生理心理学考试大纲(Examination syllabus for physiology and psychology).doc

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1、生理心理学考试大纲(Examination syllabus for physiology and psychology)Designated book: physiological psychology, Shen Zheng, edited by Lin Zhezhi, Peking University press, March 2007, Second EditionFirst, the nature of the course and the purpose of setting requirementsPhysiological psychology is one of the m

2、ost important basic theoretical subjects in the discipline system of psychology. Psychology is an important course teaching plan for mental health education, is a basic course to learn other courses of professional psychology, and education, basic computer courses, cognitive science, medical science

3、 of learning.Physiological psychology textbook is divided into 2 parts: the 11 chapter, the first chapter, chapter 2-11 are feeling, perception, attention, learning, memory, language and thinking, instinct and motivation, emotion, will, personality and sports physiology psychology foundation.Set the

4、 physiological psychology course objective is to make students in the basic course of nature, history and status quo of the understanding of basic physiological and psychological knowledge of mental activities, especially the nervous system of knowledge; understand the commonly used physiological an

5、d psychological research techniques and methods; physiological and psychological mechanism and emphatically grasp various psychological activities, including sensation, perception, attention, learning, memory, language and thinking, instinct and motivation, emotion, will, personality and sports phys

6、iology psychological mechanism.Two, assessment objectivesThe first chapter is introductionFirst, the purpose and requirements of learningThrough learning this chapter, make clear the nature of the subjects understanding of the psychological and physiological psychology, brain research history, chemi

7、stry knowledge, master neuroanatomy of nerve cells and its electrical activity, knowledge of the neural information transmission of knowledge, research approaches and methods with physiology and psychology.Two, check the knowledge points1. basic research tasks and discipline nature of physical psych

8、ology2. the six theoretical systems for the study of the relationship between mind and brain function3. trends in the development of contemporary brain researchThe neuroanatomical structure of the 4. brain (especially the cerebral cortex)5. nerve cell structure, action potential and its characterist

9、ics, prominent post potentials and their characteristics, EEG and mean evoked potentials and their characteristics6. the concept of neurotransmitter and its functionThe concept of regional brain energy metabolism in 7. areas and its use in brain slice (CT), brain event related potential (ERP), posit

10、ron emission tomography (PET) and brain nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR).8., study the four ways (or four methods) of the relationship between brain and psychological activityThree, assessment requirementsReference learning objectives and requirementsThe second chapter is the physiological psycholog

11、y of sensationFirst, the purpose and requirements of learningThrough learning this chapter, clarify the nature and characteristics of all kinds of feeling, grasp the visual information generation, transmission, processing and encoding; auditory information generation, transmission, processing and en

12、coding; smell and taste information generation, transmission, processing and encoding; somatosensory information generation, transmission, processing and encoding; pain and nerve mechanismTwo, check the knowledge points1. physiological and psychological mechanisms of retinal refraction imaging2. the

13、 light perception mechanism of retina3. transmission of information within the retina4. visual pathway5. sense space coding and receptive field6. visual feature extraction function column and space frequency column theory7. auditory pathway8. neural encoding of pitch and intensity, timbre and sound

14、location information9. taste and olfactory pathways10. general patterns of somatosensory patterns and their encoding11. superficial sense and its conduction pathway12. deep sense and its conduction pathway13. the concept and types of visceral sensation14. theory of pain and painThree, assessment req

15、uirementsReference learning objectives and requirementsThe third chapter is the physiological psychology of perceptionFirst, the purpose and requirements of learningThrough learning this chapter, brain structure grasp type and perceptual blindness, familiar with the physiological study of perception

16、, visual perception mechanism, grasp the theory and mechanism of face perception.Two, check the knowledge points1. concepts of visual agnosia, auditory agnosia and somatosensory agnosiaThe relationship between the 2. kinds of agnosia and brain damage3. event related potentials and perceptual process

