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1、The review of “the Object Clause”授课班级:初 三( 1)班 授课 教师:李旭萍 2010.3.29教学设计教学内容 The review of “the Object Clause ” 设计理念 以一首英文歌 As long as you love me 导入复习的语法内容,利用 whisper game 引出 6 个句子。让学生对宾语从句进行从操练到改错和总结构成的过程。调动学生积极性,扩大课堂参与性。 然后通过简短的介绍结合图片激发学生的 好奇心并对阅读内容进行问题设置,对宾语从句进行口头上的运用。在阅读理解的基础上让学生两两完成对话进一步进行宾语从句的读

2、写说的练习。最后通过习题落实到中考的该语法内容的考察项目。教学活动任务明确,条理清楚,尽可能地创设真实环境下的语言运用和中考考点的相结合。同时引导学生主动思考,对学生的金钱价值观进行正面引导。 教学目标 知识目标 通过复习操练使 95% 的学生能熟练掌握宾语从句的构成和用法。 技能目标 大部分学生能够用宾语从句提问,表达,并能在中考的相关模拟题的练习中选出正确的答案。 情感目标 1. 让学生思考什么是正确的金钱价值观,并进行正面引导。 2. 通过小组活动锻炼学生交际能力,加强学生之间的交流与合作,形成互帮互助的学习氛围。 教学重点 复习宾语从句的结构和用法。 教学难点 熟练准确地运用宾语从句进

3、行口头和书面的提问和表达。 突破途径 :通过活动,情境设置和中考练兵,多角度训练学生演练宾语从句,达到完成任务的目的。 教学资源 PPT 课件 板书设计 出现的问题。(灵活) 教学步骤 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 Step 1 Leading-in Play a song by Back Street Boys Ask :What are we going to review this class? 1 Listen and fill in the blanks. 2. Check the answers and answer the question. 激趣并引出复习内容。 Step2 S

4、umming-up 1. Show the students how to play the game : whisper 2. Organize the activity. 3. Help the students check the answer. 4. Help the students sum up the rules. 5. Show the rules of the Object Clause. 1. Listen to the teacher and understand how to play the game. 2. Play the game. 3. Finish the

5、Object Clause. 4. Talk about the rules of the Object Clause in groups. 5. To sum up the rules of the Object Clause. 在游戏中运用宾语从句,通过改错总结语法规则。 Step 3 Reading , speaking and writing. 1. Show several pictures of Hetty Greens and introduce her to students and arouse their interest. 2. Ask the students: Wha

6、t do you want to know about her? 3. Tell them to read the passage and find the answer. 4. Have the students do the interview and help them correct the mistakes. 5. Suppose you are Hetty Greens son, What will you ask your mother? 6 compare with Bill Gates. To be a helpful and useful person. 1. Ask so

7、me questions about the pictures, beginning with : I want to know (the Object Clause) 2 . Read the passage and answer the questions. 3. Complete the dialogue according to the passage. 4 Work in pairs to do the interview. 5. Make a dialogue between Hetty Green and her son. 6. Think about: Is money ver

8、y important? Is money the most important? (Money is something important, but money isnt everything) 创设情景,通过说和写练习宾语从句,实现语言在真实语境中的运用并达到熟练运用。同时对学生进行正确金钱观念的引导。 Step4 Exercises (consolidate and test) Ask the students to finish the exercises and check the answers. Finish the exercises, then correct the mi

9、stakes. 通过练习检测落实情况。 Homework Read the dialogue then complete the answers. 本节课的特色: 1、 通过一首歌作为导入,容易引起学生的兴趣。 2、 以游戏的形式展现 6 个典型性的句子。完成从改写,讨论达到总结构成的过程。 3、 设置情景,创设真实环境下的语法运用。 附学生资料 The Object Clause 1. Listen to the song and fill in the blanks. As Long As You Love Me 只要你爱我就好 Backstreet Boys I dont care _

10、Where _ What _ As long as you love me who _ _ Dont care _ As long as you love me 2. Read the passage. The Richest , Meanest Woman in the World-Hetty Green 世界上最富有、最吝啬的女人 Henrietta ( Hetty ) Green was a very spoilt (被宠坏的),only child.She was born in Massachusetts, USA, in 1835. Her father was a million

11、aire businessman .Her mother was often ill,and so from the age of two her father took her with him to work and taught her about stocks and shares ( 股票与参股 ). At the age of six she started reading the daily financial (财政的) newspapers and she opened her own bank account (帐户) . Her father died when she

