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1、Lesson 3 Epidemics Explained,王秀红,Diseases,headache, backache, toothache, stomachache Influenza, cold, fever, stomach ulcer TB The Beriberi mental disease,The smallpox SARS Syndromes of Acute Respiratory System AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome HIV Human Immune Virus TB Tuberculosis,Look at th

2、e Key Words. Which of these diseases can be epidemics?,AIDS, cancer, headache, flu, heart disease, stomachache,AIDS, flu,Answer:,艾滋病淋巴结肿大,流感病毒,鼠 疫:英文名称:Bubonic plague或Black plague,由耶尔森氏菌经老鼠或其他啮齿动物寄生的跳蚤而传播的一种急性传染病,病人头疼、高烧,淋巴结肿大,臀部、腿部及全身出现黑斑,且会咳出暗黑色的血,故又称黑死病。在人类历史上曾多次大面积爆发,其蔓延地域之广,持续时间之长,造成的死亡率之高,都是别的

3、传染病无法比拟的。,画家笔下的中世纪黑死病景象,母亲抱着她死去的孩子,神职人员忙着处理因黑死病死者,“西班牙流感”的病状十分可怕,感染者的面部先会因为缺氧而变成黑紫,血有时会从患者的耳朵、眼睛和鼻子中流出。该病发病时间短,有些人早上发病,到晚上即宣告不治。也有的会拖上几天,慢慢因为肺部充满血样液体而窒息身亡。西班牙流感比黑死病还致命,在欧洲和非洲造成上百万人丧命,印度也有1200万人因此丧生。,Work in pairs. Do you think these statements are true (T) or false (F)?,1) Flu kills millions of peop

4、le every year.,2) Most diseases are very new.,3) Epidemics have affected historical events.,T,T,T,5) Epidemics can wipe out up to half of the population in urban areas.,6) More people died of a flu epidemic in 1918/1919 than died in World War I.,4) It takes years for a disease to spread worldwide.,T

5、,F,T,Reading,Match the five paragraphs (A-E) with gaps 3,5, 8, 10 and 12 in the text.,A B C D E,Paragraph 3 Paragraph 5 Paragraph 8 Paragraph 10 Paragraph 12,Complete these sentences about the text in your own words.,We know that epidemics have been with us for thousands of years because 2. An epide

6、mic may have been one of the key causes of the fall of the Roman Empire because,3. The “Black Death” spread rapidly in Asia and Europe because 4. SARS spread from Hong Kong to Canada, Vietnam and Singapore because 5. Many doctors and nurses became ill with SARS because,About the Plague 550AD, Roman

7、emperor Justinian, 25%-50%, the main reason why the Roman empire fell About the Black Death 1330s, in Asia, providing perfect conditions for the spreading. to 1/3 was lost to,About Great Flu Epidemic of 1918 The most acute worldwide epidemic in the history SARS Liu Jianjun came to Hongkong, passed t

8、he virus to people. Then carriers carried it to Canada,Language points,1. populated: adj. 有人居住的 a thickly populated city 人口稠密的城市 densely sparsely populated city 人口稠密稀少的城市 The new land was quickly populated by the new settlers.,2. abnormal: adj. 不正常的, 反常的;变态的 我们认为这样的反常现象不会持续很久。 We do not think such a

9、n abnormal phenomenon will last long. That is simply abnormal.,3. severely: 严格的;严厉的,他受到严惩。 He was severely punished. Dangerous driving should be severely punished. be severely ill/ wounded 患重病/负重伤 leave/ let severely alone 敬而远之,4. 原因和影响 causes and effects 5. 人们估计 People estimate that/ It is estimate

10、d that,6. 死于 : die of /die from This is because each year millions of smokers die from smoking. die from/ die of 均可表示“因而死亡”; 指疾病造成的死亡用die of 和die from均可。,die from还可表示因外部创伤或间接的原因而死。如: die from a wound, die from overwork, die from polluted air die of 常指因内部原因造成的死亡, 如:疾病、饥渴、年老、悲伤、事故等。 die of disease/hun

11、ger/old age/sadness/ accident,die by 指死于暴力, 刀或剑等凶器。如: die by the sword/hanging die for 为某种事业或目的而死。如: die for ones country/ the people/ the revolutionary cause die in poverty 因贫穷而死 die away 逐渐减弱、消失,die out 绝迹、灭亡 The noise died out. This customer has died out in China. be dying for 极想得到 She is dying for a piano of her own. They are dying for a visit to the Great Wall.,


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