脂溶性维生素(Fat soluble vitamins).doc

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1、脂溶性维生素(Fat soluble vitamins)Daiwenzi500 assistant small two | news (2) | | I know my Encyclopedia | Baidu home page | exitNews page bar, know MP3 pictures, videos, encyclopedia LibraryHelp setHome, natural, cultural, geographical, historical, social, artistic, character, economic, scientific, sports

2、, dream of the Red ChamberThe Champions LeagueCore userFat soluble vitaminsDefinition of scientific and technical termsFat soluble vitamins lipid-soluble vitamin; fat-soluble vitamin definition: dissolved in organic solvents and insoluble in water of a class of vitamins. Vitamin A, vitamin D, vitami

3、n E and vitamin K are included. Subjects: biochemistry and Molecular Biology (first level discipline), hormones and vitamins (two disciplines)This content is examined and approved by the national science and technology term examination and Approval Committeemedical aircraftFat soluble vitaminsA comp

4、ound consisting of a long hydrocarbon chain or dense ring. Fat soluble vitamins, including vitamin A, D, E and K, all contain a ring structure and a long, aliphatic hydrocarbon chain, although each of these four vitamins has at least one polar group but is highly hydrophobic. Certain fat soluble vit

5、amins are not precursors of coenzyme, and can be used by organisms without chemical modification. This kind of vitamin can be stored by animals.Catalogbrief introductionClassification introductionEdit this paragraphbrief introductionEnglish translationLipid soluble vitaminEdit this paragraphClassifi

6、cation introductionVitamin AVitamin A, also known as anti dry eye alcohol, there are two kinds of A1 and A2, A1 is retinol, A2 is 3-, retinol dehydrogenase, activity is half of the former. The liver is the place where vitamin A is stored.Carotenoids in plants are precursors of VA, a beta carotene mo

7、lecule that catalyzes the addition of two molecules of water to one oxidase and breaks down into two molecules, VA1. This process is carried out in the small intestine mucosa. Carotenoids also include alpha carotene, gamma carotene, lycopene, lutein, etc. the first three kinds of water add a molecul

8、e VA1, and the latter two do not produce VA1.Vitamin A is associated with dark vision. Under the action of vitamin A in alcohol dehydrogenase into retinaldehyde, 11- CIS retinal and opsin lysine amino composed of rhodopsin rhodopsin in the light decomposition into trans retinal and opsin, secretly r

9、e synthesis, forming a visual cycle. Vitamin A deficiency can lead to visual impairment that dark night blindness. Edible liver and green vegetables can be treated. Trans - trans trans - retinoic acid is mainly converted into 11- cis - yellow in the liver. Therefore, Chinese medicine thinks that the

10、 liver is connected with the eye.Vitamin A has a lot of uses, but it is difficult to study because animals lacking vitamin A are susceptible to infection. Steroid hormones are known to decrease in the absence of vitamin A because vitamin A is required for its one-step hydroxylation to the precursor

11、synthesis. In addition, the lack of vitamin A reduces the number of epidermal cells and increases the number of keratinocytes. Some people think that because vitamin A is related to cell division and differentiation, some people think that vitamin A is related to the synthesis of mucopolysaccharide

12、and glycoprotein and can be used as a monosaccharide carrier. Vitamin A is also associated with transferrin synthesis, immunity, antioxidant, and so on.Vitamin A can promote the proliferation and growth of cells, protect the integrity and health of the epithelial tissue of all organs, and maintain n

13、ormal vision. Can promote the growth of young raccoons, the normal skeletal development and increase of various infectious disease resistance, the formation is also involved in sex hormones, improve the reproductive ability. Lack of vitamin A, can cause young raccoons growth stagnation, skin and muc

14、ous epithelium seriously horny, seriously affecting fertility, and fur quality, more content in animal feed in vitamin A, such as fish, fish, whales scrap liver, dairy, eggs etc. Raccoon dog every day for the supply of 8001000 international units, in the supplementation of vitamin A at the same time

15、, the appropriate increase of fat and vitamin E, can improve the utilization rate of the base.Excessive intake of vitamin A can cause poisoning, can cause pain, hepatosplenomegaly, nausea and diarrhea and other symptoms of squamous dermatitis. Large consumption of polar bear liver or halibut liver c

16、an cause poisoning.Vitamin DVitamin D, also known as calcium alcohol and anti rickets vitamins, is a steroid derivative, containing cyclopentane, multi hydrogen, phenanthrene structure. Can be taken directly, but also by the original vitamin D by ultraviolet radiation transformation. Vegetable oil a