12、was 21 and she inherited 7.5million.She went to New York and invested( 投资 ) on Wall Street.Hetty saved every penny,eating in the cheapest restaurants for 15 cents.She became one of the richest and most hated women in the world .She was called The Witch of Wall Street .At 33 she married Edward Green,

13、a multimillionaire (千万富豪), and had two children.Ned and Sylvia Hettys meanness was well-known.She always argued about prices in shops She walked to the local grocery store to buy broken cookies ( biscuits ) which were much cheaper, and to get a free bone for her much-loved dog, Dewey.Once she lost a

14、 two-cent stamp and spent the night looking for it She never bought clothes and always wore the same long.ragged black skirt. Worst of all,when her son Ned fell and injured his knee, she refused to pay for a doctor and spent hours looking for free medical help. In the end Neds leg was cut off . When

15、 she died in 1916,she left her children 100million ( worth 9 3billion today ).Her daughter built a hospital with her money. 3. Suppose ( 假设 ) Hetty Green comes to China, youre a reporter from New Standard and have a chance to interview her. Work in pairs, complete the following dialogue. Reporter :

16、Im very glad to meet you. May I ask you some questions? Hetty : Sure. Reporter : Could you tell me _? Hetty : I was born in Massachusetts, USA, in 1835. Reporter : Could you tell me_? Hetty : Yes, I got married at 33. Reporter : Could you tell me_? Hetty : Edward Green. Reporter : Could you tell me_

17、? Hetty : Two, Ned and Sylvia. Reporter : Could you tell me_? Hetty : I inherited $7.5 million from my father, invested on Wall Street and saved every penny( 分 ). Reporter : Thank you very much. Test: Name _ Score _ Choose the right answer. 1 Do you know _ now? -In the Peoples Hotel. (07 中考) A where

18、 is Tom working B where did Tom work C where Tom is working D where Tom worked 2 Do you know _ for Shanghai last night? -At 9:oo.(08 中考) A. what time he leaves B what time does he leave C what time he left D what time did he leave 3 Can you tell me _? - She is in the computer lab.(09 中考) A where Lin

19、da was B where is Linda C where was Linda D where Linda is 4 Mr. Wang didnt tell us ten years ago. (朝阳 09 1 模) A. where he worked B. where did he work C. where he works D. where does he work 5 I need to go to the bank. Could you tell me _? Its just on the corner. (东城 09 1 ) A. where is it B. where i

20、t is C. where it was D. where was it 6 Do you know _ the MP3 player last week? - Sorry, I have no idea. (海淀 09 1 模) A how much did she pay for B. how much will she pay for C. how much she paid for D. how much she will pay for 7 Everybody wants to know_. He is fine. ( 东城 09 2 模) A what does he feel B

21、. what he feels C. how does he feel D. how he feels 8 Could you tell me _find Ann, please? Yes. She is in the library. ( 丰台 09 2 模) A. where I can B. where can I C. where I could D. where could I 9 What did the policeman say to you just now? He asked when the accident happened.( 朝阳 09 2 模 ) A. what

22、I was doing B. what was I doing C. what I am doing D. what am I doing 10 We didnt know _, so we gave it to the police.( 海淀 09 2 模 ) A. whose wallet it is B. whose wallet was it C. whose wallet is it D. whose wallet it was 完成句子: 1 你能和同学们相处融洽,我很高兴。(朝阳 09 一模 ) that you can get on well with your classma

23、tes. 2 恐怕我得早点起床了。 ( 海淀 09 一模 ) Im _ . 3 我认为他的家长不会阻止他帮助我学习英语 .( 东城 09 一模 ) I_ my English. 4 我认为冬天总是关着窗户不利于你的健康。(西城 09 二模) I dont think it _ in winter. 5 我想我们应该阻止人们在公共场所吸烟。 ( 海淀 09 二模 ) I think we should _ in public places. Complete the dialogue. A: Hello. B: Hello. Is John there please? A: No, hes no

24、t here right now. B: This is Mark. Johns classmate from university. A: Oh. Hi, Mark. B: Do you happen to know where _? A: He said _. B: Do you know when _? A: He told me _ by oclock. Can I take a message? B: Yes. Please tell him theres a party tonight. And could you tell him to call me when he comes