17、es4. super column and multimodal sensory cells5., perceptual information flow and circular information flowThe occipital parietal pathway of 6. spatial perceptionThe occipital temporal pathway of 7. object perceptionThe relationship between 8. face perception and event related potential9., the overa

18、ll processing theory of face recognition and expert theory three, assessment requirementsReference learning objectives and requirementsThe fourth chapter pays attention to the theory of physiological psychologyFirst, the purpose and requirements of learningThrough learning this chapter, master the i

19、nvoluntary attention towards the physiological mechanism and reflection, familiar with the matching theory, thalamic reticular nucleus, anterior central motor control gate theory theory of neural activity patterns, understand the pathophysiological mechanism of children with attention deficit disord

20、er.Two, check the knowledge points1. the physiological mechanisms of involuntary attention and orienting2. pattern matching theory of neural activity and evidence of event-related potentials3. thalamic reticular nucleus theory and its supporting evidenceThe manifestations, causes, physiological char

21、acteristics and treatment of 4.MBDThree, assessment requirementsReference learning objectives and requirementsThe fifth chapter is the study and its neurobiological basisFirst, the purpose and requirements of learningThrough learning this chapter, specifically the various modes of learning, grasp th

22、e brain mechanism of learning, familiar with the contact area of cortex and cerebellum. Cognitive learning, learning, and rapid reaction system, learning edge and emotional in the role of learning knowledge.Two, check the knowledge points1. the concepts of associative learning, non associative learn

23、ing, cognitive learning, emotional learning and mark test learning2. brain theory3. functional localization of brain4. The concept, types and significance of heterologous synaptic facilitation5. the role of protein molecular allosteric in learning6. the role of the temporal parietal occipital area c

24、ortex in learning7. the role of prefrontal cortex in learning8. the role of cerebellum in rapid motor response learning9. learning model of interaction of limbic system10. the role of hippocampus in spatial discrimination learning11. inhibitory regulation of hippocampus in learningThree, assessment

25、requirementsReference learning objectives and requirementsThe sixth chapter is the physiological and psychological basis of memoryFirst, the purpose and requirements of learningThrough the study of this chapter, we can master the theory of memory trace, be familiar with the memory function of hippoc

26、ampus, human memory impairment, knowledge of multiple memory systems and multiple coding theories, and understand the new challenges of memory mechanism research.Two, check the knowledge pointsThe function of 1. echo circuit and its experimental evidenceThe biochemical basis of 2. long term memoryTh

27、e brain morphological basis of 3. memory traceTwo memory circuits of the hippocampus 4. and their evidence5. the role of hippocampus in transient memory transition to long-term memoryThe relationship between the performance of the 6. Kefushi Kossa memory disorder and brain injury7. Relationship betw

28、een anterograde amnesia and hippocampal damage8. the relationship between retrograde amnesia and concussionThe concept of 9. and unexplained psychogenic amnesiaThe diversity of 10. memory morphology and neurobiological theory of multiple memory system11. long term potentiation and synaptic plasticit

29、yRole of 12. reverse messenger nitric oxide in long-term potentiationThree, assessment requirementsReference learning objectives and requirementsThe seventh chapter is the brain mechanism of speech and thoughtFirst, the purpose and requirements of learningLearn through this chapter, familiar with th

30、e relevant knowledge of brain and speech disorders, understand the brain and thinking and related diseases knowledge, grasp the verbal thinking and the two hemisphere function lateralization, speech perception cognitive theory.Two, check the knowledge points1. The concept, classification and researc

31、h significance of aphasiaEffect of brain stimulation in 2. awake patients and its significance3. positive schizophrenia and its dopamine hypothesis and dopamine receptor theoryEvidence of morphological changes in the brain in 4. negative schizophrenia5. the relationship between brain mechanism of sc

32、hizophrenia and two kinds of schizophrenia6. test of Wei Wei, dichotic listening test and speed test and their significance. 7. Separation of the thinking characteristics of brain patients and the significance of split brain research8. application of modern image forming technique in the study of th

