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1、并列连词AND在单项填空题中的提示作用湖北省谷城一中 袁资有 张士辉英语中and是使用频率极高的一个并列连词,它是用来连接彼此是并列关系的两个或两个以上的词、短语或句子的。本文着重介绍and在单项填空题中的提示作用。 一、对区分是定语从句还是并列句有提示作用 1He paid the boy ten dollars for washing ten windows,most of _ hadnt been cleaned for at least a year Ait Bthem Cthat Dwhich 2He won the first prize in the contest and _

2、surprised us Ait Bwhich Cas Dwho 3The lady has three daughters and _ are at school Atwo of them Btwo of whom Cthe two of them Dthe two of whom 答案及简析: 1D2A3A 例1中有逗号,但无连词and,因此,后半句是非限制性定语从句。若选B,应将题干中的逗号改成and,连接两个并列句。 例2、例3中有并列连词and,表明它们都是并列句,而不是非限制性定语从句。the two of them是“他们两人(指全部)”,与语境不符。 二、对谓语动词有提示作用

3、4On Saturday afternoon,Mr Green went to the markets,_ some bananas and visited his cousin Abought Bbuying Cto buy Dbuy 5 _your head,and youll find a way AUsing BTo use CUse DIf you use 6She set out soon after dark _ home an hour later Aarriving Bto arrive Chaving arrived Dand arrived 答案及简析: 4A5C6D 例

4、4,要选的部分与句中went及并列连词and后的动词visited构成并列谓语。例5,句型:祈使句,and 简单句。祈使句表示条件,陈述句表示结果。如:Work hard,and youll make rapid progressIf you work hard,youll make rapid progress例6,不少考生误选A。他们未弄清现在分词的一般式表示的动作与谓语动词动作同时发生或紧接着发生。据题干,“出发”与“回家”是一先一后的两个动作,只有用并列连词and才能表达此意。 三、对非谓语动词有提示作用 7“Can you read?”Mary said _ to the note

5、Aangrily pointing Band point angrily Cangrily pointed Dand angrily pointing 8The visiting minister expressed his satisfaction with the talks,_ that he had enjoyed his stay here Ahaving added Bto add Cadding Dadded 9The secretary worked late into the night,_ a long speech for the president Ato prepar

6、e Bpreparing Cprepared Dwas preparing 答案及简析: 7A8C9B 现在分词作伴随状语,其前常用逗号,而不用任何关连词。例7,若将B中的point改为 pointed,C前加and,则均为正确选项。若将例8、9句中的逗号改为and,则D、C分别为例8、例9的正确选项。 四、对独立主格结构有提示作用 10 _,I had to walk home AThere was no bus BThere being no bus CThere were no buses DThere was not a bus 11The woman stood here,her sharp eyes_ on my face Afix Bfixed Cwere fixed Dfixing 答案及简析: 10B 11B 独立主格结构与其所依附的句子间没有任何连接词,如and,so等,中间仅有逗号。这两句均为独立主格结构。


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