网点制作(Dot fabrication).doc

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《网点制作(Dot fabrication).doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《网点制作(Dot fabrication).doc(13页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、网点制作(Dot fabrication)Taobao shop pendant is part of the shop landscaping, many people not only shop pendant as their shop landscaping elements, but also become an important position for their shop publicity. In the home page of the shop to install the pendant, the main two, one is Taobao shop bullet

2、in board, and the other is Taobao online shopping bar. In Taobao, the hang of the bulletin board is suspended, movable pendant, and the pendant in the category column is fixed.Taobao shop pendant how to design it?For how to design shop pendants, I only mention the general steps of design here. Detai

3、led design tutorial, in easy green network provides, welcome to log on, easy to green network learning. To design Taobao shop pendant, according to the use of different material, there are two main methods, one is the direct original shop pendant, another method is to modify other people have made g

4、ood shop pendant. The first method of making the pendant is more personalized, but it takes more time, and the production skills have many requirements; second kinds of pendants although more popular, but relatively speaking, it will be much simpler.The following is about the production of pendant g

5、raphics tutorial, after the Internet, copy the path, paste in the browser, you can learn.Tutorial addressHow to install Taobao shop pendant?In Taobao home page, due to the specific location of installation, installation details vary.Install steps in the bulletin board pendant:First of all, to design

6、 your own (or download) pendant uploaded to your own network album space.Then, go to my Taobao, then click way to manage my store - the basic settings - Notice after the code .Then, replace the URL of your own album space with the picture address in the quote above.Finally, after the browsing effect

7、 is satisfied, click OK to get it done.Steps for installing classified Pendant in shop:To install the shop in the pendant classification column, with respect to add a pendant on a bulletin board, mainly a shortened network address step, because bar in in the classification of words were strictly li

8、mited.Here, I will no longer be the specific steps in the classification of long winded mounting hanger in the column, and the steps are consistent in the installation steps of the column store classification illustration in the previous chapters, this has been described in detail. For detailed step

9、s, please refer to the following tutorial:Tutorial addressFAQ about installing and designing shop pendantsProblem 1. The drag and drop of the bulletin board PendantThe suspension bulletin board is always accompanied by a long drag and drop when it moves. The problem is that many friends often ask me

10、 questions about this problem. The reasons and solutions are as follows.One reason, did not deal with pictures caused by ghosting (should be smear a small area), solution: (Yiyi using Photoshop_CS) to open the picture, with the rectangular selection box is selected with smear the edges, press Delete

11、 to select region deleted, and then uploaded to your special picture or photo album space.Reason two, the picture of the unstable space, resulting in a large area of the picture or do not show problems.The solution, of course, is to change a stable, efficient network album space, store your pictures

12、 on it.Question two how to define the position of the suspension PendantHang in the Taobao shop hanging pendant position, or you can define your own, the following section of this code is given, we can add in their own debugging, and remember to delete the previous code.Code:  ,  , width=, 9

13、9;宽度=“122”改变位置的方法就是调整这段代码里面的数字,例如:  ; ,数值“500”“99”就是调整图片在网页左右位置,这俩个值你可以自己设定就可以更改你的挂件的位置了和。铺装修淘宝店铺装修挂件的制作和安装方法关于”怎样在网店加的内容”本站搜索更多关于”怎样在网店加挂件”的内容淘宝店铺装修挂件的制作和安装方法先来看看需要装上去的图片效果。1。下载PS一定要带有ImageReady的哦我给大家提供一个下载地址把,建议用迅雷下载。HTTP:/ /分升。太平洋。com。cn / html_2 / 1 / 111 / 1200 = 0 PN ID =。HTML(这个是太平洋下载网的,我

14、很多东西都这里下的。还不错哦,版本9.0.1(CS2)更新,好象最新的哦,我也好9没去看了)网店论坛,网店货源,网店后勤,网上开店Z +我+ Y”:我为S6 J2。矽矽是使用的收费空间,速度比较稳定。所以也不清楚免费的,不好意思啦网店论坛,网店货源,网店后勤,网上开店9 R7 N”)T4我Z Y *和R Q T准备工作做好了。3。先找出一张图片,矽矽这次选择的是一张狗狗,您也可以选择其他的.做法都一样的。(写的时候感觉刷新好慢。狗狗可能是大了哈哈开个玩笑_)-第五章2。双击背景图层的小锁。然后就变成了图层0,这个时候我们需要把狗狗白色背景扣掉。用魔术棒吧,对着白色背景点一下,然后按下键盘上的删