33、inkingThree, assessment requirementsReference learning objectives and requirementsThe eighth chapter is the physiological and psychological basis of instinct and motivationFirst, the purpose and requirements of learningThrough this chapter, we can master the physiological and psychological mechanism

34、 of drinking behavior, feeding behavior, sexual behavior, defensive and aggressive behavior, sleep and arousal.Two, check the knowledge points1. the physiological basis and influencing factors of thirst2. the concept and difference of primary and secondary drinking water3. 、 sham drink and its resea

35、rch significance4., the process of generating hunger and its influencing factors5. the mechanism of hunger and satiety and its relationship with brain structure6. the concept of hunger centers and satiety centers7. brain chemistry pathway in feeding behavior8. the role of humoral regulation in feedi

36、ng behavior9. the peripheral mechanism of feeding behaviorTenThe central mechanism of sexual behavior11. sex neurohumoral regulation mechanism12. the influence of environmental and psychological factors on sexual behavior13. types of defensive and offensive behavior14. the central mechanism of defen

37、se and aggression15. effects of hormones on defense and aggression16. sleep types and sleep cycles and their relationships17. sleep function18. sleep deprivation test19. Pavlov sleep theoryThe important role of 20. brain stem reticular formation in sleep and wakefulness21. recent advances in sleep m

38、echanismThe relationship between 22. sleep cycles and biological rhythmsThree, assessment requirementsReference learning objectives and requirementsThe ninth chapter is the physiological psychology of emotion and emotionFirst, the purpose and requirements of learningLearn through this chapter, famil

39、iar with the emotional and emotional classic research, grasp the emotional and emotional basis of the physiological, familiar with the pathogenesis of emotional psychosis.Two, check the knowledge points1., the six classical theories of emotional psychologyThe application of 2. brain resection in the

40、 study of emotional physiology3., the concept of false anger4., the concept of self stimulating behavior5. the concept of pleasure centers and pain centers6. the neural mechanism of emotion and emotion7. the mechanism of chemical and biological regulation of emotion and emotion8. single saddle hypot

41、hesis of affective disorder9. neuroendocrine theory of affective psychosisThree, assessment requirementsReference learning objectives and requirementsThe tenth chapter, movement and volitional behaviorFirst, the purpose and requirements of learningLearn through this chapter, familiar with and master

42、 the neuromuscular devices and motor function, spinal cord motor reflex, brain regulation and control of motor function, the purpose of directional movement and knowledge of planning meaningful behavior.Two, check the knowledge points1. classification and characteristics of muscle2. neuromuscular ju

43、nction and contact transfer3. muscle spindle and small motor neuron and their function4. the concept of single synaptic reflex5. the concept of multiple synaptic reflexes6., the concept of the final common highwayThe motor function of the 7. brain is controlled by the segmental motion of the 8. cone

44、 system and the extrapyramidal system9. motor function of cerebellum10., multi-level brain center and volitional behavior11. pathological enhancement or decline of volitional behaviorThree, assessment requirementsReference learning objectives and requirementsThe eleventh chapter is about the physiol

45、ogical and psychological problems of personalityFirst, the purpose and requirements of learningThrough learning this chapter, humoral hypothesis, personality and temperament of the familiar with the Pavlov hypothesis, master Eysencks personality theory, the physiological basis of psychopathic biolog

46、ical genetics, bisexual personality differences of the E-S theory, intelligent neural biological basis of knowledge.Two, check the knowledge points1., the four body fluid hypothesis, Pavlov hypothesis, and four types of higher animal nervous activity2. the physiological basis of Eysencks personality

47、 theoryThreeThe biological genetic basis of abnormal personality4. E-S theory of gender differences5. explanation of autism in children6. the physiological basis of intelligence and skills7. mental retardation and its brain mechanismThree, assessment requirementsReference learning objectives and requirementsThree, examples of questions (examination time is 150 minutes, the examination syllabus for examples of questions only for reference


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