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1、课题Unit 1 Our school 第一课时教学目标1 能够听、说、认读本课时的主要单词:teachers office, canteen, garden, playground, library. 2 能听懂会说Where is the? Its on the first floor. 并能在实际情景中运用。3 听懂指示语,并按要求做出相应的动作,如:Go to the garden. Water the flowers. 4 欣赏歌曲Our school.重点1. 能够听、说、认读有关学校设施的五个单词并了解它们的功能。2. 掌握与学生学校生活密切相关的基本词汇与会话:Wheres t

2、he library / canteen / computer room? Its on the first floor.难点正确发音复合名词playground, 多音节词library和canteen的读音;序数词first与基数词one的区别和正确运用。教具1、 教师准备一幅本单元的校园分布图。2、 教师准备本课时的五张单词卡。3、 教师准备录音机有录音带。4、 学生准备一张白纸和笔。教学过程。Warming up.Enjoy a song: Our school.。Revision.Lets chant.Where is my pencil? Here it is.Where is m

3、y ruler? Here it is.Where is my bag? Here it is.。Presentation.1、 教学单词playground, garden, library, canteen, teachers office.A. 教师出示library的教学卡片自问自答:Whats this? Its the library.学生 认读单词library. You can read books in the library.B. 采用简笔画教学garden.Wheres the garden?There are many flowers in it? How beauti

4、ful.C. 展示照片引出playground. Do some sports.D. 猜謎,教师做动作引出canteen, You eat and drink. You have lunch in the canteen.E. teachers office.Point and read.I work in my office. Hand in the homework.2、 Guessing game.教师把这几张图片一张张反贴到黑板上,让学生运用“Is this the?”的句型来猜。3、 教学“Where is the library? Its on the first floor.”a

5、. 借助教学楼图示呈现“Where is the library? Its on the first floor.”b. 学生跟读句子“Its on the first floor.”c. 引出second. “Its on the second floor.”d. 结合学校的实地情况练习其余几个活动场所的楼层位置。4、 Game: 找一找。先出示教学楼各活动室图示,再拿掉图示只留出空白教学楼,教师问Wheres the canteen /.?学生根据记忆边回答Its on the first floor.边将图片放入原来的位置中。5、 Listen and respond.T: Go to

6、the garden. Go to the library.。Practice.1、 教学Lets do.A. Listen and point.B. Listen and do.C. Charades.教师做出某种动作,让学生来猜,说接下去的动作意图并做动作。T:Go to the canteen.S: Eat some noodles.2、 Sing the song: Our school.。Consolidation.Do activity book.作业课外制作自己学校的平面图(或是自己理想的学校),给各活动场所标上相应的英文。学生之间运用所学词汇、句型相互介绍自己的学校。板书 设计

7、 Unit 1 Our school教学后记1,较难掌握的单词有:library first 2,Lets do比较上口学生边做动作边背诵。课题Unit 1 Our school 第二课时教学目标1 能听懂、会说:This is the teachers office. That is my classroom. 并能在实际情景中进行运用,并能用Do you have?来询问相关情况。2 能跟唱歌曲“Our school”。3 理解字母a在开、闭章节中的发音。4 了解英美国家关于楼层的不同表达方式。重点与学生学校生活密切相关的基本词汇与会话Do you have?难点 this 和that的理

8、解,发音和运用。以及在楼层的表达中序数词first, second的用法。教具1、教师准备Chen Jie的头饰。2、教师准备该课时的教学挂图。3、教师准备录音机、录音带或VCD。教学过程。Warming up.Sing the song: Our school.。Revision.1、Lets chant.Go to the garden. Water the flowers.。Presentation.1、 学习This is / That is图片展现学校校园的轮廓。教师引导学生介绍This is our school. 再分别出示单词garden, canteen, teachers

9、office的图片,将其一一贴入校园轮廓图(通过离教师站立位置的远近区分this与that的用法),并让学生用“This is” “That is”的句型进行描述。2、 教学句型a. 教师出示对话教学的图片,让学生猜图意。b. T: Who can you see in the picture? Where are they? c. 引领参观者参观并介绍校园。教师假扮参观者向学生询问:T:Do you have a library? S: Yes, I / we do.T: Do you have lunch at school?S: Yes, its on the d. Pair work.

10、 3、 Listen to the tape and imitate.4、 学生模仿对话,分小组活动。Practice.1、 学生展示他们自己设计的平面图,向朋友简单介绍自己的学校。并请几位同学上台来介绍他的学校。2、 PronunciationA. 出示单词,朗读并提问:这些单词有何规律?B. 总结规律。C. Game: 苹果回家。Consolidation.Do activity book.作业Make a dialogues with their classmates.板书设计 Unit 1 Our school教学后记1,句型“This is” “That is”比较简单。2,This

11、 way, please比较难。课题Unit 1 Our school 第三课时教学目标1 能够听、说、读、写单词:board, light, fan, computer.2 能听、说、读、写句子This is my computer. That is your computer.3 了解Good to know部分的内容,知道在生活中要遵守西方崇尚的公德和礼仪。重点1. 要求学生能准确理解图和对话的内容。2 能够听、说、读、写四个单词以及两个重点句子:“This is my computer. That is your computer.”的正确书写。难点教师引导学生看图自己填出四线格中的单

12、词,再强调这几个单词以及一组句子在四线格中的正确书写。教具1教师准备本课时相应的挂图。2教师准备一台录音机和录音带。3教师准备相应的动物头饰。教学过程。Warming up.1、Sing the song: Our school.2、Lets do. (P4)。Revision.1、 Act out the dialogues.2、 Free talk.Wheres the?Do you have a?Do you have lunch at school?。Presentation.1、 T: Do you have a computer room in your school?S: Yes

