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1、he second period一 教学说明1 通过第一课时的学习,学生能用Good morning. How do you do? How are you? 来问候和交流。1 过了解发现班中有6名同学在入学前曾系统地学过2到3年的英语, 16名学生学过一些简单的英语单词和句子。8名同学从未接触过英语。因此, 学生在起始年级就已经出现了知识的分化。二 教学内容1 认知内容:1) 学会用book, bag, pencil-box 等单词来表述单词。2) 能听懂指令: Stand up, please. Sit down, please. 并能做出反应。3)学会祈使句: Open your _.

2、Close your _. 并能用所学的单词结合本句型给出指令。2. 能力要求: 学会用祈使句来表述自己的意愿。3 情感态度: 能礼貌地使用祈使句三 教学步骤ProceduresContentsMethodsPurpose1.Pre-task preparation1warmerPs: Sing the song: 通过歌曲帮助学生复习已有知识,并让学生快速进入学习状态。2GreetingsGood morning.How are you?How do you do?1. T: Greet the children with a handshake or embrace.2. Encourag

3、e the children to great each other.在师生之间,学生之间的问候交流时,完成了对上节课知识的复习。3Listen and act1 T: Ask the children to listen and follow the teacher. Now lets do some exercises. Hands up. Hands dwon. Legs up. Legs down. Arms up. Arms down. Stand up. Stand down.2 T: Stand up, please. Sit down, Please. Teacher repe

4、ats several times and asks the children to stand up and sit down.请小朋友跟着老师“听听做做”。即可加大语言输入量,又加深学生对up, down的感知。 在听听做做中感知句子的含义。While-task procedure1. Introduction new wordsbag book 1. Listen and try to follow the English song . 2. To elicit the new words: book, bag.玩偶借助歌曲,以边听边唱的形式引出本课新单词。2.Imitationbagb

5、ook1. Ask children to follow the new words.2. Encourage the individuals to change their voices and say the words. 3. Read the words.学生通过机械模仿熟悉新单词。在跟读之后,出示单词,进行认读。3Learn the word:pencil-box.1. T: Guess. Whats in the bag? To elicit the word: pencil-box.2. Say and read the wordpencil-box是学生最常见的文具,所以做为拓

6、展单词教学。4Consolidationbag, bookpencil-box1. Look at the picture and say the words2. Read the words3. Match the pictures and words4. Quick responseT: Take your bookPs: Take my book. ( Raise their books).通过单词和图片的配对,培养学生认读能力对单词进行复习和巩固,为下面新授句型打好基础。5. Introduction: Open your_ Close your_1. Teacher does the

7、 actions and say the following sentences:Open the door.Close the door.Open the window.Close the window.Open your book.Close your book.Open your bag.Close your bag.通过教师的语言和动作,让小朋友充分感知close和open两词的含义。6. Imitation:Open your_Close your_1. T: Ask pupils to follow2. T: Ask children to follow the sentences

8、 with the gesture3. Encourage the pupils to change the sentences with other wordsEg. Open your pencil-boxClose your school bag学生通过机械性的模仿,熟悉新句型的基本结构和表达方式。动作可以加深学生对这对动词反义词的记忆和区分。把操练活动带入意义性操练阶段。7. ActivityWho is the best little teacher? 1. Ask some more able pupils to order the commands. The others try

9、 to follow and act.Eg. P1:Open your bookP2:Open my book.2. Choose the best little teacher, award him/her a star.这样的活动为学生创设了一个鲜活的语言环境。即充分调动了more able students表现英语的欲望,又给其他同学多一些练习的机会。8. Lets act1. Read page 2 after the tape.2. Encourage the children to act it out with the deskmates.通过同学间的合作、互助,努力缓解差异造成

10、的成效不一。Post-task activity1Game: Simon Says.1. T: Order the commandsPs: Do the action2. Do the pair-work通过游戏巩固所学句型。2 Song.(P6)Sing the song together.Assignment四 Read page 2 after the tape五 Act P2 with the friends or parents.四教学提示1. 媒体准备:单词卡片,图片,书,包,铅笔盒,录音机2. 教学关注点:a)本课成对出现的动词反义词: open/close stand up/s

11、it down 学生学习时容易混淆动词的含义。 建议学生在练习这些动词和句子时配上动作加以记忆和区分。b)注意纠正学生说句子时的语音语调, 防止拖音现象的发生。c)注意让学生在一定的情景中学习,使用祈使句。d)注意整体认读单词:pen, pencil, pencil-box3. 设计思路:a)对本课中教授的两组祈使句,没有面面俱到,而是做了详略处理。对于Stand up please. Sit down, please这样的日常课堂用语,只要多用就会了,所以不必花大量的时间在机械训练上。所以本课时只做感知和理解的要求。b)在引出两组祈使句时,教师有意识地输入大量的句子。既有助于学生对新句子的理解,又扩大了课堂英语输入量。4教学反思:本课对学生能力拓展的训练不够。如有条件的话,可设计一些生活化的情景让小朋友灵活运用所学句型。


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