15、除,就干净了。(注意:这个方法只适合简单的扣背景哦,复杂了,还是选择钢笔吧,我觉得比较干净。魔术棒的图就不贴了吧,如果有不懂的,跟贴问我吧,我会很快回答您的。)网店妈妈-网店后勤网网店论坛简称网店后勤论坛,从新手网店卖家到钻石网店卖家的蜕变,从网店后勤网网店论坛开始!网店后勤网网店论坛努力成为中国最优秀的网店论坛,提供给大家一个交流网店经验、网店货源、宣传网店产品、学习店铺装修和图片处理等的综合性场所,成为各大电子商务网站之间的桥梁。同时,网店后勤论坛的格子铺专区是一个优秀的格子铺论坛,将迈出中国格子铺联盟的第一步,格子铺与网店卖家之间有着很大的联系,也是网店后勤的一项重要内容。9 R9 M.

16、 J“M + K2 L1 U:EM看是不是很干净哦。3。按下键盘上的T(或则在PS上找到T)矽矽已经用红色小圈圈出来了。在想要写上公告的地方写上自己想写的字。比如什么折扣方法呀,活动细节之类的,不过注意别太多了。最上面的一栏两个红圈是可以改变字体的,和颜色的,字体是矽矽自己下的(PS自带的,太难看了.这里就不多介绍下字体的方法了),最下面那个小红圈出现了T,就是字体图层。8 P:?$ Y8 : C 8 Z网店后勤论坛!L G、Y6 _ $ G4。用画笔工具给我们的狗狗加上点什么装饰吧!(矽矽的画笔都是下载的,PS里不自带的哦.http:/ =刷;页= 4和select_arrange = he

17、adnum和desc = ASC和类=与Sn =和SS =与SC =与关键词=、=、= 1 divpage SN1和行动=网店妈妈-网店后勤网网店论坛简称网店后勤论坛,从新手网店卖家到钻石网店卖家的蜕变,从网店后勤网网店论坛开始!Shop shop logistics network forum to become the best China online forum, a comprehensive venue provides us an exchange shop experience, supply shop, shop, shop decoration product public

18、ity learning and image processing etc., become a bridge between the major e-commerce sites. At the same time, shop Logistics Forum lattice shop area is a good shop forum, will take the first step China lattice shop alliance, lattice shop and shop sellers have a lot of contact, but also an important

19、part of the logistics of the shop. (C7, R%, d, O&,: T-, MSilicon is down here. Its a Korean Web site, but the paint is really great!C2 N$P. W7 Y9 K8 |/ . A8, MThe red circle is on the left side of the brush tool, and dont brush up history Oh, click on the upper right corner of the brush, you can cho

20、ose among many, comes with PS, a Si Si under their own Oh. The red circle in the bottom of the picture can change the size, actually about the picture, then reverse choice you can change it.Shop BBS - shop Mom - online shop mutual help exchange forum + F K: B. h. H5 C- N9 A1 D: TWith a brush, place

21、a few dots where you want to paint. OK. Whatever you want. Flowers. Yes. Note that the two flowers must create two layers. The silicon has been separated by red and black circlesA beautiful woman: the top of that red circle of silicon silicon is so beautiful. How do you do it? Shop BBS - shop Mom -

22、online shop I8 C Y, B, t, I1, J#, PSi Si: dont worry. It W+ P+ W$at Vm X5 a;5, to the flower color. We started is divided into two layers? Is a red one with beautiful black. You left point Ctr, right mouse layer 1, see, is not there in the picture? If any (should have, if not. The operation of the

23、local color, in error) to find their own love color, then you can press the shortcut key SHIFT+F5, or find the filling in the editor, Si Si has been marked with a red circle. It will become darker in color, layer 2 is the same oh.C: V O. t0 C g% K7 W!C 5, N4 u! B6 Q / F. V*; H l!Shop mother - shop l

24、ogistics network shop BBS, referred to as shop logistics BBS, from novice shop seller to diamond shop seller change, from the shop logistics network shop BBS start! Shop shop logistics network forum to become the best China online forum, a comprehensive venue provides us an exchange shop experience,

25、 supply shop, shop, shop decoration product publicity learning and image processing etc., become a bridge between the major e-commerce sites. At the same time, shop Logistics Forum lattice shop area is a good shop forum, will take the first step China lattice shop alliance, lattice shop and shop sel

26、lers have a lot of contact, but also an important part of the logistics of the shop. 8, A, g$, l (s*, X., W, D% , E0, I)So hungry, oh, here, the silicon is starving and hasnt eaten yet. Everyone remembers to support silicon silicon, oh, W, Y) D&, A6, R2, x#, V, BOK, and then come. Shop logistics for

