-ELEVEN 特许经营便利店物流体系研究.doc

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1、7-ELEVEN 特许经营便利店物流体系研究7-ELEVEN 特许经营便利店物流体系研究Research on the logistics system of 7-ELEVEN franchise convenience stores 14#ff66ff.前言1#ff66ff. Foreword7-ELEVEN便利店,采用特许经营模式发展,是现今全球最大的零售网络商,被公认为世界便利店的楷模。截至2004年3月底,全球共有7-ELEVEN便利店约27000间。 7-ELEVEN convenience stores, owns the largest retailing network in

2、the world, whose achievement is an exemplar of convenience stores#ff66ff. By the end of March 2004, 7-ELEVEN had opened 27,000 stores in the world 作为全球最为出色的特许经营企业之一, 7-Eleven便利店取得的辉煌业绩,除了其先进的经营方式与独特的品牌营销外,支撑其快速发展的另一重要因素就是强大的后方物流支援系统。As one of the most distinctive enterprise in the world, 7-ELEVEN ha

3、s won a tremendous success in the filed#ff66ff. Except its advanced and special operation strategies, a strong supporting system is another important factor of its rapid development#ff66ff. 希望通过学生对 7-Eleven便利店物流体系的深入研究,能为中国的便利店业以及特许经营企业的物流体系发展,带来可以借鉴的经验。The paper is expected to give referential expe

4、riences to Chinas convenience store business and franchise enterprise by examining the logistics structure of 7-ELEVEN#ff66ff.2#ff66ff. 7-Eleven的目标顾客与商品构成 2#ff66ff.7-ELEVENs Customers and Structure of Merchandise从全球范围来看, 7-Eleven便利店的基本立足点是以年轻顾客及收入较高的顾客群体为主要服务对象,提供各种社区服务功能。 On the worldwide scale, 7-

5、ELEVEN defined primary service objects as young people and high income groups provided them with diverse community services#ff66ff.7-Eleven的顾客定位将会影响它的商品构成,从而进一步影响到它的物流体系构建 。Customer classification of 7-ELEVEN has influences on choosing category of product and affects logistics system structure#ff66f

6、f. 图1:7-Eleven 店面销售商品结构Fig1: 7-ELEVEN Structure of merchandise3#ff66ff.7-Eleven的物流战略体系 3#ff66ff. The logistics Strategy System of 7-Eleven7-Eleven特许经营总部的战略经营目标是使 7-Eleven所有加盟单店成为“周围居民信赖的具有忠诚度的店铺”。The marketing strategy of 7-ELEVEN headquarter is endeavoring to help all “franchisee” outlets to win th

7、e title of “the most trustable CVS around citizens”#ff66ff. 7-Eleven便利店是通过以下三个要素来实现其忠诚度的:1、只有在7-Eleven能够买到的独特商品; 2、提供高新鲜度的快餐食品;3、零缺货,即使顾客永不失望的供货。Customer loyalty is acquired through three unique elements of 7-ELEVEN:1#ff66ff.the unique products which only 7-ELELVEN provides; 2#ff66ff. offering fresh

8、 fast food; 3#ff66ff. zero inventory which never disappoint customers#ff66ff.据学生对7-Eleven物流体系的研究,该便利店为确保上述顾客忠诚度所需三个要素的顺利实现,而建立的先进、高效的物流系统,可归纳为以下六个物流战略要点:Having conducted research on 7-ELEVEN, the following six logistics key points are concluded to maintain customer loyalty and ensure the above three

9、 factors to be carried out in order to build an advance and efficient logistics system#ff66ff. 1、区域集中化战略; 2、小批量进货策略与JIT物流;3、建立共同配送中心;4、集约配送、共同配送;5、不同温度带物流;6、物流差异化战略。1#ff66ff.Regional Centralization Strategy;2#ff66ff.Economic order quantity and JIT(Just In Time) logistics3#ff66ff.Establish joint dist

10、ribution center4#ff66ff.Implement intensive distribution and joint distribution5#ff66ff.Multi-temperature logistics6#ff66ff.Logistics differentiation strategy图2:7-Eleven物流体系六大物流战略之间的关系图Fig 2: relationship diagram of six strategies7-Eleven物流体系7-Eleven Logistics System区域集中化战略Regional Centralization St

11、rategy小批量进货策略与JIT物流Economic order quantity and JIT(Just In Time) logistics 建立共同配送中心Joint Distribution Center物流差异化战略Differentiation Strategy集约配送、共同配送Intensive distribution and joint distribution不同温度带物流Multi-temperature logistics区域集中化战略是 7-Eleven物流体系中最基本的战略,是其余战略实施的首要前提与必要保障;Regional Centralization St

12、rategy is the fundamental of all other strategies of 7-ELEVEN, which provided them with prerequisite preparations; 小批量进货策略与JIT物流是便利店店铺面积偏小的必然选择,同时也是建立共同配送中心的重要原因与必要前提;and Economic order quantity and JIT(Just In Time) logistics is a must choice for small volume of stores, and an important reason to e

13、stablish joint distribution center; 共同配送中心的建立,为集约配送与共同配送战略、不同温度带物流战略的实现铺平了道路。Establish joint distribution center gives a suitable environment to fulfill intensive distribution, joint distribution and Multi-temperature logistics#ff66ff.不同温度带物流战略是7-Eleven物流体系中一个特殊的战略。众所周知,物流所追求的是物流成本与服务水平之间的平衡,而不同温度带物

14、流战略正是一个十分显著的,以牺牲物流成本为代价来提高服务水平的战略。Multi-temperature logistics is a unique strategy of 7-ELEVENs logistics system#ff66ff. Its well-known that what logistics seeks is the balance of costs and service quality, however, multi-temperature logistics is a remarkable strategy which sacrifice logistics cost

