氧气的性质与制备(Properties and preparation of oxygen).doc

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1、氧气的性质与制备(Properties and preparation of oxygen)352011 years in the middle of the exam chemistry test site classification compilation 4: the nature of oxygen and preparation docTwelveTest site 4 oxygen properties and preparation (including catalysts); 1. Selection questions; 1, (2011, Neijiang, Sichua

2、n, 13 questions), the following statement is correct; 5, (2011, Zhejiang, Wenzhou, 20 questions), as shown in laboratory plus;Adding a small amount of manganese dioxide B A. hydrogen peroxide solution to a certain amount of gas is used; substances containing oxygen elements of the decomposition reac

3、tion of C. can be produced; 10 (2011, Guangdong Guangzhou, 16), 12 (the laboratory; Jiangxi in 2011, 2) laboratory test for oxygen should be D. with Mars;Test site 4 oxygen properties and preparation (including catalysts)First, the multiple-choice question1 (2011 Sichuan, Neijiang, 13) of the follow

4、ing statements is true for a class of compounds that can produce hydroxyl ions A. and ionization are known as combustion alkali B. is severe emitting heat reaction of C. catalyst in chemical reaction, its quality and chemical properties do not change D. two material reaction generation, salt and wat

5、er, the reaction is a neutralization reaction 2, (2011 in Sichuan Dazhou, 6) the following relevant experimental phenomena described, the right is A. wire burning, vigorously in oxygen generation, Mars radiance white solid B. up a small piece of cotton fiber and wool fiber are produced for determina

6、tion of oxygen the air smells of burnt feathers C. experiment, copper wire heated black charcoal combustion produces carbon dioxide, D. 3 (2011 Shandong, Yantai, 4) the following about oxygen Wrong argument in A. industry can use liquid air separation method B. oxygen oxygen can support combustion,

7、that the oxygen with combustible C. oxygen breathing, its reaction, and the substances in the release of energy, life sustaining activities D. summer pond open oxygen pump, because the temperature increases, the oxygen dissolved in water to reduce the amount of 4 (2011, Chongqing, 13) the following

8、statements about the O2 is not scientific A. commonly used with Mars wood to test the air O2 C., after the industrial air liquefaction separation to produce O2 B. burning sulfur in O2 produced in the bright blue violet flame D. heating KClO3 O2, using MnO2 as catalyst5 (2011 Zhejiang, Wenzhou, 20) s

9、uch as device for laboratory heating oxygen producing Potassium Permanganate. During the experiment, when the observed gas bubbles in the nozzle continuously and evenly out, began to collect the gas, its purpose is to test the air tightness of the A. B. experimental device in order to improve the pu

10、rity of oxygen C. collected to prevent water in the water tank to prevent reverse suction tube broken D. particles into the Potassium Permanganate guide 6, the trachea (2011 Sichuan Meishan, 16) analysis of data or experimental evidence is correct, is directly related to the scientific inquiry wheth

11、er accord with the objective reality. Below is the laboratory quality such as Potassium Permanganate and potassium chlorate (plus a small amount of manganese dioxide), respectively, oxygen producing data analysis diagram. Based on the analysis of the following schematic information obtained is corre

12、ct (A, at the same time start heating, first collected oxygen is B, potassium chlorate in producing more amount of the same volume of oxygen, should choose potassium chlorate as raw material C, adding a small amount of manganese dioxide to potassium chlorate produced by oxygen gas quality increased

13、D, reaction a longer time is 7, Potassium Permanganate (2011 in Shandong Binzhou, 16) the following image can correctly reflect the relationship between changes in the amount of operation is)Adding a small amount of manganese dioxide B. T C A. to a certain amount of hydrogen peroxide solution is add

14、ed to a saturated solution of potassium nitrate potassium nitrate in C. crystal to a certain amount of dilute hydrochloric acid in NaOH solution to D. sodium hydroxide solution of sulfuric acid and copper sulfate mixed solution by dropping the excess of 8 (2011, Jiangsu Suzhou, 17) which of the foll

15、owing statements concerning the oxygen generating method, the error is A. method for preparing oxygen oxygen in the air is mainly from plant photosynthesis B. industry with the separation of liquid airGas is oxygen for substances containing oxygen elements of the decomposition reaction of C. to prod

16、uce oxygen D. laboratory heating is used to Potassium Permanganates 9 (2011, Jiangsu Suzhou, 18) the following description is correct on the catalyst A. any chemical reactions need only catalyst for C. decomposition reaction to B. catalyst in a variety of catalysts before and after the reaction itse

