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1、译林牛津版八年级上第二单元测试卷一、单项选择(每小题1分,共 15分)( ) 1. - Which is _ season in Beijing?- I think its autumn.A. goodB. betterC. bestD. the best( ) 2. -Who is Ren Changxia?-A great policewoman. She always thought _ of others thanherself.A. muchB. moreC. lessD. most( ) 3. -Which sport do you like best?- I like playi

2、ng _ softball, and _ softball under the desk is mine.A. the; theB. /; theC. the; /D. /; /) 4. Many Chinese students think science subjects are _ foreignlanguages.A. more difficult as B. less difficult than C. much difficult than D. so difficult as( ) 5. -Good morning, Mr Brown. Would you please tell

3、 me the result of the exam?- OK. You did quite welt. You mademistakes.A. a fewB. fewC. littleD. a little( ) 6. -Where is Mike? He asked me to go out for a walk this evening.- Maybe he _ TV in the living room now.( ) 7. I have _ to tell you about my favourite film.A. something otherB. other something

4、C. something elseD. else something( ) 8. _ all the lessons in Book II, Unit 5 is the most interesting.( ) 9. - Fathers Day is coming. Im going back home to see my father.- _A. Its good to you B. Give my best wishes to him C. Say goodbye to him, please D. See you soon( ) 10. She wrote a lot of books,

5、 but _ good ones.( ) 11. We are all _ at the _ story.A. exciting; exciting B. excited; exciting C. exciting; excited D. excited; excited( ) 12. Her mother was out. She stayed at home _, but she didntfeel _.A. alone; alone B. lonely; lonely C. alone; lonely D. lonely; alone( ) 13. Please and thank yo

6、u are _ words when you speak to others.A. friendlyB. not politeC. uselessD. interesting( ) 14. On Childrens Day, we have a day _.( ) 15. Students in Grade _ are called _ in the USA.A. 12; seniorB. 12th; juniorC. 12th; juniorsD. 12; seniors二.完形填空(每小题1分,共 10分)My l friend is Li Ping. But last week at s

7、chool, we had a2fight, and_ 3 didnt talk to me. Itall started when he asked me ifhe4 myhomework. I asked him 5 he wanted to do that and he said that he 6 to do it. I said I 7 it was a good idea for him to copy 8 , because it would start a bad habit. He should do his own homework. He got really mad a

8、t meand said he didnt want to be my best friend9 .I said that was OK. And Iwas sure he would10it. And he did. Yesterday he told me he was verysorry for that.() 1. A .bestB. betterC. wellD. fine() 2. A. largeB. bigC. smallD. little() 3. A. herB. sheC. himD. he() 4. A. would copyB. will copyC. could c

9、opyD. can copy() 5. A. whyB. whenC. howD. what() 6.A. forgottenB. forgetC. forgetsD. forgot() 7.A thinkB. didnt thinkC. dont thinkD. not to think() 8.A. meB. mineC. myD. I() 9.A. any moreB. no moreC. not anymoreD. no longer() 10. A. get overB. got overC. get toD. get up三、阅读理解(每小题2分,共30分)ADear TommyI

10、m having a party in my house.Please come to 403 Spring Road.Date: Sunday,13th MayTime:2. 00 p. m5. 00 p. mSimonDear SimonThank you for inviting me to your party. Im afraid I cant come, because Im busy with my work on 13th May. I hope you will have a great party.Tommy( ) 1. Which of the following sta

11、tements is TRUE?A. Simon wants Tommy to come to the party.B. Tommy wants Simon to come to the party.C. Simon doesnt want Tommy to come to the party.D. Tommy doesnt want Simon to come to the party.( ) 2. The party will begin at _.A. 5 p. m on 13th MayB. 2 p. m on 13th MarchC. 2 p.m on 13th MayD. 5 p.

12、 m. on 13th March( ) 3. The party will be on for _.( ) 4. The party will be in _A. Tommys home B. Simons house C. the school D. the park( ) 5. Tommy cant come because he will _ that day.A. see a filmB. go fishingC. meet his old friendsD. be busy workingBJohn Denver, the writer and composer of Goodby

13、e Again, is one of the best-known American folk singers and song writers. He is a country boy by birth and still prefers the mountains of Colorado to the big cities he has visited in his many travels. He was born as Henry John in Roswell, New Mexico on December 31, 1943. He later changed his name to

14、 the simpler John Denver after his favourite big city, Denver Colorado.When he was a student, he knew he wanted to be a folk singer and sang in coffee houses at night. Later he became famous. His song Goodbye Again expresses his feelings about travelling and being away from home.( ) 6. John Denver i

15、s not just good at singing but good at _A writing storiesB. travelingC. writing booksD. creating (创作) songs( ) 7. Denver Colorado is the name of _A. a mountainB. a singerC. a cityD. a country boy( ) 8. John Denver loved the beauty of his favourite place so much that he_A. traveled there many timesB.

