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1、Speaking,Talking about films,A: Have you seen the new film on show these days? 最近上演的电影看过了吗? B: What kind of film is it? 是哪类电影? A: Its a disaster film. 灾难片。 B: Is it worth seeing? 值得一看吗?,Talking about films,A: Of course it is. It might win an Oscar this year, too! B: Whose part do you think is best p

2、layed? 你认为哪个角色演得最好?,A: That of the young scientist. Im sorry for the heroine. 那个年轻科学家。我对女主角有点遗憾。 B: What do you enjoy most in the film? 你最喜欢这部电影什么?,A: I think its the most successful film in scene-setting and the story. Some of the scenes moved me into tears. 我认为布景和故事最为成功。有些场景感动得我流泪。,Rita: Would you

3、 like to see any of the films? May: Im going to see Harry Potter. (sure) Im planning to see Harry Potter. (sure) Im thinking about going to see Harry Potter. (not sure),Talking about plans and intentions,Make Conversations,May : What are you going to do ? Rita : Im going to (sure). / Im planning to

4、. (sure) / Im thinking about . (not sure),What are you going to do on Saturday?,MAY Tuesday? RITA visit my grandmother (not sure) 2. MAY tonight? RITA listen to my English tapes (sure),MAY What are you going to do on Tuesday? RITA Im thinking of visiting my grandmother.,MAY What are you going to do

5、tonight? RITA Im planning to listen to my English tapes.,3. MAY next Saturday? RITA help my mother clean the flat (not sure) 4. MAY this evening? RITA (sure, invent your own reply),MAY What are you going to do on next Saturday? RITA Im thinking of helping my mother clean the flat .,MAY What are you

6、going to do this evening? RITA Im going to walk my dog in the park .,5. MAY next Sunday? RITA (not sure, invent your own reply),MAY What are you going to do next Sunday? RITA Im going of going shopping with my mother .,My favourite film,A1: Both Sue and Eric are film-goers. What are their favourite

7、films?,Sue:_ _,Eric:_ _,Harry Potter,Kung Fu Panda,Mrs Doubtfire,Kung Fu Panda,A: Whats your favourite film? B: My favourit film is A: Why do you like it? B: I like it because it has in it. is my favourite film star. are my favourite types of films. A: I dont like I prefer ,Speak up,请根据以下情景编一段对话。 To

8、m and Cloudy are talking about their favourite films. Read their conversation and fill in the blanks. Tom: Hello, Cloudy, What are you going to do on Sunday? Cloudy: Im _ to see the Sound of Music. I really like it. Its _, and there is _ in it. Whats your favourite film?,planning/going,a love story,

9、a lot of music,Tom: My favourite films are Harry Potter films. Cloudy: Why do you like_? Tom: They are _ films, but they have a lot of action in them. Cloudy: Oh, I like Harry Potter films too.,them,fantasy,Writing,A film review,关于电影喜羊羊与灰太狼写一篇简单影评。包括以下要点:,谋篇布局 1. 短文用一般现在时态。 2. 分析要点,可以分为三段,要点要写齐。,1.

10、影片的背景,剧情的简单介绍。 2. 选取影片中一、两个你喜欢的卡通人物来写, 写出该人物的特点及你喜欢的原因。 3. 该影片获得成功的因素,简单列举即可。,3. 关于影片:影片以一片美丽的青草地为背景,故事情节围绕七只小羊与两只狼斗争的故事展开,主角是喜羊羊和灰太狼。在影片中,狼屡次想把羊儿逮住,把他们吃掉,然而屡战屡败,屡败屡战。通常在生活中,羊是打不过狼的,狼轻而易举就可以把羊吃掉。但是在这部动画片里,羊用智慧打败了狼。关于故事情节,同学们应该把故事缩写出来,写清楚人物地点事件就可以了。而第二段可以选取自己喜欢的卡通人物进行描述,只要突出人物特征即可。,4. 关于影片获得成功的因素,可以参

11、照Wall-E这篇文章的写作套路去仿写。如可以用“Three things make . such an enjoyable film.”这个句式起承上启下作用。该影片获得成功的几点因素则可以用First, . Second, .Third, . 这些连接词去逐一讲述。可以从其故事的有趣性,人物的可爱和幽默等特点,以及影片中的音乐等方面去表述其作为国产卡通片的成功之处。,遣词造句 be set in, favourite character, make money, make a . impression on, be worth doing . 你计划还用哪些好的词句呢?请想一想,写到下面的

12、横线上。 _ 温馨提示 home-made animation 国产卡通片 main character 主角,Have you seen the hit family cartoon of 2009, Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf? It is a very interesting cartoon! The story is about seven lovely goats and two wolves called Grey Wolf and Red Wolf. In the film, Grey Wolf often wants to eat the go

13、ats. He uses many ways to catch the goats, but the goats are much smarter than him. As a result, he fails again and again.,My favourite character is Grey Wolf. He is cute although he is ugly. He is very smart but his ideas always get foiled by Pleasant Goat. When he fails, he always says, “I will ge

14、t my revenge, you goat!” He always makes us laugh.,The film is very funny and most children love it. Parents can watch it together with their children too. Besides, it made a lot of money after it was on. After seeing it, it will certainly make a deep impression on you! Dont miss it if you havent se

15、en it.,【点评】 习作篇章安排合理,结构完整,开头第一句用问句引入,吸引读者注意。文章思路清晰,文字表达浅白,易懂。小作者用词灵活,如用as a result替代了我们常用的so;文中还使用了灰太狼的口头禅 “I will get my revenge, you goat!”,容易使看过该片的人引起共鸣,也使不了解该片的人产生兴趣想看看究竟。能引用影片的一些原句,这一点在写影评时同学们可以借鉴。,B Think of an English-language film that you like and write a film review,The film Kang fu Panda

16、is a comedy.Its set in China. The main character Paul is not only a fat but also lazy panda. He has his own dream. Paul wants to be a great master,to save people in danger by Kung Fu.His Shifu teaches him how to fight, and makes him save the world.At last, he beats TaiLung.Paul makes a lot of friends.I think he is a hero! I want to be the 2nd Paul,to be a hero.,


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