17、nd yeast ergosterol into D2 (ergocalciferol), 7- dehydrocholesterol animal subcutaneous into D3 (cholecalciferol).Vitamin D is associated with calcification of animal bones. Calcification requires adequate calcium and phosphorus, the ratio should be between 1:1 and 2:1, but also the presence of vita

18、min D. Its function is to maintain the normal metabolism of calcium and phosphorus, and thus play a very important role in the normal development of bones. In the absence of it, cartilage disease can not only occur, but also hinder the growth, and seriously affect the reproductive function. Vitamin

19、D is mainly supplied by cod liver oil, and also contains a part of animal liver, milk and eggs. Vitamin D can be supplied at least 10050 IU per day.Vitamin D3 is first hydroxylated in the liver to form 25- hydroxy vitamin D3, which is then hydroxylated in the kidney to produce 1,25- (OH) 2-D3. The s

20、econd hydroxylation is strictly controlled, usually producing only inactive 24 - bit hydroxylation products, which are secreted only when serum calcium is low, making 1- hydroxylase active. 1,25- (OH 2-D3) is a hormone secreted by renal cortex, role in intestinal mucosal cells and bone cells, and sy

21、nthetic receptors after initiation of calcium binding protein, so as to promote the mobilization and absorption of calcium and phosphorus and bone in the small intestine of calcium and phosphorus deposition.Vitamin D content in food less, while the lack of ultraviolet radiation is prone to fracture.

22、 Hepatobiliary disease, nephropathy, or certain drugs also inhibit hydroxylation. Excessive intake also causes poisoning, resulting in migration of calcification, resulting in calcification of the kidney, heart, pancreas, uterus and synovium. High blood calcium can also cause kidney stones, while th

23、e bones are loose and softened by calcium.Vitamin EVitamin E, also known as tocopherol, anti infertility vitamins. Containing a 6- hydroxyl ring and a 16 alkane side chain, a total of 8 species with different substituents in their color rings. Alpha tocopherol has the highest activity.The non - sapo

24、nification portions found in vegetables, wheat germ, and vegetable oils are essential for animal growth. Muscle degeneration may also occur in the absence of muscle. Tocopherol is very easy to oxidize and is a good fat soluble antioxidant. It can clear free radicals, protect unsaturated fatty acids

25、and biological macromolecules, maintain the integrity of biological membranes and delay senility.Vitamin E is scarce and less toxic. Premature birth deficiency causes hemolytic anemia, which results in a short lifetime of red blood cells, but not anemia.It is an effective antioxidant, has a protecti

26、ve effect on vitamin A in fat metabolism, maintain the normal function of endocrine cells, the normal development, improve the reproductive performance, the lack of the main symptoms of vitamin E are: female raccoon dog is pregnant, but the fetus will die soon and be absorbed; semen quality decline.

27、 Raccoon, sperm motility decreased, the decrease in the number of, or even disappear, in addition, due to the fat metabolism barrier, urine dampness, vitamin E, the supply of hair growth period and a young raccoon raccoon dog breeding period was the highest, every day for the supply of 3 5 mg, other

28、 time can be reduced, the embryo contains plant seed rich in vitamin E.Vitamin KVitamin K is also called anti hemorrhagic vitamin. Is to maintain the normal coagulation of blood necessary substances, natural vitamin K has K1, K2 two kinds, all by 2- methyl, -1,4-, naphthalene and terpene side chain.

29、 The synthetic K3 has no side chain. K1 mainly in green plants, K2 in microorganisms, synthetic vitamin K, namely methyl naphthoquinone, known as vitamin K3, vitamin K deficiency is a rare raccoon, but gastrointestinal disorder or long-term use of antibiotics to inhibit the synthesis of vitamin K on

30、 intestinal microflora, occasionally have vitamin K deficiency symptoms, oral gingival gums, nasal bleeding, blood coagulation time, bake it with dark red blood, visible throughout the gastrointestinal mucosal bleeding at necropsy, to ensure the supply of fresh vegetables can prevent vitamin K defic

31、iency in common feed.Vitamin K is involved in the gamma carboxylation of glutamic acid residues in proteins.Coagulation factor II, VII, IX, X peptide in glutamic acid residues in the translation process, catalyzed by protein carboxylase, a gamma carboxy glutamic acid (Gla). These two carboxyl groups

32、 can be complexed with calcium ions, which is important for the transportation and regulation of calcium. The clotting factor is associated with calcium and combines calcium with phospholipids to form a complex that exerts coagulation function. These clotting factors are called vitamin K dependent c

33、lotting factors.Vitamin K deficiency is often associated with bleeding tendency. Neonatal, long-term use of antibiotics or malabsorption can cause deficiency.Extended reading:OneBiochemistryOpen classification:Biochemistry, vitamins, biochemistry and molecular biology, fat soluble vitamins, hormones

