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1、高级企业策划顾问英文简历 高级企业策划顾问英文简历模板 高级企业策划顾问首先要有业务了,才可以发挥策划或顾问的所长。下面为大家提供高级企业策划顾问英文模板。 3718 Luke Lane Kenton, OK 73946 Tel:12524511252 email: xxx Seeking a high position in enterprise planning area, which will allow me to utilize my knowledge and skills to prepare efficient and effective budget plans for th

2、e pany, thereby improving their profitability. Knowledge of Cognos software tools and applications Proven track record of implementing enterprise planning and business in _igence strategies and solutions suessfully Experience in working with data warehousing tools Translate business requirements int

3、o processes and make effective decisions to achieve business/project objectives Communicate fluently and effectively with domestic and international clients and associates Use easy techniques and solutions to solve plex problems without using plicated languages and scripting Ability to explore infor

4、mation or data from the right source at the right time Abreast with latest technologies, applications and processes in the Cognos enterprise planning environment Technical Skills and Knowledge Cognos tool - Cognos 8 Planning application, Administrator, Author, Framework Manager, Report Studio, etc.

5、Business in _igence/OLAP tools, Data stage, Informatica and Abinitio Software languages including SQL, Java, XML, PL, C, C+, etc. HTML, DHTML Operating System and Windows XP, xx, Unix, MS-DOS Microsoft suite TOAD, Enterprise manager, Quality SQA MBA with specialization in Financial Management (major

6、) and Information Technology (minor) from XYZ University, NY, 2000 Diploma in Computing and Programming from Hightech Institute, NY, 1999 Bachelor of Engineering Degree in Computer Science from ABC College, NY, 1998 High School Diploma from XYZ High School, OK, 1996 Professional Training Completed o

7、ne year technical training program from IBM Software Group Training and Certification with specialization in Cognos suite. Company- IT Corporation Ltd., NY Designation: Sr. Cognos Enterprise Planing Consultant Duration- May xx to June xx Job responsibilities: Provide support to enterprise planning r

8、equirements through the use of Cognos Planing software of all versions Plan, analyze and evaluate solutions for Cognos enterprise planning environment by using the appropriate version of the software Take quick decisions and prepare financial budget and forecast plans in line with the available reso

9、urces and pany objectives Ensure optimum utilization of resources and plan the overall design solution for the enterprise Design and deploy plicated software methodologies Compare past records and the present performance status to build a framework for the future Involve in identification of drawbac

10、ks in the application process and take effective corrective actions Maintain, develop and upgrade the ETL and data warehousing tools Apply knowledge and solutions by using latest and updated technologies Company- XYZ Inc , NY Designation: Cognos Enterprise Planning Consultant Duration- Sept 2000 to

11、May xx Develop enterprise planning applications for the pany through the use of Cognos planning software Build new models by paring with the present and past models Apply and use the latest version of Cognos Planning tool to the old models/ applications to increase more efficiency Apply Cognos TM1 a

12、nd Enterprise to install, configure and maintain the server Optimize and improve the solutions and applications aording to the best industry practices Maintain cordial relations with the client, colleagues and stakeholders to ensure continuity of information flow, as and when required Maintain repor

13、ts and documentation related to Cognos enterprise planning Make necessary changes to the report, as and when required Ensure delivery of project within the deadline Evaluated the performance of the project and analyze the effect of Cognos enterprise planning application Improve the financial perform

14、ance of the pany and clients Handle more than one project involving separate applications 肚量是看在旁人眼里的,并不是喊出来的,尤其是不适合从自己的嘴巴里喊出来。真正心胸开阔的人,从不会炫耀,也不会索取别人的称赞。他们就不认为自己的心胸气度如此广阔,因为他们觉得他们还能做得更多。 认为自己很谦虚的人其实并不谦虚,因为真正谦虚的人从不称赞自己谦虚。如果你真要让别人了解自己有多谦虚,就在言语中表现出自己的谦和吧,千万不要直接就说“其实啊,我这个人很谦虚的”。你听到别人这么说,会怎么想? 自律是好事,但是如果自

15、律过了头,会给别人什么印象?不懂变通,缺乏弹性,死脑筋,不好相处你身边有没有对待自己特别严格的人?你觉不觉得这样的人太硬不太好相处呢?所以别说自我要求特别严格了,职场不如军队,不需要铁一般的纪律,这样反而会让人觉得你缺乏人性化的变通,也难以沟通。 热情从来不是喊出来的,而是在实际工作中做出来的。说得好听比做什么都容易,千万别让人觉得你只是嘴巴上特别有干劲而已。另外,热爱工作是好事,但是太过于热爱工作,会让人担心你是否会做出什么过激的举动。而且,如果让别人觉得你动不动就满怀激情地工作,这样你的同事也会很累。 一般很机智又有幽默感的人,是不会刻意这么称赞自己的,除非他擅长说冷笑话。想想,如果一个人

16、对你说“你知道吗?我是个很机智幽默的人”,你的反应一定是两个字呵呵。真正机智幽默的人,在谈吐间就能让别人感受到了,用得着挑明了说吗?这反而是愚笨的自夸。 empathy这个词是指理解他人感受和想法的能力。但是明目张胆告诉别人你善于窥探别人的心事,则容易引起别人的反感。比如某人失恋了,想把这当作秘密藏起来,却看到你用“看穿一切”的眼神看着他,一定会因为被你看穿而感到烦躁吧?如果你真有这方面的“超能力”,藏起来,别让人知道,省得他人警戒你。 每个人都应该学会畏惧,会害怕才是正常人该有的心态。有勇气并非是无畏,而是明明害怕却依然在做着该做的事情。所以不要说自己天不怕地不怕,因为这样不正常,不知道危险

17、才容易折戟于危险之中。或许你应该换个词,比如courageous(富有勇气的)。 想一想,如果别人对你说“我是个直截了当的人”,那么你可能会想他的下一句话是“你的工作真是太不尽责了,我深刻质疑你的工作能力,你肯定办不好这件事”。我们是要说话诚实,但诚实不代表一定要伤了别人的心。如果一个人说自己很直截了当,很可能别人就会对他敬而远之,因为他一点不客气,甚至不讲礼貌。 其实,这句话原本挺不错,只是现在已经沦为了陈词滥调。万物恒变,没有东西保持不变,我们只有适应才能够生存,也就是说适应能力是我们的基础能力。不要觉得做到了自己应该做的事很了不起,实际上这本应该就是要做好的事情。就好像一位设计师去新公司应聘,然后说“我会做设计”一样,别人反而怀疑你是不是能力不够刻意这么说。 依靠自己是好事,能一个人照顾好自己,不用靠太多的帮助就能成事。但是,把这个放到团队工作中去还是好事吗?那就变成了你只习惯一个人工作而忽略了团队协作,等同于对同事不负责任,也不合群。就算当了领导,孤军奋战也必定会让整个团队如一盘散沙,工作一无是处。 模板,内容仅供参考


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