以组织绩效为导向的培企业培训训体系(OPTS)(Organizational performance oriented training and training system (OPTS)).doc

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1、以组织绩效为导向的培企业培训训体系(OPTS)(Organizational performance oriented training and training system (OPTS))I. backgroundAt present, there are two kinds of training system is widely used in Enterprises: one is the job description and standardized training system based on this type of training system to the posi

2、tion as the core, to the training staff as to adapt to the position of the people, so as to achieve enterprise expected value; the other one is based on individual employees the competency model of the training system, this type of training system through the cultivation of employee competence to en

3、hance job performance, and staff in the field of professional management and development goals.The above two kinds of training system is of importance and suitability in the enterprise, but the focus is on the personal and job matching and individual performance, and according to the quality of the

4、staffs ability to determine the focus of training objects, the weakening of the cultivation of team, even the whole enterprise organization ability. The unique identity emphasizes that enterprises organization and individual competition in the market environment, the pursuit of business is to maximi

5、ze the overall effectiveness of the organization, in order to improve the performance of individual employees as the focus of the training system has been difficult to exert its advantages. At the same time, compared with the individual ability, organizational skills remain stable for a long period

6、of time, than the financing channels, product strategy or technology is more difficult for competitors to follow, therefore, to meet the requirements of the market environment under the new situation of the enterprise, should establish a new training system for performance oriented organization, org

7、anizational competence the key. The organizational performance oriented training system can combine the advantages of the above two training systems and have their own characteristics.Two introduction of OPTSTo organize the performance oriented training system (Organizational Performance Oriented Tr

8、aining System) OPTS system, the enterprises strategic guidance, to enhance the ability of organization as a means to train three factors (teachers, curriculum and teaching materials), organic whole reasonable planning, system arrangement and form, in order to complete the organization mission and ac

9、hieve organizational performance.Through the OPTS, we hope to realize the picture is: through training, at any stage of the enterprise strategy, organizations at all levels can according to the agreed performance goals, efficient, accurate and timely completion of established routine work and new ta

10、sks. The training system can make organizations at all levels highly adapt and implement the enterprise strategy, and also become a means to improve the performance of enterprises.Based on this, the OPTS system is supported by three modules: performance index module, organization capability module a

11、nd curriculum module. The achievement of performance indicators is achieved through the completion of tasks, and the organizational capacity determines the efficiency and effectiveness of the organization to complete the relevant work. Training is an important way to enhance the ability of organizat

12、ion, and the curriculum is carrying the knowledge transfer and training skills transfer, standard transfer, information transmission and management function of the specific forms of disciplinary action, therefore, performance indicators affect the training course choice to a great extent.Further und

13、erstanding of the connotation of the three modules, enrich and improve the content of the three modules, is the foundation of the system stability, but also the key role of the system.Three, OPTS system featuresThe similarities and differences between the training system based on job description, th

14、e training system based on competency model and the OPTS system are as follows:Training system typeContrast projects are based on job descriptions, competency based models, and organizational performance orientedBasic job description, post competency, organic organization skillsThe maturity of train

15、ing system should be improved by post training, integrated training and trainingTraining goal, personal and position matching, personal post ability, organization abilitySystem function promotes personal adaptation, promotes individual performance, and improves organizational performanceApplying uni

16、versal knowledge enterprises and technology intensive enterprisesAs a result, employees adapt to the position, employees are competent, the organization achieves performance, and the staff achieves effectivenessDynamic adaptability in dynamic strategy has some weak delayed with the strategic target,

17、 dynamicComparison table of three training systemsVisible, OPTS system has the following three characteristics:I. strategy and performance orientedTo the job description as the cornerstone of the training system was established to develop suitable position of people, because the description of the p

18、osition of the incumbent past experience, the information is lagging behind, finally the result of the training is likely to develop and organize actual expectations are not entirely consistent with the incumbents, especially for some development changes faster this position is more obvious.The esta

19、blishment of a training system based on individual competency model aims to enhance personal performance. The principle is that competency model can predict individual performance,Improve employee performance by targeted training of employee capabilities. However, coordination may be difficult when

20、resources for individual training needs are inadequate.The OPTS system is strategic orientation and performance oriented. Training courses focus on the current corporate strategic objectives, training model focused on improving organizational performance indicators, training mechanism used to suppor

21、t the effective achievement of various indicators. The high degree of OPTS strategy not only broadens the coverage of training system, but also solves the contradiction between personal training needs and organizational training needs.Two, emphasizing the coordination and matching between people, te

22、ams and things, aiming at solving practical problemsWith the development of science and technology and the progress of society, things are becoming more and more demanding for people and team capabilities, and the combination of people and things is often in a dynamic contradiction. You are a good w

23、orker today. If you dont stick to your studies, youll probably fall behind next year. The OPTS system focuses on the contradiction between man and thing, aims at solving the practical problems, coordinates the contradiction, and realizes the dynamic matching of ability and task.Three, encourage team

24、 learningOPTS focuses on enhancing the organizations ability to narrow the gap between common team behavior and good team behavior, thus maximizing the overall effectiveness of the organization.On the one hand, the formation of organizational capabilities requires individuals in the organization to

25、build a shared vision, form a learning atmosphere, and complement and integrate individual capabilities. It can be said that employees excellent qualities form organizational capabilities.On the other hand, organizations with good capabilities attract employees with similar strengths,Stimulate their

26、 enthusiasm, and promote team learning, so that more employees will be able to transform their own ability to organize.Four, the importance of OPTSThe American economist and Nobel laureate Schultz found only from natural resources, physical capital and labor perspective, can not explain all the reas

27、ons for increase inproductivity capital and wealth as the transformation form of the knowledge and ability are the decisive reasons for social progress. But its acquisition is not without cost. It needs to be formed through investment. Organizational training is an important form of this investment.