15、to improve service quality#ff66ff.物流差异化战略是与区域集中化战略并列的 7-Eleven物流体系中的另一大战略,随着共同配送中心战略的顺利实施,这两大战略之间的有机联系进一步增强。 Differentiation strategy, in which parallel with regional centralization strategy, is another main strategy of 7-ELEVENs logistics system; with the smooth implementation of joint distribution

16、 center, these two strategies have been further strengthened#ff66ff. 与此同时,共同配送中心的建立与顺利运行亦为物流差异化战略注入了强烈的能量,使该战略具有越来越显著的独创性与不可复制性。Meanwhile, such implementation also infused strong energy into differentiation strategy to underline its ever increasing features of uniqueness and non-replicability#ff66ff

17、.一般而言,物流服务是由物流系统作为基础的,物流服务水平是物流活动水平的体现,高水平的物流服务必有高水平的物流成本所支撑。Generally Speaking, logistics services are provided on the basis of logistics system, which is also the performance of it and indicated that high quality logistics services are necessity supported by prominent logistics cost#ff66ff. 因此,为了使

18、顾客的满意度达到最大值,就必须寻求物流服务水平和物流服务成本之间的平衡点,在顾客可以接受的价格内尽可能高的提升物流服务水平。Therefore, in order to maximum satisfy customers, and seek for the high standard service level within an affordable price of public, it is essential find the balance of cost and service level#ff66ff.在7-Eleven物流体系中:1#ff66ff.区域集中化战略的目的是降低物流

19、成本;2#ff66ff.小批量进货策略与JIT物流战略的目的是降低物流成本;In the logistics system of 7-ELEVEN:1#ff66ff.regional centralization strategy aimed at decreasing costs; 2#ff66ff.Economic order quantity and JIT(Just In Time) logistics aimed at decreasing costs; 建立共同配送中心战略在降低物流成本的同时,提升了物流服务水平;集约配送、共同配送战略的目的是降低物流成本;Establish jo

20、int distribution center on the one hand reduced costs and on the other hand, it helped to enhance service level#ff66ff. Implement intensive distribution and joint distribution aimed at decreasing costs; 不同温度带物流战略的目的是提高物流服务水平以及顾客满意度;物流差异化战略归根结底是要提升物流服务水平。Multi-temperature logistics aimed to improve s

21、ervice quality and customer satisfaction#ff66ff. Differentiation strategy aimed at the bottom line is the enhancement of service level#ff66ff. 4#ff66ff.7-Eleven物流体系的启示 4#ff66ff. The message of Logistics System of 7-ELEVEN中国的改革开放已经过去了四分之一的世纪了,但是中国的特许经营还处于摸索阶段,中国的零售业,特别是便利店业还是处在一个起步的阶段。A quarter of a

22、century has passed since Chinas the reform and open policy, however, chinas franchise business is still in groping stage#ff66ff. Retail market in China, especially convenience stores, has only embarked on serious career#ff66ff. 虽然近年来,特许经营的商业模式已经有了很大的发展,但是特许经营与便利店业相结合的做法在中国仍属于是新鲜事物。In recent years, a

23、lthough the business model of franchise has obtained more opportunities, the combination between franchise operation and convenience stores is still new to China#ff66ff. 在2001年,中国加入WTO后,我国的企业获得了飞速的发展,但是国内企业与国际先进外企业的差距不仅仅存在于经营规模,关键是支撑营运业务的核心技术体系,包括物流体系。 In 2001, enterprises has experienced rapid grow

24、th when China entered WTO, however, the difference between international advanced organizations is not only in operation size, but more importantly is the core technology systems support the operation which includes logistics system#ff66ff. 物流贯穿经营业务活动的全过程,物流环节与商店内部经营环节的衔接及协调状况,直接影响企业对市场和顾客的反应速度,影响企业

25、的成本与效率。Logistics runs throughout the whole process of operation activities, so the links and communications between logistics cycle and stores internal operation cycle are directly affecting enterprises response speed to customers and market, as well as costs and efficiency#ff66ff. 目前,物流体系发展的滞后已成为制约

26、我国企业发展的重要瓶颈。物流体系已成为发展现代特许商业必须解决的课题之一。Today, the lagged development of logistics system is a main blockage interrupting the advancement strides of our enterprises#ff66ff. As a result, logistics system is the one of the subject must be solved to develop modern franchise business#ff66ff.通过对7-Eleven物流体系

27、的研究,我们可以认识到,要打破制约我国企业发展的物流瓶颈,Having investigated the logistics system of 7-ELEVEN, it is clear that on the road to break the bottleneck which constraint the development of our enterprises, 就必须从区域集中化战略、小批量进货策略与JIT物流、共同配送中心、集约配送与共同配送、不同温度带物流、物流差异化战略这六大方面进行综合考虑。 we must comprehensively regard from six

28、aspects consisting of the strategy of regional centralization, economic order quantity and JIT (Just In Time) logistics, joint distribution center, intensive distribution and joint distribution, multi-temperature logistics, logistics differentiation strategy#ff66ff. 依据不同企业经营的特点与中国的实际国情,以降低物流配送成本,提高流

29、通整体效益,增加企业利润为最终目的,构建出具有企业个性的独特物流体系。According to difference features of enterprise operation and chinas identity, the ultimate objective of establishing a unique logistics system for enterprises is aimed to reduce distribute cost and boost entire efficiency and profit#ff66ff. The Ending!Thanks for your attention!Communication:Contact:张毓辉


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