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1、2011-2012学年度第二学期高二英语第一次月考试题第一部分:听力(共两节;满分20分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)请听下面5段对话,选出最佳选项。1. What did Bob do last night? A. He stayed up all night B. He wrote an article C. He finished some reading.2. Why do they like to stay at home?A. They want to watch TV. B. They want to do some reading C. Its not a nice

2、 day.3. How does the man feel about the exam?A. Its easer than the last one B. Its more difficult than the last one C. Its the same as the last one.4. What are they talking about?A. How to make some soup B. How long it takes to make some soup C. How long it takes to warm some soup.5. Where does this

3、 conversation take place?A. In a restaurant B. In a bar C. On a plane.第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)请听下面5段对话或独自,选出最佳选项。请听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. What was the baby like at birth? A. Healthy and normal B. Light and weak C. Fat and unhealthy7. What is the problem with baby girl?A. Only its weight B.Breathing was diff

4、icult C. Eating a little 请听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。8. Who is making the phone call?A. A passer-by B. The car driver C.The truck driver9. How soon will the help come? A. in five minutes B. in ten minutes C. in fifteen minutes请听第8段材料,回答第l0至12题。10. Why does the man call the woman?A. He wants to drop her course B

5、. He is unable to attend her class. C. He wants to deliver something to her.11.What does the man almost forget to do?A. to see a secretary B. to drop off a paper C. to learn about a course. 12. What does the woman suggest the man do? A. change his major B. meet her tomorrow C. come to her office bef

6、ore her meeting 请听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. What is the man most interested in? A. playing the piano. B. playing the violin C. listening to classical music14. Why does the man like to go listening to music?A. to make new friends B. to kill time C. to learn from others15. What hobby do the speakers share?

7、A. going to concerts B. playing a musical instrument C. listening to pop music16. How will the speakers improve their theory of music?A. by turning to the mans uncle for advice B. by practicing playing music every day.C. by exchanging experience with each other.请听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. What is the spe

8、aker? A. a photographer B. a college student C. a college teacher.18. What is the class like? A. Its fun, but it takes very much work. B. Its interesting, and it doesnt take any work. C. Its boring, and it needs a lot of work.19. When does the speakers pictures come out better? A. after he uses the

9、new camera B. after he uses the old camera C. after he takes his teachers advice.20. Whats the speakers dream? A. to finish the course soon B. to get the teachers old camera. C. to take wonderful pictures himself. 第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)21. I dont think this TV set is of go

10、od quality. Can you replace it with a new one? _. But I have to talk to my manager first.A. Im sorry B. No way C. No problem D. Thats a question 22. Mr President , do you plan to educate your two daughters to be officials? To tell you the truth , 1 hope they can do whatever_ their interests.A. fits

11、B. matches C. suits D. needs23. I wondered what difficulty he had _ the plan?A. to carry out B. carrying out C. carried out D. with carrying out24. He bought a book with the _. A. remaining 50 dollars B. remained 50 dollars C. remain 50 dollars D. 50 remained dollars25. While shopping, people someti

12、mes cant help _ into buying something they dont really need.A. to persuade B. persuading C. being persuaded D. be persuaded 26. If you relate the results the cause, you will find things are not simple. A. in B. for C. to D. of27. Whats wrong with your coat? -Just now when I wanted to get off the bus

13、, the man next to me_on it.A. sat B. had sat C. had been sitting D. was sitting 28. It was at this shop _ I bought my skirt. How about coming to my home to have a look tonight?A. that B. where C. which D. what 29. So seriously _ in the accident that he was sent to hospital at once. A. he was wounded

14、 B. was he hurt C. he did injure D. did he hurt30. The sound of happy laughter memories of his childhood. A. called for B. called on C. called at D. called up31. _ computer games, his parents were very worried about his study. A. Addicted to B .He addicted to C. His addicting to D. Addicting to32. W

15、ang Gang is considering buying a computer, is considered to be a great help in our work and study. A. as B. which C. that D. what33. As we grow up, it always _ that after we give something up, we gain something new in its place.A. suggests B. promises C. requires D. seems34. The great contributions

