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1、8八年级(下)unit 2复习试卷一、 中英互译1.嘲笑_ 2.来自全国各地_ 3.有麻烦的_ 4.使。陷入麻烦_ 5. be delighted with _ 6.幽默的_ 7.wonder_ 8. amusement_ 9.飞机场_ 10.艺术家_二、单词拼写: 1. Its s to do such an easy problem wrongly.2. Babies need p of sleep.3. He looks sad. He f the English exam .4. Davinci(达芬奇) was a great a .5. Tom is so c_ that he m

2、ade many mistakes in the exams.三.完成句子:1.我们想出了一个解决问题的办法。We a way to manage the problem.2. 这场大火使整个工厂陷入麻烦。The big fire the factory .3.请不要嘲笑残疾人。Please dont the disabled.4.来自世界各地的人应该友好地相处。People should get on well with each other.5.独自一人在这条河里游泳是危险的.Its alone in this river.6.有些学生认为英语很难学.Some students think

3、 English .7.这部电影值得一看. The film .8.让我们去找些美味的东西吃吧. Lets go to find to eat. 八年级下册Unit 3期末复习题 一、 中英对译1. 不但而且_ 2.给某人留下深刻的印象 3. 关掉 4、和某人交朋友 5. make money 6. take off 7. bump into 8 .be going to do something 9. 值得 10.一两个星期 二、根据给出的首字母补全单词,使句子的意思完整。1、 What was your first i of Beijing?2、 V from all over the w

4、orld come here to see the Great Wall.3、I like seeing films. M y dream is to become a m star.4、The film was so m_ that we all cried.5、It is useful for us to learn a f_ language, for example, English.三、完成句子;1、 新的哈利波特电影真的很精彩,值的一看。The new Harry Potter film is really wonderful and it .2、中国的传统服饰给美国访客留下了深刻得印象。The traditional Chinese clothes _ _the American visitors.3.我来这里是为了工作, 不是为了玩。 Im here for work, not _ _.4.我和我的哥哥都擅长画画。 Both _ my brother _ I_ good at drawing.5.他说他和那里的人们相处很好。 He _ _he _ _ _people there.


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