34、 and vitaminsIll improve the fat soluble vitamins:Antibiotics, linoleic acid, lipid, vitamin deficiency, fatty acids, trace elements, hemicellulose, fatty acids, linolenic acid, water soluble vitaminsBaidu encyclopedia entry content is for reference only, if you need to solve specific problems (espe

35、cially in the legal, medical and other fields), I suggest you consult the relevant field professionals.Daiwenzi500 assistant small two | news (2) | | I know my Encyclopedia | Baidu home page | exitNews page bar, know MP3 pictures, videos, encyclopedia LibraryHelp setHome, natural, cultural, geograph

36、ical, historical, social, artistic, character, economic, scientific, sports, dream of the Red ChamberThe Champions LeagueCore userWater soluble vitaminsDefinition of scientific and technical termsWater soluble vitamin water-soluble vitamin: a group of vitamins dissolved in water. These include multi

37、vitamins, B, and some other vitamins (such as vitamin C and vitamin P). Most can act as a component of the coenzyme. Subjects: biochemistry and Molecular Biology (first level discipline), hormones and vitamins (two disciplines)This content is examined and approved by the national science and technol

38、ogy term examination and Approval Committeemedical aircraftWater soluble vitamin E acetateVitamins (water-soluble) is a group of vitamins that can dissolve in water and is often a component of the coenzyme or prosthetic group. Mainly includes Vitamin B1, vitamin B2 and vitamin C and so on. A class o

39、f organic molecules that are soluble in water. These include B vitamins and ascorbic acid (vitamin C), which play an important role in enzyme catalysis.Catalogbrief introductionVitamin BVitamin COther vitaminsOpenEdit this paragraphbrief introduction(water-soluble, vitamins)Water soluble vitamins ar

40、e often part of the coenzyme or prosthetic group.Water soluble vitamin EMainly includes Vitamin B1, vitamin B2 and vitamin C and so on. A class of organic molecules that are soluble in water. These include B vitamins and ascorbic acid (vitamin C), which play an important role in enzyme catalysis.Edi

41、t this paragraphVitamin BVitamin B1Thiamine. Consisting of a substituted thiazole ring and a substituted pyrimidine ring, because of the sulfur in thiazole rings,Chemical formula of water soluble vitamin B1 (thiamine)The pyrimidine ring is named after amino substitution. Thats what Funk found, vitam

42、ine. Thiamine react with ATP to form its active form: thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP), that is, decarboxylation of coenzyme. In its molecule, the carbon atom between nitrogen and sulfur is lively and easy to dehydrogenation. The resulting negative carbon ions have nucleophilic catalysis. Carboxylation

43、of coa as acyl carrier, is a cofactor alpha keto acid decarboxylase, cofactor is transketolase, plays an important role in glucose metabolism. Thiamine deficiency leads to impaired glucose metabolism, the pyruvate and lactate levels in the blood increased, effects of nerve tissue and beriberi. The m

44、ain manifestations of muscle weakness, atrophy, heavy legs, lower extremity edema, heart failure and so on. It may be the lack of TPP that affects the energy and conduction of the nerve. Thiamine is abundant in brown rice, rape, pig liver, fish and lean meat. But in the destruction of B1 enzyme cont

45、aining raw fish, coffee, cocoa, tea and other factors beverages also contain damage B1.Maintain the normal function of circulation, digestion, nerve and muscle; adjust gastrointestinal function; constitute decarboxylase coenzyme, participate in sugar metabolism; can prevent beriberi.Vitamin B2Also c

46、alled riboflavin. Riboflavin is the condensation of promethazine with nuclear alcohol and is the prosthetic group of the flavin protein.Chemical formula of water soluble vitamin B2 (riboflavin)It has two active forms, one is flavin mononucleotide (FMN), and the other is flavin adenine dinucleotide (

47、FAD). Here, riboflavin is regarded as a nucleoside, that is, it is considered base, and nuclear alcohol is thought to be ribose.Isoalloxazin N1, N10 can reversibly bind to a hydrogen atom, so can be used as a redox carrier, an auxiliary base variety of flavoprotein, three in tricarboxylic acid cycle

48、 and oxidative phosphorylation, alpha keto acid decarboxylation, beta oxidation, amino acid deamination, purine oxidation process transfer of hydrogen and electric effect.Mainly from food intake, such as cereals, soybeans, pig liver, meat, eggs, milk, etc., can also be synthesized by intestinal bacteria. In winter, the northern part of the lack of sunlight, plant synthesis of V-B2 is also less, often angular cheilitis. The lack of V-B2 can also cause oral ulcers, glossitis, cheilitis and anemia.These are the components of ma


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