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1、非谓语动词-提升练习一 单选。1.Mr. Wang, I have trouble _the text. -Remember _it three times at least. A.to understand;reading B.understanding;reading C.understanding;to read D.to understand; to read2.If you feel tired, you may stop_ a rest. A.have B.to have C.having D.had3.Last weekend I went to the library _som

2、e books on how to protect the environment. A.to borrow B.borrow C.borrowed D.borrowing4.When he arrived at the factory, he found all the workers_. A.working B.work C.to work D.worked5.Please dont forget _the room while I am away in Beijing. A.clean B.to clean C.cleaned D.cleaning6 .-I am very tired

3、these days because of studying for physics. -Why not _music? It can make you _. A.listen to; relaxing B.to listen to; to relax C.listening to; relax D.listen to;relax7.Parents often ask their kids_their Internet friends because the kids may be in danger. A.to meet B.meeting C.not to meet D.meet8.-Hi

4、, Tom! Can you tell me when _for London? -Yes, tomorrow afternoon. A.leaving B.leaves C.to leave D.leave9. Just before the Chinese class, I suddenly realized that I forgot _my Chinese textbook.A.bring B.bringing C.brought D.to bring10.There are so many kinds of MP3 in the shop. We cant decide _. A.w

5、hat to buy B.to buy what C.which to buy D.to buy which11. They preferred _rather than _a bike. A. to walk; to ride B.walking; riding C.to walk; ride D. walked; rode12.While I was walking along the lake, I saw some fish _out of the water. A.jumped B.to jump C.jumping D.to jumping13.Danny did all kind

6、s of things to make the baby_. A.to stop crying B.stop crying C.to stop to cry D.stop to cry14.-What are on show in the museum? -Some photos_by the children of Yushu, Qinghai. A.have been taken b.were taken C.are taken D.taken15.Its a good habit _breakfast every day.A.had B.have C.has D.to have 16.W

7、e were poor and we had no room _.A.to live B.living on C.to live in D.live in 17.Which do you prefer, Chinese food or western food? -I would rather _Chinese food. Lets have noodles.A.to have B.having C.had D.have18. Sarah had her washing machine _yesterday, but it doesnt work now. A.repair B.repaire

8、d C.to repair D.repairing19.Tell the children _unhealthy food. Its bad for their health.A.not to eat B.not eating C.to eat D.eating20._energy, turn off the hot water after you take the shower. A.Save B.Saving C.Saved D.To save21.We must do everything we can _our earth cleaner and safter. A.made B.to

9、 making C.make D.to make22.Remember _off the lights when you leave the classroom. A.turn B.to turn C.turning D.turned二英汉互译:1.Mary seems to be waiting for you. _.2.I am very glad to have taken part in the party._3.I would like to go shopping with my mum._4.I have a lot of work to do after supper._5.T

10、he boy is old enough to go to school._6.It is not known when to start._7.I would rather stay at home than go there._8.她每天练习说英语。_9.我不介意把自行车借给你。_10.他去世了,留下妻子和两个孩子。_11.她进来了,后面跟着一群小孩。_12.我发现门关着但是灯亮着。_13.这衣服需要洗了。_14.我忘了把我电话号码告诉他。_15.那激动人心的消息令他激动不已。_ 答案:一1.C 2.B 3.A 4.A 5.B 6.D 7.C 8.C 9.D 10.C11.C 12.C 1

11、3.B 14.D 15.D 16.C 17.D 18.B 19.A 20.D 21.D 22.B二1. 玛丽似乎正在等你。 2.我很高兴参加了这次聚会 3.我想和妈妈去购物4.晚饭后我有很多工作要做 5.这个男孩到了孩上学的年龄了。 6.什么时候开始还不知道。7.我宁愿待在家也不愿去那里。 8.She practices speaking English every day.9.I dont mind lending my bike to you. 10.He died, leaving his wife and two children.11.She came in , followed by a group of children.12.I found the door closed but the light on. 13.The clothes need washing/to be washed.14.I forgot to tell him my telephone number. 15.The exciting news made him excited.


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