25、 back? A: Sure. Does he know what _? B: Im at home right now. My number is 250-684-3234. A: Its all right. Ill tell him you called. B: Thanks a lot. Bye. 形容词比较级最高级教学设计上课教师 史春媛 学生年级 初三 课题 复习形容词和副词的比较级最高级 课时 1 课时 一、设计思想 本节课以新课标指导思想为理论依据,主要体现在以下几个方面: 1、突出学生在课堂中的主体作用 , 培养和引导学生运用基本学习策略。学生的发展是英语课程的出发点和归宿。

26、课程实施应该是学生在教师的引导下构建知识、提高技能,进而发展其综合语言运用能力。本节课通过从形式到内容的教学活动,引领学生完成由感知、体验到实践的学习任务,培养学生整理、归纳和发现规律并运用规律的学习策略。 2、创设能引导学生主动参与的教学环境,激发学生的学习积极性。 基础英语语言知识是综合英语运用能力的有机组成部分,在教学过程中利用图片设问和信息差等手段创设情境,让学生在说、读、写等实践活动中复现、归纳、运用语法规则,有利于提高英语学习的效率,他们英语实际运用能力的培养。 1) 利用图片和设问创设猜吉尼斯世界记录的情境,让学生本能的运用形容词的比较级或最高级,实现语法知识在情境中的复现,进而

27、引导学生归纳语法规则,系统化和内化语法规则,为进一步的运用打下基础。 2) 以中考阅读 A篇(图文)的形式,为学生展现三个吉尼斯世界纪录,在阅读共巩固语法 3、根据课标和考试说明,选择适当习题训练学生在语境中的运用。 本节课是针对中考的语法复习课,系统、扎实地巩固考试说明中的考点是必要的,因此,在教学中选用单项选择和补全中文句子的练习,帮助学生熟悉中考题型和考题特点,更好的正确使用该语法。 二、教学分析 教学内容分析 : 本节课的内容是针对中考复习形容词和副词的比较级和最高级,是复习课。形容词和副词比较级最高级是课标中的五级语法要求 ,而“比较”又是课标功能意向的五级要求。本节课以吉尼斯纪录的

28、照片和图表为引线 ,引导学生自主观察、回顾和归纳课标和考试说明的知识点,并引导学生在说、读、写的实践活动中内化知识。 学情分析: 1、知识储备:初一时学过此语法,但有三分之一的学生还处于基本不会的程度。 2、心理及技能特点:大部分学生英语说、读、写能力不高,对此类实践活动有畏惧心理。语言组织、表达能力较弱。 3、学习需要:对于吉尼斯世界纪录不了解事实和想要了解的愿望,构成了学习需要。 教师特点 : 教师有着十多年教龄的乐于探索 , 有亲和力的教师。 对英语教学能够由浅入深、层层深入,并引导学生思考、探究学习方法。 三、目标设置 目标设置 知识目标 : 1、能够通过回忆说出、写出常用中考形容词、

29、副词比较级和最高级的规则变化形式 2、能够识别、说出、写出 9个形容词、副词的不规则变化形式 3、能够识别、说出、写出常见的比较级的基本句型及基本用法 技能目标: 1、说:能够用比较级、最高级口头猜测吉尼斯纪录 2、读:能够读懂有关吉尼斯纪录的文章,提取所需信息3、写:能够根据语境写出含有恰当比较等级的句子 情感、态度与价值观: 通过猜测和阅读吉尼斯实际记录,开阔学生视野 ,体会英语语法的实用性 学习策略: 引导学生通过观察、体验、归纳概括知识点和解题技巧 教学重点 形容词和副词的比较级和最高级的构成和用法 教学难点 形容词和副词在语境中的运用 阅读吉尼斯纪录回答问题 教学资源 电脑, Pow

30、erPoint课件, 课本,学案 板书设计 形容词比较级和最高级 Useful words and patterns Structures 四、教学过程 Procedures Teachers activities Students activities Aims Step I Warm up Show Guiness world records and ask questions 1.Look,listen and answer 利用图片、问题直接引出本课话题,激发学生的学习兴趣 Step II Guessing game 1.Show the pictures and ask questi

31、ons 2.Try to help Ss pay attention to the structure 1.Look, listen and answer questions 2. Watch and conclude 通过猜测,利用信息差,激发学生表达的愿望,在情境中再现语言知识,为下面的知识归纳打基础 Step III Knowledge revision and summary 1.Show the learning aims 2. Give examples and tasks Task 1: Summarize the rules of regular forms Task 2: S