17、lf and the quality changes of some chemical reaction can be D.10 (2011 Guangdong, Guangzhou, 16) laboratory shown on the right device for preparing and collecting O2, the following is not true of A. KClO3, and MnO2 B. Mixed collector conduit opening into the water filled paper slot in test tubes, an

18、d then heated to C. O2 immediately collected gas collecting bottle full of O2,Cover the glass, then move out of the water D. after completion of the collection, release the rubber plug, and then put out the alcohol lamp (2011 11, Guangdong Jieyang, 5) search and rescue personnel to overcome the seri

19、ous difficulties such as plateau response, search and rescue efforts. Oxygen is one of the methods to overcome altitude sickness, because oxygen can help rescue workers of the plateau reaction is A. for C. oxygen breathing oxygen can support combustion B. oxygen can burn D. oxygen is colorless and o

20、dorless non-toxic gas)(2011 12, Jiangxi, 2) laboratory oxygen should be used (A.pH B. test paper clarifying lime C. phenolphthalein solutionD. strips of Mars13 (2011 Shandong, Liaocheng, 26) based on the factors of response to the fact that the effect of chemical reaction can be introduced, the foll

21、owing reasoning unreasonable is (A) selected chemical reaction in the candle burning in pure flame burning in the air than the flame brighter than coal combustion of pulverized coal is more intense, more fullyInfluence factors, reactant concentration, reaction species, reaction temperatureBCCarbon d

22、oes not react with oxygen at room temperature and can react with oxygen when ignitedDegree D hydrogen peroxide is difficult to decompose under normal conditions. When manganese dioxide is added, the catalyst is rapidly decomposed14 (2011 Jiangsu, Taizhou, 11) the following description of the experim

23、ent, the error is A. magnesium combustion in the air, a dazzling white B. sulfur combustion in the air to produce weak light blue flame, and generates colorless gas with a pungent odor of C. to dilute sulfuric acid adding purple litmus test solution the solution turned red. D. carbon dioxide to pass

24、 into the calcium chloride solution, the emergence of a large number of white precipitate (2011 15, Jiangxi Nanchang, 8) on the following facts is the correct explanation is the fact that the A B C D oxygen used for cutting metal detergent can be used for degreasing open bottle cover a large number

25、of bubbles do wire burning the set of cylinders at the bottom of a small amount of water to be loaded in advancesolutionBuddhismOxygen is a flammable liquid detergent to dissolve oil temperature, gas solubility decreased to prevent the bottle to explode16 (2011 Hunan, Huaihua, 13) is not correct the

26、 following relevant experimental phenomena in the description of A. charcoal burning in oxygen in a white B. thin wire burning in oxygen, Mars radiance, generate a black substance C. sulphur burning in the air emit light blue flame, a colorless and odorless gas D. sulfur burning in oxygen in a blue

27、violet flame, pungent smelling gas generation (17, 2011 Chongqing Qijiang, 6) O2 and CO2 are two kinds of gas is indispensable in the life activity of animals and plants,The same thing is that A. can make plants and animals breathe. C. is difficult to dissolve in water. B. is the raw material of pla

28、nt photosynthesis. D. is a fixed component in the air18 (2011 Hunan, Zhuzhou, 11) MnO2 as a catalyst in the KClO3 reaction for the decomposition of O2 in the catalyst is not correct (B.) before and after the reaction is D. quality changes before and after the reaction of some catalysts catalyzed A.

29、reaction of different chemical properties do not change C. some reactions using different catalysts19 (2011 Hubei, Huangshi, 2) the following substances full combustion in oxygen generation, black solid is A. B. C. D. iron sulfur phosphorus charcoal(2011 20, Shanghai, 35) substances in oxygen burnin

30、g phenomenon this error is A.: a white B. sulfur powder charcoal: light blue flame red C.: a lot of white smoke wire: Mars radiance D.Two fill in the blanks and fill in the blanks,1 (2011 Zhejiang, Yiwu, 31) of the device from Potassium Permanganate collect oxygen laboratory. (1) write the name in F

31、igure A / instrument. (2) using Potassium Permanganate oxygen, the main role with a cotton ball on the tube is long. (1) iron (2) to prevent Potassium Permanganate powder into the tubes 2, (2011 Zhejiang Wenzhou, 28) science groups to study the effect of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) decomposition speed.