13、, we do. / I do.2、 T: Lets have a new computer room. Lets go there.Pair work.3、 T: Whats in the computer room?Ss: 4、 Spell the words.5、 T: This is my computer. I like this one. That is your computer.6、 让学生学说This is That is。Practice.1、 Listen to the tape.2、 分小组拼读单词,进行单词拼读比赛。3、 教授句子的书写。4、 Read the dia

14、logue.。Consolidation.Do activity book.作业为校园文化建设制作双语指示牌或宣传标语。板书 设计 Unit 1 Our school教学后记加s的单词fans, lights比较难读。课题Unit 1 Our school 第四课时教学目标1、 听、说、认读单词art room, computer room, washroom, music room, gym, and TV room.并能结合语境正确运用。2、 听懂Let chant内容,能跟着录音做相应的动作。3、 理解、会说Where is the art room? Its on the second

15、 floor.并能在情景中进行运用。重点听、说、认读单词,理解其意义。难点理解the first, the second序数词与one, two的区别教具1、 教师准备头饰。2、 教师准备各个教室的图片。3、 教师准备录音机和磁带。教学过程。Warming up.1、 Sing the song: Our school.2、 Lets do. (P4)。Revision.1、 Lets chant. (P7)2、 Listen and guess.二人小组,根据介绍猜出教室的名称。Presentation.1、 Listen and guess.听各教室活动时的声音,在学生猜出时呈现画面和单词

16、。Listen! Whats this?2、 教授单词。3、 自编chant。Draw, draw, draw in the art room.Type, type, type in the computer room.Sing, sing, sing in the music.Play, play in the gym.Wash, wash, wash in the washroom.Watch, watch, watch in the TV room.School days, school days, what a lot of fun!4、 Listen to the tape and

17、imitate.5、 Ask and answer with the pictures.Wheres the?Its on the first / second floor.。Practice.1、 Whats missing?2、 Matching game.3、 Look and guess.利用手势、动作,猜出所在教室。4、 Lets chant.。Consolidation.1、 Task time.2、 Do activity book.作业Design your school map. Talk about your ideal school in groups. You can

18、say like this: “This is my school. Its big and nice. The library is on the first floor. There are many books in the library.”板书设计 Unit 1 Our school 教学后记难读的单词有gym, washroom。课题Unit 1 Our school 第五课时教学目标能听懂、会说Is this the library? Is that the art room?及其肯定与否定的回答,并能在情景中运用重点运用相关句型讨论各个教学活动场所。难点能正确运用指示代词thi

19、s, that询问信息并作出相应回答。教具1、 教师准备录音机和磁带。2、 教师准备不同教学活动场所的标志牌和图片。3、 教师准备自己设计的学校图片。4、 学生准备自己设计的学校图片。教学过程。Warming up.Sing the song: Our school.。Revision.1、 Lets chant. (P7)2、 利用图片复习A、B部分有关不同活动场所的单词。Presentation.1、 Talk about your school.请学生拿出上节课自己设计的学校图片,介绍学校:Look! This is my school. This is the music room.

20、Its on the first floor. The art room is on the second floor.然后让学生来介绍他们设计的学校。2、 教学Is this / that the library / art room?A. 教师把学生分成若干个小组,每个小组所在的位置代表一个活动室,在活动室前竖上标志牌。教师走到library面前,提问:Is this the library?引导学生回答:Yes, it is.B. 学说“Is this?”“Yes, it is.”C. 教师指着远处的art room提问:Is that the music room?引导学生回答:No,

21、 it isnt. Its the art room.D. 学说“Is that?” “No, it isnt. Its”3、 Listen to the tape and read.。Practice.1、Game.A. 情境对话根据课堂上的小组活动室,运用Is this / that the library / art room”鼓励学生自编对话。B. Guessing game: 把各个教室图片反贴于黑板上,运用句型让学生猜,可请学生反串教师。Consolidation.Do activity book.作业将自己设计的学校用英文介绍给家长。板书设计 Unit 1 Our school教

22、学后记难点句型:Is this/that,? Yes, it is./No, it isnt.课题Unit 1 Our school第六课时教学目标1、 能听、说、认读Read and write部分的内容。2、 掌握四会单词teachers desk, picture, floor, wall和句子Is this a teachers desk? Yes, it is.3、 完成Lets check的听力作业,培养良好的听力习惯。4、 了解Story time的内容,鼓励学生扩展故事,表演故事。重点学习Read and write中的四会单词和句子。难点掌握四会单词和句子教具1、 教师准备录

23、音机和磁带。2、 教师准备动物头饰、图片。教学过程。Warming up.Sing the song: Our school。Revision.1、 Lets do. (P4)2、 Lets chant. (P7)。Presentation.1、 Ask and answer with the pictures.Is this a?Is that a?2、 Read and write.A. 四人合作小组学习。呈现情景图Read and write的内容,四人小组talk about the picture.B. Listen and imitate.C. 教学书写四会单词teachers d

24、esk, picture, floor, wall和句子Is this a teachers desk? Yes, it is.注意teachers的写法。D. 排序。将四会单词字母顺序打乱,比一比谁在最短时间内排好单词。3、 Read the dialogue.4、 分角色朗读。Practice.1、 Lets check.2、 Story time.A. 教师介绍:Today Zoom, Zip and Monkey will visit a school. Lets go with them. Whats happening? Wheres Zoom?B. Listen to the tape and imitate.。Consolidation.Do activity book.作业书写本课时的四会单词和句子。板书设计 Unit 1 Our school教学后记Floor和wall 容易混淆中文。9


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