaching in addition to the above effects, there is a more important role in the learning of mathematics can exercise the students thinking ability. “Meanwhile, the new curriculum standards for high school math that: to enr

6、ich students learning styles, improve student learning is the basic idea of the new high school mathematics course to pursue, independent thinking, self-exploration, hands-on practice, cooperation and exchange, reading self-study are to study mathematics an important way to the new curriculum reform

7、, reform of the central problem is the classroom reform, guide students to effective learning and create efficient classroom has become a hot topic under the new curriculum. Here to talk about my points in the new curriculum of high school math teaching practice: First, the creation of the life of t

8、he problem situation, and efforts to stimulate students interest A good beginning is half the battle. Teachers as the mastermind of a good lesson, one of its main tasks is the creation of attractive learning situation, so that each learner for himself, recalling the tragic, as it relates to students

9、 concentrate on lectures of the class can proceed smoothly. For example, I lecture on “bifacial, straight-line” concept of teaching, let the students find the two is neither parallel nor intersecting straight and tell the students like these two lines is called the straight lines of different surfac

10、e in the rectangular model and graphics. then proposed, “What is the problem of the bifacial linear” to enable students to discuss with each other, try to narrative, after repeated amendments and supplements obtained concise, accurate, precise definition of: “We are different in any two lines on a p

11、lane called the bifacial straight line. “Based on this, let the students to identify different surface in a straight line in the classroom or rectangular, and finally to the plane for the background to draw a straight line of different surface graphics students after the above process, the concept o

12、f the coplanar line with a clear teaching understanding, but also experienced the concept of the experience of the development process. For example, I teach the concept of “dichotomy” design the CCTV Lucky 52 part television program “phone valuation issues specific to this design: 500-1000 yuan to t

13、he approximate range of fixed phone price first, and then allow students to guess the price based on life experience students answered 750 yuan, I said high, then the price will be 500 to 750 yuan, the students answered 625 yuan, and I said high, then the price will be $ 500 650 . after several comp

14、romise and gradually approaching the method for students to get the approximate price of the phone, yielded to me that this method is called dichotomy mathematics, and then let the students try to narrative, drawn concise, accurate and rigorous definition. Imagine this context, can not help stimulat

15、e students curiosity, could not stimulate students intellectual curiosity? students can combine their own life experiences to make judgments, learning process is full of pleasant exercise the students thinking ability. Good problem situation is to communicate with teachers, textbooks and students of

16、 the three links “paving stones”, is the “kindling” ignite the thinking of the students each lesson Lead is to organize a class to mobilize the students enthusiasm in the key and we but often overlooked this point, this is bound to affect the students as early as possible into the learning state. Se

17、cond, the problem is the soul of mathematics teaching I consider the “problem” is the soul of mathematics teacher before class should default each teaching guidance, and in accordance with the new problems generated by the students in the classroom adjustment, restructuring, flexible organization of

18、 teaching in which teachers Questioning is particularly important, it can open the students knowledge of the sunroof but asked what in the mathematics classroom? ask? My personal view is: One coaching at a critical place to ask questions. That is the purpose of asking questions is to allow students

19、to express their thought process, in other words to see the students thinking behind things. POMPOUS questions such as “is not” there “, it sounds lively, in fact, students did not how thinking, amounting to less than the real purpose of learning mathematics. Such as the study of the function concep

20、t, our review review general there are two kinds of questions: one is to ask students “we learn a function which” the other is ask students “life function? An example”. Obviously, the first quite superficial, and how thinking of the students do not need, in order to answer the second, students have

21、a lot of thinking, consider the examples is a function, and thus to understand the function of real purpose. Two questions have to note the following: (1 to ask questions, to give the students to stay a certain amount of time to think. (2) of the problem to be concise, accurate, step by step. (3 iss

22、ues have inspired. Share free paper download the center http:/mathematics classroom questioning, there are many specific ways, methods, need to be teachers in teaching practice to explore the use of good questions can stimulate students to explore mathematical problems of interest, activate students

23、 thinking, good question, we need teachers to do the caring people, to be located on the focus at the key at the problems at this, will be able to fully mobilize the thinking of the students each a nerve, you can greatly improve the efficiency of the mathematics classroom teaching. Third, the use of

24、 variable training in teaching methods, to enhance students knowledge of the absorption rate Problem solving instruction, teachers can use a Variant to change the subject conditions or conclusions, conclusions and conditions reversed to reveal the conditions, the link between the objectives of the l

25、ink between the methods in problem-solving ideas and laws in order to foster student association, transformation, reasoning, inductive thinking skills to explore. Thinking training for problem solving instruction, and change is a very effective way to change training from different angles to change

26、the subject, the formation process of reflection after solving, induction of the same type of problem solving thinking and methods adopted by changing the conditions, can allow students to make the right analysis to meet different conditions; by changing the conclusions, the students reasoning and t

27、hinking ability to explore, and to improve students knowledge of the absorption rate. problem solving variant is divided into problem-solving method variant with the kinds of questions variant. variant of the problem-solving method is sometimes referred to as “a question and multiple solutions for t

28、his variant of the kinds of questions, for example to illustrate. << Oval and its standard equation >> Example 3: Given a circle centered at the origin of coordinates, a radius of 2 from the circle at any point P to the X-axis vertical segment of PP1, the demand segment the PP1 midpoint

29、M track. “can into this topic: The variant known to a circle the center of the circle as the origin of coordinates, a radius of 2 from the circle at any point P to the Y-axis vertical segment of PP1, find the locus of the midpoint M of segment PP1. The variant known to a circle the center of the cir

30、cle as the origin of coordinates, a radius of 2 from the circle at any point P to the axis of the vertical segment of PP1 request the line PP1 midpoint M of the trajectory equation. Variant known to the equation of an ellipse, the ellipse at any point P to the x-axis perpendicular segment of PP1, se

31、eking segments PP1 midpoint M trajectory. 4 variant known equation of an ellipse, the ellipse at any point P to the axis of the vertical segment of PP1, PP1 midpoint M the trajectory equation of seeking segments. 1 is the imitation of the example, the purpose is to familiarize students with the use

32、of intermediate variables Method track, 2 The purpose is to enable students to become more familiar with the intermediate variables and track, and step-by-step discussion; four variants are intended to enable students to acquire and track the use of intermediate variables method. Change training, th

33、e nature of the seemingly boring, Theorem layers of anatomy, the nature of revealed itself to be a problem by the conclusions of Lenovo, analyze, explore, and ultimately meaningful conclusions implied derived by changing the conditions, the same conclusion can be drawn by the different conditions to

34、 identify the links between different knowledge and rules of understanding of the relationship between the original proposition the converse proposition, conclusions and conditions of the exchange, deepen the proposition Discrimination of true and false, it is more important is to change teaching st

35、udents to dare to think, dare to Lenovo, the courage to doubt quality, develop students independent research ability and innovative spirit. change teaching our students in the infinite changes in taste of the charm of mathematics, in a graceful evolution to experience the joy of mathematics, for stu

36、dents to use the limited time to create unlimited benefits. In short, classroom teachers and students of the bilateral activities to improve the quality of high school mathematics classroom teaching, we must foster the teacher is the dominant students is the main dialectical point of view, a warm at

37、mosphere for learning, by virtue of mathematical thinking, flexibility, use of the characteristics of strong, well-designed lesson plans, focusing on the cultivation of students excellent quality of thinking, change from passive to active, change to learn to learn as will, so we will be able to impart knowledge and cultivate the ability of the purpose of a multiplier effect. Share free paper download center http:/11


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