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1、星际穿越中英经典台词星际穿越中英经典台词导语:爱是永恒不变的力量,能够超越所有维度,当我归来,你已垂暮,我一次呼吸划过了你一辈子的岁月。这里励志故事网的为大家整理了30句星际穿越中英经典台词,希望你们喜欢。星际穿越中英经典台词1、Love is the one thing that transcends time and space.爱是一种力量,让我们穿越时空感受它的存在。2、Mankind was born on Earth. It was never meant to die here.人类生于地球,绝不意味要死在这里。3、Mankind was born on Earth. It wa

2、s never meant to die here.人类生在地球, 但绝不应该在这里灭亡。4、We used to look up at the sky and wonder at our place in the stars, now we just look down and worry about our place in the dirt.我们曾经仰望星空,思考我们在宇宙中的位置,而现在我们只会低着头,担心如何在这片土地上活下去。5、Do not go gentle into that good night. Old age should burn and rave at close

3、of day. Rage, Rage against the dying light.不要温和地走进那个良夜。白昼将尽,暮年仍应燃烧咆哮。怒斥吧,怒斥光的消逝。6、Well find a way; we always have.我们会找到办法的,我们总有办法。7、Love is the one thing that transcends time and space.只有爱可以穿越时空。8、Today is my birthday. And its a special one because you once told me that when you came back, we might

4、be the same age. Well, now Im the same age that you were when you left.今天是我的生日。你说过等我们再见面时,我们可能是同一个年纪…现在我到了你离开时的年纪,所以你该回来了…9、Weve always defined ourselves by the ability to overcome the impossible. 我们总坚信自己有能力去完成不可能的事情。10、And we count these moments. These moments when we dare to aim high

5、er, to break barriers, to reach for the stars, to make the unknown known. We count these moments as our proudest achievements.我们珍视这些时刻,这些我们敢于追求卓越、突破障碍、探索星空、揭开未知面纱的时刻,我们将这些时刻视为我们最值得骄傲的成就。11、Dont tame into that good night不要温驯的走进这个良夜12、 Nature is cruel, terrible, but you cant say that it is evil. Like

6、a lion tore a antelope, you cant say it is evil.大自然是残忍的、恐怖的,但是你不能说它是邪恶的。就象狮子撕碎一只羚羊,你不能说它是邪恶的。13、But we lost all that. Or perhaps weve just forgotten that we are still pioneers. And weve barely begun.但我们已经失去了这一切。又或者,也许我们只是忘了我们仍然是开拓者,我们才刚刚开始。14、And that our greatest accomplishments cannot be behind us

7、, because our destiny lies above us.那些伟大的成就不能只属于过去,因为我们的命运就在太空。15、We used to look up at the sky and wonder at our place in the stars, now we just look down and worry about our place in the dirt.曾几何时我们仰望星空思考我们在星际中的位置,现在我们只能低下头颅担忧我们这沙尘中的世界。16、From child birth parents became their spirits从孩子出生开始父母就成为了他

8、们的幽灵。17、 We used to look up at the sky and wonder at our place in the stars, now we just look down and worry about our place in the dirt.我们曾经仰望星空並且期许总有一天可以登陆其他星球,但现在我们只能低头担心我们居住地的废土。18、Whats your trust setting TARS?库珀:塔斯,你的信任值是多少? Lower than yours apparently.显然比你们低。19、When you become a parent, one t

9、hing becomes really clear. And thats that you want to make sure your childreen feel safe. You cannot go and say them that they are not safe and someone is going to save them.当你为人父母,有一件事变的非常明确,那就是你希望确保你的孩子感到安全,你不能告诉他们他们不安全会有人去救他们的。 20、Now I went to the age when you left, so you should be back现在我到了你离开

10、时的年纪,所以你该回来了…21、Love is the one thing that transcends time and space.爱是唯一可以超越时间与空间的事物。22、Not sure of what Im more afraid of, them never coming back, or coming back to find weve failed.不知道我更害怕哪个,是他们不会再回来了,还是回来却发现我们失败了。23、Today is my birthday. And its a special one because you once told me that

11、 when you came back, we might be the same age. Well, now Im the same age that you were when you left. and itd be really great if you came back soon.今天是我的生日。这个生日很特殊,因为你当年走的时候说,等你回来的时候我们俩大概就一样大了。现在我已经到了你离开时的年纪如果你能早点回来就太好了。24、Age also more wisdom And the joy of reunion.多了年龄 也多了智慧 还有重逢的喜悦。25、After a fat

12、her, you must have a responsibility to heart that is whatever it takes to ensure the safety of the children.身为人父后就必须有一份责任铭记于心那就是无论如何都要保证孩子的安全。26、 We need to go beyond their own territory我们要超越自己的领地。27、 To boldly go where no man/one has gone before.勇踏前人未至之境。28、You might have to decide between seeing your children again and the future of the human race.你必须在再次见到你的孩子和人类的未来之间做出决定。29、Couldnt youve told her you were going to save the world?你难道没有告诉你女儿你是去拯救世界的吗?30、Mankind was born on Earth. It was never meant to die here.人类生在地球, 但绝不应该在这里灭亡。


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