16、 changed his name after its nameC. hated city lifeD. felt sorry not to live there) 9. Which of the following shows the correct relationship between America (A), New Mexico (N) and Roswell(R)?A. ANRB. ARNC. NARD. RNA( ) 10. Johns song Goodbye Again tells about_.A. his love for mountainsB. his opinion

17、 about lifeC. his love for musicD. his feelings on leaving homeCSaturday,March 20,2011Dear Mom and Dad,The time has come:Im graduating ,and I thank you both for all your help during these 15 years.I still remember when you used to say, “You can be whatever you want” Im so glad you are my parents,esp

18、ecially when I hearkids say they dont get on well with theirs.Im glad that you support(支持)me when I decide to do anything.You always try to help,and thats important to me .Dad,I remember when you first took me fishing.I loved going even though I never caught anything.I also remember when you would g

19、et angry with me.I realize you were only trying to show me the right way.When Iwould cry,you would always be there to try to cheer me up.Thats what I call a good,loving,caring dad.Sometimes you and Mom dont agree with me,but you are there by my side in anything that I do,and thats why I love you bot

20、h so much.Mom,I enjoy going out with you and having our happy time every Friday night,and I hope that never changes.I love telling you everything;the best part about you is that you listen.Im glad we do a lot together .You love to have fun,and Dad does,too. You always give me your opinion and I list

21、en.Thank you for bringing me up.Love always,( )11.Allison writes the letter to show _to her parents.( )12.In Allisons opinion,other kids of her age may_their parents.A.have problems with B.get on well with C.like to talk to D.like to listen to( )13.Father might get angry with her when Alilison _.A.d

22、idnt accept him B.didnt do things in the right way C.didnt catch any fish D.didnt agree with her parents( )14.The underlined part “and Dad does,too”in Paragraph 3 means “_”.A.and Dad is funny ,tooB.and so is DadC.and Dad has ,tooD.and Dad also loves to have fun( )15.What makes Allison and her mother

23、 good friends? A.Cheering up each other.B.Listening to each other and having fun together. C.Encouraging each other.D.Going out together.四、词汇(每小题1分,共20分)A根据句意、首字母或中文提示填写单词。1. I felt very_(厌烦的)at his_(令人厌烦的)talk.2. When he was a little child, he was interested in _(科学)3. I read an _(文章)by a lovely bo

24、y from the USA4. Look! His money is even _(少)than mine.5. The _(长度)of their summer holiday is about two months.6. Drinking a glass of milk every morning is good for our h_7. Our school is a m _one, so boys and girls have lessons together.8. - Now many young people have the stars as their h_- Yes.9.

25、The fish is t_. We all like it very much.10. Students in Grade 12 are called s_1. Dont spend too much time _ (chat) on the Internet.2. We always have a great time _ (study) English.3. Our teacher asked us _ (open) the windows.4. What games _ they _ (play)? Lets go and have a look.5. Simon _ (go) to

26、the club last night.C用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。little popular twin begin good1. Mr Black spoke at the _ of the meeting.2. - The coffee is good.- Itll taste _with some milk.3. The boy is _ in our class, and many students dont like him4. These clothes are the _.5. He knows at _1,000 English words.五、句型转换(每小题1分,共

27、5分)1. How is your school life? (同义句转换)_ your school life_?2. We always talk to each other and enjoy ourselves.(同义句转换)We always_ _ _ _ _ to eachother.3. Jane does well in sewing.(改为否定句)Jane _ _ well in sewing.4. My father went to work on foot yesterday.(对画线部分提问)_ _ _ father go to work yesterday?5. Th

28、e weather here is wet and cold.(对画线部分提问)_ the weather _here?六、翻译句子(每小题2分,共10分)1Nancy每天花一个小时练习打排球。_2杨叔叔经常开车送他儿子去上学。_3黄阿姨很少有时间外出,她要照顾很多孩子。_4这些天他都在跟他父亲学习如何修自行车。_5你学习越努力,你就越会得到更好的结果。_七、书面表达(共10分)假如你是张华,你的英国笔友David来信询问你的学校生活,请你根据以下要点给他写封回信。提示:1你每天上几节课,学习什么科目;2你对哪些科目感兴趣,哪些科目学得不够好以及课外活动情况;3每天花多长时间做作业,对学校生活

29、是否满意。若不满意,你希望如何。注意:1词数:80左右;2信的开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。Dear DavidIm very glad to receive your letter. You asked me about my school life in your letter. Now Ill tell you something about it._YoursZhang Hua参考答案一. 15. DBBBB 610. ACCBC 1115. BCADD二. 15. ABDCA 610. DBBAA三. 15. ACCBD 610. DCBAD 1115. DABBB四. A.

30、l. bored; boring 2. science 3. article 4. less 5. length6. health 7. mixed 8. heroes 9. tasty 10. seniorsB. 1. chatting 2. studying 3. to open 4. are; playing 5. wentC. 1. beginning 2. better 3. unpopular 4. twins 5. least五. 1. Whats; like 2. have a great time talking 3. doesnt do4. How did your 5.

31、Whats; like六. 1. Nancy spends an hour practising playing volleyball every day.2. Uncle Yang often drives his son to school.3. Aunt Huang has little time for going out. She has to look after many children these days.4. He is learning how to mend bikes from his father.5. The harder you work at your le

32、ssons, the better result you will get.七. One possible version:Dear DavidIm very glad to receive your letter. You asked me about my school life in your letter. Now Ill tell you something about it.Im a secondary school student in Jiangsu. I study Chinese, Maths, English, Geography, Art, Music, Compute

33、r Studies and other subjects. Classes begin at 7. 45 a. m. We have four classes in the morning and three in the afternoon. I study hard. Im good at Chinese and English but dont do so well in Maths. Im going to work harder. We have a lot of after-school activities here. We often play football, basketball or volleyball from 4. 00 to5. 00 p. m. We can also go to the interest clubs. We can get more knowledge there. I usually spend an hour on my homework. I think my school life iscolourful.Yours


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