28、In todays fast developing society of science and technology, a clear and clear OPTS system will play an important role in many ways:1) promote the construction of enterprise culture;2) promote the formation of learning organizations;3) to promote personal ability and the formation of organizational

29、capabilities, and enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises;4) enhance the value of intangible assets of enterprises;5) to help enterprises achieve strategic goals.Five, OPTS model of the basic principlesThe OPTS system can be expressed in an abstract, concise logical model, as follows:The mod

30、el consists of three modules: strategic performance index library, organization capability database and course library.Module 1: strategic performance indicators LibraryEnterprise strategy means that enterprises choose their suitable business areas and products according to the change of environment

31、, their own resources and strength, and form their own core competitiveness, and win through competition through differentiation. It is an overall and directive plan for setting up the long-term goal and achieving the goal. It belongs to the category of macro management,It has six main characteristi

32、cs, such as guidance, overall situation, long-term, competition, systematicness and risk.An indicator system refers to an organism consisting of several interrelated statistical indicators. In order to reflect the strategic intention of the enterprise, the enterprise should set up a measuring system

33、 with strategic significance. Strategy makes the index system have the soul and direction, and the index system is the tool to break the enterprises strategic target into the long-term objective that can be operated, and is the foundation of the enterprise performance management system.Module two: o

34、rganizing capability databaseFor enterprises, organizational capacity refers to the ability to carry out organizational work. The company has the ability to translate its various elements into products or services at the same level as its competitors. Organizational skills, that is, the organization

35、s collective skills, talents and expertise, are the result of the organizations investments in recruitment, training, compensation, communication, and other human resources. Well organized organizational capabilities can be a source of competitive advantage.Organizational capability is the DNA of en

36、terprise competitiveness, and it has several characteristics:1., it is unique, and each enterprise has different organizational capabilities.2., different organizational capabilities will also limit or strengthen the performance of enterprises at different levels.3. finally, since the ability to org

37、anize can be called the DNA of an enterprise, it naturally springs from the interior of the enterprise.In the corporate world, companies such as GE, Starbucks (Starbucks), Nordstrom (Nordstrom), or Microsoft (Microsoft) can get the admiration and admiration of most people,Not because of their organi

38、zational structure or specific management methods, but because of their ability - such as innovation ability, coping with changing customer needs, leadership, talent and speed and other organizational capabilities. They can really help companies achieve market value and remain stable over a long per

39、iod of time. They are more difficult to emulate by competitors than financing channels, product strategies or technologies.The organizational capability library mainly consists of three kinds of abilities: core value, organizational management ability and organizational professional ability.Module t

40、hree: course libraryA course library should be established step by step through the decomposition of organizational performance. The regular organizational performance module corresponds to the regular curriculum module, and the module of the corresponding organizational change module corresponding

41、to the professional change according to the strategy.The relationship between three modulesFrom the performance index library to the implementation of the curriculum library, the three modules depend on each other and influence each other. The impact of the organization to select key performance ind

42、icators to determine the ability of the organization, different abilities need targeted courses to support, so in general, when the stage of performance index selection determines the content of training courses.The author of this paper is a management consultant, and if you need to reprint, please

43、contact the marketing department, /2981Performance (Performance)What is performance?The word performance comes from management, and different people have different understanding of performance. Some people believe that performance means the efficiency and effectiveness of a job. Some people believe

44、that performance is the kind of work, behavior, method, and outcome that is evaluated;More people think that performance is the result of employees work, and it is an effective and contributive part of enterprises goals. It is often used in the research and evaluation of human resources in the manag

45、ement of enterprises.Performance is the effective output of organizations at different levels in order to achieve their goals.To sum up: performance is the combination of achievement and effectiveness, and is the objective behavior of work behavior, mode, result and the objective effect in a certain

46、 period. In an enterprise, employees performance is embodied in quantity, quality, cost, and other contribution to the enterprise.Characteristics of performanceIt has many factors, such as multi dimension, multi dimension and dynamic.1, multifactorialBecause of the impact of that is a persons perfor

47、mance depends on many factors, including the external environment, opportunities, personal IQ, EQ and it has the skills and knowledge structure, and enterprise incentive factors.2, multidimensionalMultidimensional is to say that a persons performance should be analyzed from several aspects and perspectives. In order to obtain more reasonable, objective and easy to accept results.3, dynamicDynamic, that is, the performance of a person varies with time and position.


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