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1、Unit2 Neighbours,Language points,What are your neighbours like? (你的邻居们怎么样?),What be + 主语 + like ? - 怎么样?(用来提问人或事物的人品、性格或特征),例:今天的天气怎么样?今天是个晴天。,_ the weather _ today?,Its _ today.,Whats,like,sunny,2. Some of them are volunteers. volunteer,(n.)志愿者,义务工作者 e.g. Volunteers often help the old people do som

2、e shopping. 志愿者经常帮助老人购物。,3.They help us with all kinds of problems. 他们帮助我们解决各种问题。 (1)help sb.with sth. - 在某方面帮助某人(解决问题),例:我经常帮助Ann学习汉语,I often _ Ann _her Chinese.,help sb. (to) do sth. - 帮助某人做某事,这个周末,他们打算帮助老人们清洁公寓。,They _ _ _ _the old people _ their flats _ _.,help,with,are,going,to,help,clean,this,

3、weekend,(2) all kinds of - 各种各样的,一种- _ _ _ 不同种类的_ _ _,1. 在我们社区有各种各样的自行车。 In our _, there _ _ _ _ bikes.,例:,超市里有许多不同种类的台灯。,There are _ _ _ _ in the supermarket.,a,kind,of,different,kinds,of,community,are,all/different,kinds,of,different,kinds,of,lamps,4. Are they going to have a meeting this weekend?

4、 他们这个周末打算开会吗? 此句为一般疑问句,陈述句为: They are going to have a meeting this weekend. be going to do,意为“打算做.” have a meeting,意为“开会” 例: 他们打算今天下午踢足球。 They _ _ _ _ football this afternoon.,are,going,to,play,5.,There is something wrong with my computer.,_,我的电脑出故障了。,There is something wrong with -,某人或某物有毛病或错误,相当于:

5、,Something is wrong with .,她的眼睛有问题了。,There _ _ _ _ her _.,is,something,wrong,with,eyes,改写:,_ _ _ _ her eyes.,Something,is,wrong,with,6. Im going to ask a computer engineer to check it. 我打算找个电脑工程师检查一下。,ask sb.to do sth. - 请求(让)某人做某事,(1) 我打算让我哥哥帮我学数学。,例:,Im going to _my brother _ _ me _my maths.,(2) P

6、arents often ask their kids _ Internet friends because the kids may be in danger(有危险)。,A. to meet B. not to meet C. meeting,B,( ask sb. not to do sth. -让某人不要做某事),ask,to,help,with,7. Can you find anyone to help you with your homework? _.,(1) find sb.to do sth. -,找到某人去做某事,Can you find anyone to help m

7、e look after my son?,_.,(2)find sb. doing sth. -,老师发现他在课堂上睡觉。,The teacher _ _ _ in class.,你能找到人帮你做家庭作业吗?,你能找个人帮我照看一下我儿子吗?,发现某人在做某事,finds,him,sleeping,8.,Some college students are ready to help.,be ready to do sth.-,准备好做某事,be ready for sth. -,为某事做好准备,(1) 他总是乐于帮助别人。,He_ always _ _ _ others.,(2) 学生们为校运

8、动会做好了准备。,The students _ _ _ the school sports meeting.,该短语也可改写成:,get ready to do sth.和get ready for sth.,is,ready,to,help,are,ready,for,9. Some of them often visit the old people and do some shopping for them. _,do +some / the + V-ing 结构常用来表示:,做某事,do some / the reading _,do some / the washing _,例:,他们中的一些人经常拜访老人并且帮他们买些东西。,读书,看书,洗衣服,10. You are lucky to live in a community centre like that, Simon. _,主语 + be lucky to do sth. -,某人干某事很幸运,注意:,lucky还可换作其它形容词: kind, helpful, friendly,帮我搬这么重的箱子,你真是太好了。,例:,You are really _ to _ me _ the heavy box.,Simon,你住在这样一个社区真是幸运.,kind,help,carry,Homework,


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