32、ummarize the rules of irregular forms Task 3: Summarize the useful patterns 1. Be clear about the learning aims 2. Watch and compare to summarize the rules of tasks 引导学生运用观察、对、比纳等认知策略发现语言的规律,发展学生的学习策略 Step 3 和 Step 4 交叉进行,做到小步子,坚实基础 Step IV Knowledge practice 1.Give exercises in context 2.Ask the Ss

33、 to check answers and learn from each other Exercise 1: Write down the regular forms Exercise 2: Write down the irregular forms Exercise 3: Choose the best answers 1.Read and do the exercise 2.Check answers with classmates and help or ask for help each other 3. Listen and react what they learn to sa

34、y. 在熟知知识规律的基础上能运用规律 ,培养学生学以致用的能力。 Step V Strategy instruction Help the students to summarize in what order we solve the problems Watch and say out the method 引导学生学会归纳解题方法,培养学生发现规律并能举一反三的能力。 Step VI Feedback Show the feedback exercises Exercise 1: Multiple choices Exercise 2: Reading Read and write 此

35、部分为反馈,在于考查学生掌握是否掌握了语言知识并能运用。同时再次巩固所学知识 五、学习效果评价 I 过程性评价 评价方式:完成每一项任务之后,针对学生的情况做出评价 评价形式:师评 ,学生互评II 总结性评价 评价方式:课堂反馈 形容词、副词的比较等级学习目标: 1、能够通过回忆说出、写出形容词、副词比较级和最高级的规则、不规则变化形式 2、能够说出、写出常见的比较等级的基本句型及基本用法 3、能够说出、写出含有比较等级的句子 4、能够读懂有关吉尼斯纪录和含有比较等级的文章,提取所需信息 一、知识再现 规则变化形式 情况 加法 比较级 加法 最高级 一般情况 加 er taller 加 est

36、 tallest nicer nicest fatter fattest heavier heaviest more dangerous more slowly most dangerous most slowly 不规则变化形式 原级 比较级 最高级 两好good/well 两坏bad/badly 两多、many/much 一少little 一远far 一老old 有用的词组句型 原级 as as , not as (so) as 比较级 than 之前, much, a little 之后 , Which/Who , A or B? get and The more , the more

37、最高级 of the three/all, in 大范围, one of Which/Who , A, B and C? 二、小试牛刀 (一)写出下列词的比较级和最高级 young _ _ long _ _ fine _ _ easy _ _ big _ _ red _ _ healthy _ _ carefully _ _ little _ _ (二)根据语境选择最佳答案 1. Which does Jimmy like _, Chinese or Art? A. well B. best C. better D. good 2. The Chang Jiang River is one o

38、f _ rivers in the world. A. long B. longer C. longest D. the longest 3. My mooncake is _ than his. A. nice B. nicer C. nicest D. the nicest 4. Your cat looks so _ . A. fat B. fatter C. fattest D. the fattest 5. He jumps _ of the three. A. far B. farther C. the farther D. farthest 三课堂反馈 (一)单项选择 1. Be

39、ijing, the capital of China, is one of _ cities in the world. A. big B. bigger C biggest D. the biggest 2. Twilight is one of _ books I have read. A. interesting B. more interesting C. most interesting D. the most interesting 3. I think Monkey King is one of _ cartoons in China. A. popular B. more p

40、opular C. most popular D. the most popular 4. Welcome to Longshan Hotel. Its _hotel in the town. A. better B. good C. best D. the best 5. Cars are much _ than before. Im going to buy a new one. A. cheap B. cheaper C. cheapest D. the cheapest 6. As we all know, Mt. Qomolangma is _ mountain in the wor

41、ld. A. high B. high C. highest D. the highest 7. Most students think Wang Fei is one of _ singers. A. popular B. more popular C. most popular D. the most popular 8 Which season do you like_ in a year? Summer, because I can often go swimming that time A good B better C best D well 9. Ted is 15 years

42、old, Mike is 14 and Jack is 13, so Jack is _ of them. A. youngest B. the youngest C. oldest D. the oldest 10. Jack, how are you feeling today? Much _. I think I can go to school tomorrow. A. good B. better C. well D. best 11. My brother goes to school _ than any other student in his class. A. early

43、B. earlier C. earliest D. the earliest 12. Lin Tao came to Beijing in 2007. He has been here _than his wife. A. long B. longer C. longest D. the longest 13.Who jumped _, Li Lei or Wang Ping? Wang Ping. A. farther B. farthest C. the farther D. the farthest 14. Taking buses in Beijing is much _ than before. A. cheap B. cheapest C.


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