16、he made our country is worth remembering. A. to, well B. of, well C. to, very D. for, very35. Its not_good idea to drive for four hours without_ break.A. a; a B. the; a C. the; the D. a ; the第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)We should show respect to everybody, especially our elders because they are ahea

17、d of us in age, in wisdom and maturity, in experience and education. Our 36 have done a lot for us, directly or indirectly and most of us 37 everything to their kindness and love.When we 38 them respect, whether it is by bowing to them, or 39 them with a smile, or offering them any help they need, i

18、t is one way of 40 our own love and gratitude to them. 41 , elders have also been through all the years you are 42 and know a little more about the world than you do. It is 43 that you do not agree with the belief of your elders, but this is nothing new. All younger generations have always 44 with t

19、heir elders and it is these differences that bring changes in human 45 . However much you disagree with them, give them credit for their 46 . With changing times and 47 influences, youngsters no longer know what is interpreted as disrespect to elders. Youngsters should 48 express their views and if

20、there are arguments, they should not 49 their voices.If there is no space on sofas or chairs, children will immediately 50 their places, and sit on the carpet. In buses and trains, youngsters are 51 to give up their places to older people. This is not a 52 of who has more rights. It is simply that t

21、hose who are younger have the strength to bear 53 , or tolerate unpleasantness, so it is natural to show consideration to those who are older and perhaps at a 54 disadvantage.When you do simple things as a mark of respect, elders become 55 that youngsters care for them, and they respond with affecti

22、on and kindness.36. A. youngstersB. elders C. parents D. juniors37. A. devote B. owe C. pay D. contribute 38. A. show B. explain C. exhibit D. point39. A. greetingB. receivingC. declaringD. showing40. A. expressing B. describing C. sendingD. suggesting41. A. However B. ThereforeC. BesidesD. Though42

23、. A. experiencing withB. going throughC. suffering from D. worrying out43. A. maybe B. likelyC. possible D. probably44. A . quarreledB. dealt C. lived D. disagreed45. A. community B. organizationC. societyD. public46. A. experienceB. realityC. emotionD. information47. A. culturalB. special C. enviro

24、nmentalD. position48. A. quietlyB. slightlyC. silentlyD. coldly49. A. riseB. raiseC. supportD. force50. A. give awayB. get rid of C. give upD. send out 51. A. expectedB. forced C. needed D. reminded52. A. doubtB. questionC. wonderD. challenge53. A. sufferingB. upset C. trouble D. discomfort54. A. se

25、riousB. light C. heavyD. slight55. A. awareB. aliveC. knowingD. sensible第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AFor many years, women could only be seen on the seat behind the men operating the two-wheeled motorcycle. Now more and more women are taking the fron

26、t seat. More than twenty million people in the United States ride motorcycles. Since 1998 the number of female bikers has risen sharply. Lady Sport Riders began in 1999 in Washington. The women formed the organization to share their love of motorcycle riding. But later it wanted to be more than just

27、 an organization for women to gather and ride motorcycles, so it started to organize events that help national health organizations and womens shelters. It also permits women to share a strong sisterhood, and gives financial awards to poor students. Like other motorcycle clubs, the members of Lady S

28、port Riders also help their community. Different from male riders, female riders ride for more than fun. This sport gives women a sense of freedom and control. Female riders have helped change motorcycle culture. More than five years ago manufacturers began making equipment especially for women. Som

29、e bikes now have smaller, softer seats and controls that are easier to reach. Modern clothes for riding now look good and still provide protection. In the past, women rode motorcycles that traveled at a moderate speed. Now theirs are as powerful as the ones men ride. Safety is very important when ri

30、ding because the risk of injury is high. So the women wear protective clothing and equipment at all times, especially for the head.Lady Sport Riders believes women have earned their place in the sport of motorcycle riding. When speaking of male motorcyclists, the members of the club say, “They Made

