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1、Welcome,Informal conversation about ordinary things or unimportant subjects or light conversation at a social event etc.,1. What does small talk mean? What features does it have?,2. Is it a problem if someone has no small talk? (or is not good at making small talk),Why?,Because he will have difficul

2、ty in making new friends.,Yes.,he will have difficulty in getting on with others.,Reading page2,Module 1,pre-reading,If you want to be good at making small talk , what should you do?,Students activity:,2) Develop your listening skills. Dont talk too much.,3) Expand your horizons . Try something new

3、every day.,1) Be confident in yourself. Dont be nervous.,4) Keep a journal. Write down funny stories you hear, beautiful thing you see,5) Practice if possible. Talk with everyone you come cross.,6) Remember social rules can be different in different countries.,7) Use some encouraging noises and gest

4、ures -smiling, nodding ,while-reading,Task1:,Read the passage and decide what kind of book it is from.,A. an English teaching book B. a business course C. a book which tells you what to do at social event D. a book to help you prepare for a speaking examination,C,Read the passage and decide what kin

5、d of book it is from.,Fast-reading,while-reading,Task2:,Read the passage and find out the outline of it.,1-2,3,4-7,8,Introduction to the body of the passage by asking questions,How to do small talk,The social rules,Dos and donts while listening,Structure-analyzing,How Good Are You Social Skills?,loo

6、k at your watch yawn sigh look away from the person change the subject finish others sentences ,have some low-risk topics,show that you are listening,keep good eye contact,use positive body language,ask for more information to show your interest,remember some social rules,Read the passage and fill i

7、n the blanks.,Part I (para1 yawn ( sigh, look away, change the subject, finish other peoples sentences). 4 Why is it a good idea to nod and smile when the other person is talking? To show that your are listening. 5 What does the quotation from Benjamin Disraele tell you about people? People like tal

8、king about themselves.,HOME,1 If you can talk confidently, does this mean that you are worried about talking to people? No, it doesnt. 2 What kind of advance planning could you do before going to a party in a foreign country? You could find out what the social conventions are about arriving, leaving

9、 and bringing gifts.,3 Can you give an example of a low-risk conversation opener if you were talking to a friend of your parents, for example? “Did you watch the Cup Final last Saturday?”/ “Have you seen the new James Bond film?” 4 What encouraging noises and gestures can you make when youre having

10、a conversation in Chinese? Smiling, nodding, saying “Yes” and “Oh, really?” etc.,Thank You!,Reading page8,Module 1,1 What did Esther often do when she spoke to others? She put her foot in the mouth (said something embarrassing). 2 What do you think are “the basic rules of social communication”? To b

11、e polite and not to embarrass people. 3 Why did the customer look awkward when she was asked how old she was? Because she didnt want to say her age.,Fast Reading,4 How did the typist contradict Esther? She said she wasnt pregnant. 5 What was wrong about Esthers advice to the salesman? Her advice was

12、 very insensitive as she told him that his wife was a fool and that no one liked her.,6 What did Esther think of the clerks haircut? She wanted to know how much it cost. 7 Why did the young man think the company gave him a new job miles away? He thought the office would be quieter without him. 8 Wha

13、t did Esther think of her old school friends husband? She thought he was ugly.,Careful Reading,1 three things you can say when you make small talk Nice to meet you. /Nice haircut./ Id like you to meet my husband. 2 two things you should not say How old are you?/How much did your haircut cost? 3 one

14、way of replying to questions which you dont wish to answer Id rather not say.,Find the following in the passage.,Look at the new words in the box.,absence acquaintance anniversary apology awkward brunch cautious clerk customer fax firm fool haircut hostess human being interrupt mature messy motto ou

15、tspoken pregnant saleswoman shortcoming tease typist,1 a place of work 2 people or jobs acquaintance, clerk, customer, fool, hostess, human being, saleswoman, typist 3 things you say or write 4 personal characteristics/ appearance awkward, cautious, mature, messy, outspoken 5 a physical state 6 a me

16、al,firm,apology, motto,pregnant,brunch,Reading practice page11,Module 1,leave out factual genuine hospitable secretive violate,省去,删去 adj.实际的,确实的 adj.纯粹的,真正的 adj.好客的,殷勤的 adj.隐藏的,秘而不宣的 v.骚扰,妨碍,Words Preview,define (be) aware of take the lead graciously show off,v.解释,给下定义 知道 带头,领先 adv.优雅地 炫耀,Words Prev

17、iew,Read the following words.,argument compliment conversation curious disagreement dull embarrassment factual genuine hospitable lively relationship sensitive secretive silence spy topic violate wealth,Check the following statements, what are true for Americans.,Reading,1 You can ask about families

18、, what people do and like, etc. Yes. 2 Its OK to talk about religion and politics. No, its best to avoid these topics.,3 You shouldnt talk about your feelings. No, it is acceptable to talk about your feelings. 4 Dont ask personal questions. No, Americans will not usually mind being asked personal qu

19、estions. 5 Make sure you dont talk about the weather or give compliments. No, these topics are safe. 6 You can talk about peoples age and their income. No, you cannot.,4,The writer thinks that _. (a) Americans often ask very personal questions (b) Asians are very different from Americans, and are se

20、nsitive to many topics of conversation (c) Americans are easy to make friends with, but they respect your private life (d) Americans dont like to grow old, so its difficult to make friends with them,5,Choose the correct answers.,1 When a dull person talks, you should _. (a) ask questions (b) change

21、the topic of conversation (c) not ask personal question (d) listen,2 Its always OK to talk to Americans about _. (a) their work (b) religion and politics (c) age and money (d) their private life,3 When Americans make an invitation to visit, _. (a) they dont really mean it (b) they want to find out m

22、ore about you (c) they genuinely want to see you again (d) you should accept it,4 The best way to talk about personal things is to _. (a) talk about your own private life first (b) talk about your job (c) discuss the weather (d) ask them how old they are,5 Its best to avoid _. (a) personal questions

23、 (b) silence (c) spies (d) dull people,Module 1,Culture corner,The AAA,I. Pre-reading :,Can you guess the meaning of the AAA?,II. Reading :,1. What does the AAA mean ? 2. How does the AAA model work? 3. Is it a good idea while making small talk with someone you dont know in China?,I.) Discussion (groupwork),1. asking the teacher for help and advice 2. greeting a teenager / stranger 3. talking with a foreigner,II.) Make a conversation in the following circumstances by using the AAA model. (pairwork),Thank You!,


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