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1、XX年英语面试口语参考 关于到任时间 449.when could you start working?你何时能开始工作? 450.i can start tomorrow if you like.如果需要,我可以明天上班。 451.when can you start the job?你何时能开始上班? 452.ill go and quit my job in the abc pany.我要先到abc公司辞职。 453.how about next wednesday?星期三怎么样? 454.no problem.没问题。 455.then well see at 9 oclock nex

2、t wednesday.那下周三上午9点见。 456.can you e tomorrow morning?你明早能上班吗? 457.im afraid not.恐怕不行。 458.but can you make it thursday afternoon?星期四下午怎么样? 459.yes,see you then.好的,到时再见。 460.thats all right.好吧。 461.when you e,ask for smith,o.k.?你来的时候就找史密斯,行吗? 462.can you start on monday?你能在星期一来上班吗? 463.i cant start

3、on monday.theres a few personal things i have to take care of.星期一我不能上班,我有一些个人事务需要处理。 464.would thursday be all right?星期四可以吗? 465.now _ me when you can start to work here.请你告诉我你何时能开始上班? 466.ill e here as soon as i receive my diploma and bachelors degree certificate next month. 我下个月一拿到毕业证书和学士学位证书就会来这儿

4、上班。 467.perhaps somewhere around july 20.可能在7月20号左右。xx年英语面试口语参考: 关于到任时间 468.i can start to work in a month.一个月后我可以开始工作。 469.i must go back to nan _g to hand over my work and to go through necessary procedures. 我要回南京一趟,移交我的工作,办理必要的手续。 dialogue a (i=interviewer主试人 a=applicant受试人) i:when can you start

5、to work here? a:i can start to work in a month.i must go back to nan _g to hand over my work and to go through necessary procedures. i:well look forward to your ing back.i wish you a nice trip,mr. wang. a:thank you.see you next month. dialogue b i:when can you start the job? a:ill go and quit my job

6、 in the abc pany. i:can you start on monday? a:im afraid not,but can you make it thursday afternoon? i:thats all right.when you e,ask for smith,o.k.? a:yes,see you then. dialogue c i:what date can you start to work? a:i wont able to leave the institute until i get my diploma and bacelors degree cert

7、ificate at the end of this month.how about early next month? i:thatll do.please e in on august 1st.working hours are from eight to twelve in the morning and from two to six in the afternoon.we usually work for five days a week,but oasionally we have to work overtime. a:yes,sir. i: ll see you on august 1st then.thank you very much for ing today.itll be a pleasure to have you here. a:thank you,mr. paul.im sure ill enjoy working here,too.xx年英语面试口语参考: 关于到任时间 i:i hope so.good-bye. a:good-bye. 模板,内容仅供参考


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