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1、2013小升初英语高分冲刺综合试卷及答案(34) 一、语音。A.找出划线部分发音不同的词,把序号填在括号里: B.根据所给音标,写出划线部分的音标: shoe English she light white five cup under mum girl her thirteen what which where yes yellow young picture cake cat desk pen twelve good give bag wrong sorry clock二、词汇。A.写出下列名词的复数形式:_ _ _ _ _B.填写所缺字母,并译成中文:_ _ nd( ) _h_nd( )

2、 _ ct _ re( ) _d_nt( ) _ _ t( ) _ _ t( ) _ster( ) _ _ t( ) are th _se? Th _ re b _ ds. can t f _ nd my w_ tch( ) _ir sh_es( ) _e fl _ ers _ g _ mes( ) _ y are y _ ur b _ kes.C.根据要求写词:(同音词)_ (反义词)_(宾格)_ (反义词)_(主格)_ (原形)_(名词)_ (复数)_(主格)_ t(音标)_(反义词)_ (同音词)_D.根据中文意思,选择正确单词,把序号填在括号里:1.足球 2.桌子 3.女儿 4.手表

3、5.三十 6.衬衫 7.照片 8.他们的 三、按要求改写下列句子。 blouse is green.(对划线部分提问)_ _is the blouse? s eight thirty-five.对划线部分提问)_the time? woman is Han Meimei s mother.(对划线部分提问)_is Han Meimei s mother? can see some pictures in the room.(对划线部分提问)_ _ you_in the room? m fifteen.(对划线部分提问)_ _ _you? is an orange bus.(改为复数形式)_ _

4、orange_. that cat black and white?(改为陈述句)_ _ _black and white. are pictures of their families.(改为单数形式)_is a picture of his_.9. Those are their Chinese books.(改为一般疑问句)_ _their Chinese books?10. This is my pencil-box.(改为意思相同的句子)This_ is_. am Miss Gao.(改为否定句)_ _Miss Gao. are English books.(对划线部分提问)_are

5、 those?四、连词成句。A:Model: all they here areThey are all here. White, and, good, are, friends, Mr Black_, on, desk, is, Lily s, her, too_, in, pencil-box, think, are, I, her_, their, cars, are_B:Model: yellow coats their areAre their coats yellow?, what, shirts, are, colour_, it, Li Lei s, sweater_, box

6、, yellow, are, the oranges, in_, they, same, all, school, are, in_五、选择填空。 is_dress. It isn t_., your , yours , you , hers is a new student._is English. and I_ students. We_in the same class., are , are , is , are4._the bike?Look! It s under the tree. is are is are5._your brother here?_,he isn t here

7、., Yes , No , Yes , No6.What is thirty and twelve?It s _. two7.Excuse me, Jack. Where is the bus?_. the tree the tree the tree tree, that s _apple here. Under_tree, you can see_cat., a, the , the, a , the, a , a, an9._is the time?_is about seven twenty-five., It , This , It , It10._are good friends.

8、 and he and I and his and my11.Who is the young man?He s_. teacher brother the room coat_like_., hers , her , her , she s13.Can I see your photo?Yes._. you you you are are here14._look_the blackboard., at s, at , like , on15.Is her sister a teacher or a student?_., she s a teacher , she isn t a teac

9、her s a student , she s a teacher s_the picture? 17.Is this watch_?No, it isn t. It s_., his , his , his , she s18.Thank you._. s right right thank s all right19. That s_jeep. It s a car. not a an20.What s that on the floor?It s_orange. 六、选句子补全下列对话。1.How old are you?_. (Fine, thank you; I m twelve)2

10、.What s the time? _. (It s fine; It s five)3.Who s the woman?_? (Where; Which woman)4.Is this your sister?_(Yes, she is; She is Lucy)5.What colour is the skirt?_. (It s white; It s a dress)6._ ? (Who are they; Whose are they)They are mine.7.Who s on duty today?_. (Yes, I am; I am)8.Are the twins ele

11、ven?_. (The twins are young; Yes, they are)9._? (What s on the floor; Where s the blouse)It s on the floor.10.Jim, your picture is very good._. (Oh, thank you; Oh no,it isn t)七、完成句子。 brooms are_(在后面)the door. shoes are_(在下面)the bed._(坐下)over there. s that? That s_(李老师的弟弟) think he s_(在家)_(看) the bla

12、ckboard.八、补全对话。:What s the time, please? (1200)B:_ _.:Excuse me! Who s the man?B:_one?A:_ _ on the bus.B:Oh,_ my father.:What_these? (苹果)B:They are_.:Can you see my football?B:Is it on your desk?A:_, it isn t.B:Oh, it s_ _:Is this _pencil-box, Lucy?B:_, it is._is it?A:It s under the chair. You_ look

13、 after it.B:Thank_ very much.A:_ _ _参考答案:二、A: B:朋友 在后面 图画 学生大约 外衣 姐妹 遇见 are these?They re birds.这些是什么?它们是鸟。 can t find my watch.我找不到我的手表。 shoes他们的鞋子 flowers一些花 games做游戏 are your bikes.它们是你们的自行车。C: D: 三、 colour s can,see old are are,buses cat is ,family 9. Are those10. pencil-box,mine m not 四、A: Whit

14、e and Mr Black are good friends. s clock is on her desk,too. think they are in her pencil-box. cars are black.B: colour are their shirts? it LiLei s sweater? the oranges in the yellow box? they all in the same school?五、 六、 m twelve s five woman ,she is s white are they am ,they are s the blouse ,thank you七、 down Li s brother home at八、 s twelve ,The one,that s ,apples,over there ,Yes,Where,must,you,Not at a我要报班点击进入 全国新东方小学课程检索 北京 上海 广州 武汉 西安 重庆 成都 长沙 长春 哈市 杭州 河北 合肥 苏州 太原 天津 徐州 厦门 郑州 新疆 青岛 南京 兰州 南宁 株洲 济南 深圳 沈阳 黄石 大连 福州 佛山 贵阳 黄石 无锡 吉林 内蒙 南昌 新疆


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