31、the Game. We Came to Play!”56. What can we learn from the first paragraph? A. Motorcycle riding used to be considered a male sport.B. The number of female motorcyclists is now larger than that of male riders. C. Female motorcyclists are more skilled at riding than male riders. D. More and more women

32、 have an adventurous spirit. 57. In the beginning, Lady Sport Riders was organized to . A. allow women to take up motorcycling B. offer help to national health organizations C. share their great interest in the sport of motorcyclingD. supply financial help to poor students 58. Compared with the past

33、, the present equipment makes riding more _ for women. A. difficult B. pleasant C. risky D. expensive 59. What is the purpose of the passage? A. To talk about the development of motorcycle riding. B. To talk about the characteristics of the sport of motorcycling. C. To introduce a female motorcycle

34、club to readers.D. To talk about the role women have played in the sport of motorcycling.BAbout 97% of the worlds water is salty and is found in our oceans and seas. But, as we cant drink seawater, how can it be important? Every part of our seas and oceans contains an amazing number of animals and f

35、ish that live at different ocean depths. Most of the different species of animals and fish depend on simple plants for their food. These simple plants called algae (海藻) drift near the surface of the ocean and use sunlight to turn carbon dioxide and water into food and oxygen. In fact, algae produce

36、over half of the oxygen people breathe. How important seawater is! Each plant or animal in our seas and oceans is an important link in a food chain. The algae are eaten in large amounts by microscopic animals, which are in turn consumed by larger animals. These food chains are delicately balanced. T

37、he bad news about the food chains in the oceans is that they are under threat because of man. People once thought that the oceans were so big that it didnt matter if we dumped rubbish into them or caught huge quantities of fish and whales for food. But we now know this is not true and fish stocks in

38、 the oceans have started to drop. Thankfully, the world is taking steps to protect the future of our oceans by introducing international agreements to protect marine habitats. Most countries have introduced fishing restrictions to protect fish stocks in the oceans and new techniques are being pionee

39、red to cope with pollution. Finally, the importance of protecting oceans is being made known to more people. This is just the beginning of a long process to protect the oceans for our future. We depend on the oceans for fish which are an important part of the human diet. How important seawater is! 6

40、0. Which of the following is the proper order of the food chain? A. small animalsalgaemicroscopic animalslarge animalsman B. algaemicroscopic animalslarge animalslarger animalsmanC. small animalsalgaelarge animalsmicroscopic animalsmanD. microscopic animalsalgaelarge animals larger animalsman61 Peop

41、le used to think that the rubbish thrown into the sea _. A. wouldnt harm the fish in the sea B. would change the balance of the food chainC. would be broken down in the sea D. wouldnt do much harm to the sea62. Which of the following is NOT a way being used to protect oceans? A. The use of internati

42、onal agreements. B. Forbidding fishing to protect fish stocks.C. The use of new techniques. D. Raising peoples awareness of the need to protect oceans.63. What would be the best title of the passage? A. The importance of seawater. B. Life in the oceans.C. How to protect food chains. D. How to deal w

43、ith seawater pollution.CHomes & Gardens 12mths: 27.04 Established for over 80 years, Homes & Gardens has always been engaging and accessible. Delivering inspirational decorating through real-life stories and beautiful photography, it is the ultimate sourcebook of beautiful ideas and detailed informa

44、tion, and inspires its readers to become their own interior designers. Delicious 12mths: 29.99 Whether you are passionate about cooking and entertaining, or simply love food, Delicious is the magazine for you. Every month its packed with mouth-watering recipes, including menus from Jamie Oliver, tas

45、ty mid-week suppers and childrens meal ideas. Mother & Baby12mths: 19.50 Mother & Baby is the UKs best selling parenting magazine, and is full of information on pregnancy, birth and caring for your baby. Mother & Baby has over 40 years of experience on advising mothers how to care for their babies and is a well loved and trusted brand.TIME12mths: 34.99 TIME brings you the pick of the most interesting and relevant new stories, delivering accurate knowledge at all times on all topics, which allows you to anticipate trends. With more t


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