32、 0.2 grams of manganese dioxide (MnO2) powder was added to four test tubes, and then addedA hydrogen peroxide solution with an equal amount of solute mass is observed to observe the rate at which bubbles are produced:The number of experiments H2O2, solute mass fraction of solution, MnO2 mass, veloci

33、ty of bubble generation1 1%0.2 grams +2 G + + 5%0.20.2 g + + + 310%415% 0.2 g + + + +(1) the experimental study of the problem is: the relationship between the speed and the _ decomposition of hydrogen peroxide. . (2) in order to test whether the oxygen gas generated, please write the test methods:

34、_. (3) the experiment is finished,The manganese dioxide powder in the residual solution can be recovered by filtration. In the process of filtering, the instrument does not need the _.A. glass rod, B. alcohol lamp (1), H202 solution, quality of mass fractionC. scales D. beaker (2) stretch Martian st

35、rips into a test tubeE. funnel (3) BC3. In 2011, Sichuan, Nanchong, 16) the laboratory usually uses the mixture of heating potassium chlorate and manganese dioxide to produce oxygen and write out the chemical reaction equationMnO2Manganese dioxide is one of themAgent.2KClO3 2KCl+3O2 = 4, catalytic (

36、2011 Zhejiang Jinhua, 28) is the laboratory for preparation, drying and gas collection device. In the lab class, students use hydrogen peroxide solution and manganese dioxide to produce and collect oxygen. Please answer the questions:(1) the device for producing oxygen should be selected (filling de

37、vice number). (2) collecting a bottle of dry oxygen, please press the flow direction of the gas and connect the device with the numbering of the pipe. (1) A (2), the second and the third and fourth (2011 5, Zhejiang Lishui, 28) is the laboratory for preparation, drying and gas collection device, exp

38、erimental class of students with hydrogen peroxide and preparation of manganese dioxide and collect oxygen, please answer the questions:(1) the device for producing oxygen should be selected (filling device number).(2A bottle of dry oxygen is now collected. Please press the flow direction of the gas

39、 and connect the device with the serial number of the device.(3) collect a bottle of oxygen combustion, put a small amount of sulfur powder spoon, heating until the combustion, the combustion gas collecting bottle filled with spoon into oxygen, sulfur burning can be observed in oxygen, a (1) A (2),

40、3, 5 2 (3), 2011 (6 Blue and purple Shandong, Taian, 29) is the laboratory preparation, collection of relevant gas equipment. Please answer the following questions on request: flames.(1) the chemical equation for preparing oxygen with hydrogen peroxide is (2) to collect oxygen, and the collecting de

41、vice can select or(fill in the serial number);(3) when producing oxygen by means of A or B, A has the advantage of A compared with B. (1) 2H2O2 MnO2 (2) C D 2H2OO2 have(3) the hydrogen peroxide needed to supplement the reaction at any time can be controlled by the reaction rate of 7, (Zhejiang, Shao

42、xing, 2011, 24 questions).(1) A device can be used for heating the decomposition of oxygen from Potassium Permanganate, need to put a cotton ball in the tube, it is the role of (2) methane is a kind of organic matter the most simple, commonly used laboratory AC or AD device, heating a mixture decomp

43、osition of anhydrous sodium acetate and soda lime to produce methane gas. Thus, the physics of methane gas can be derivedNature。 (1) to prevent Potassium Permanganate powder into the catheter (2) density than air, insoluble in water. (8, 2011 Anhui, Chaohu, 14) the following is related to experiment

44、al data of a research team to explore the factors influencing the reaction rate of. The experiment number 4 H 2O 2 dosage concentration% 5153030 H2O2 solution volume /mL 1155 temperature 20203555 MnO2 0.1 /g 0.1 /mL 4422 collection volume of oxygen; reaction time required for /s 16.75 6.04 49.21 10.

45、76(1) by means of experiment and comparison, we know that the rate of chemical reaction is very different from that of experiment andBy contrast, the relation between the rate of chemical reaction and temperature is.:;(2) the essence of chemical reaction is the result of mutual contact and collision

46、 between microscopic particles, and the rate of chemical reaction is related to the probability of microscopic particles. From a microscopic point of view, the reason is that the greater the concentration of reactants, the faster the rate of chemical reaction is:. (2 points) (3) oxygen hydrogen pero

47、xide solution with a certain amount of 15%, in order to reduce the rate of reaction, add appropriate amount of water dilution, the total weight of oxygen generation (optional reduced or change or increase.) The higher the temperature, the faster the rate of chemical reaction(1) reactant concentratio

48、n (or concentration);(2) the reactant concentration increases, the total number of particles containing the reactants in the unit volume, the greater the probability of collision between particles, the faster the rate of chemical reaction (3), unchanged in 9 (2011 Sichuan Neijiang, 11) to use the existing laboratory experimental conditions of preparation of common gas in junior high school chemistry. The alternative medicines are limestone, manganese dioxide, zinc granules, hydrogen peroxide, dilute sulfuric acid, and dilute sulphuric acid. The options are shown in the diagram:A, B, C


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