27、um! A/, s, P! R5 w!6., using the method of flowers just now, we have to do the stars, the lower right corner is to create the layer. Just forgot to say, make up shop BBS - shop Mom - online shop, mutual exchange forum, T1, R, P, A9, X, L:, E (S7, paint the stars, in your love position draw beautiful

28、 stars. Oh two stars are divided into layers, 3 layers and 4 layers, we must be good oh. Or Si Si circle in red and black circles said, in order that we can see the stars, I also used red and we must be changed into black, white, red and black stars, Khan diedOnline Logistics Forum - y6, U$, A#, Z (

29、F4, V, q% C8 M4 I8 L _: 3 wCan you see clearly? Yes, I can!7, fill the layer 3. with just flowers4 color, remember that it is white, white oh. (a little wordy) pictures will not put it, the flowers. Some shop shop shop online forum - mother - exchange forum 7 P/ k# E3 K E I5 s W#; B2.8. now we are g

30、oing to use ImageReady, painted red circle on the map where the point that some English, some Chinese, Si Si for Chinese, English place and Chinese, I also used English.: h: Y3 D4 C |Can you see the white stars above? Dont seem too obvious. Online forum, supply shop, shop logistics, online shop (3 Z

31、+ |5 v& A+ #*$L8 B3 R9. to ImageReady, 3.4 layer two small eyes, can not see the stars. The red circle, turn one frame. (O2. J D4 s/ 3 Y!0, C*, Q, g/, B1, G/, m%, v-, F7) YShop NF8 Logistics Forum) R, P5 P% A K10, open a small eyes (layer 3) to see some of the stars. I have been in the right place t

32、o open eyes on the red circle. There is a duplicate layer logo on the left, also on the circle. Duplicate the layer.In 11, the layer frame copy, close the layer 3 small eyes, open the layer 4 small eyes. (in fact, want flowers also flash flash, the same way) Si Si has given us a good flower layer.12

33、. set time frame. The red circle or place. This time finished basically out. or good-looking! Online Logistics Forum, X9 p&, j$O6 jQ, Z1 P% SShop shop shop forum, sourcing, logistics, online shop. X/:2 M R D (m);The 13. saved. Remember, the upper left corner must be GIF format, not a mistake, or not

34、hing. On the left side of the file storage, the optimization results which, if your PS is English, use the shortcut Ctrl+Alt+S online forum, supply shop, shop logistics, online shop l% 4 k& % 9 o/ t14, click the optimization results later, it becomes so must remember to save for GIF shop BBS, shop s

35、ource, shop logistics, online shop u F3 E# v$N (c/ O b* !15, here is the code. In the space, or like a book, or network U disk. There is a web site, all attributes of Si Si for each image, is the web site, but you certainly and I dont like.C4 W (Q7 o, k s!Pendant Code: . Here I always cross all the

36、trouble in the search post there transmission code, easy to find your picture address plus address. (the word must be removed) shop shop - shop online forum - mother Exchange Forum (W& L: J N0 L (16, good copy, paste. To my Taobao, basic settings management shop. As shown in the picture. Then click

37、the pre cable, notice here is pendant. Of course you love do you notice, but pay attention to the size of oh.Here is my own point of safety, quick way to operate, very simple, three steps on it:(1) go to register a http:/ brush drill register here free of chargeNote: contact QQ, it is best not to th

38、eir own commonly used QQ, especially can not be used in their own shops QQ. The same way for mobile phones and mailboxes.(2) do the task, make money, reputation.Attention: this platform registers new account number to present 2 prestige points, probably may free brush 2-3 inexpensive goods. Free cre

39、dit points used up, go to pick up some of the prices are not high task, earn credibility points.(3) start issuing brush reputation taskNote: when doing tasks to help others brush their credit, they have already secured a certain amount of money on the platform.At this point on the use of earned cred

40、it points and take over the task of getting funds issued brush drilling task, so that you can not because of the platform to recharge and worry about the safety of funds, and truly realize the free, safe brush drilling purposes.(4) operation reminder:(a) after the task is released, click on the publ

41、ished task at the top and wait and see the receivers information. Then pay special attention to take over in the column to take over Taobao trumpet ID, this ID is to take over the use of the account number to go to the store to buy things account. When checking a task, check the information to avoid

42、 any confirmation of the error. Ping son initially because of careless operation, there is a confirmation of the wrong person.(b) there is a limit to brushing reputation every day. Dont brush too much at once.(c) in order to fund security, it is not too easy to recharge the platform or take over the task, or to make timely withdrawals.


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