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1、Unit 1 Glad to meet you!(第四课时 教学设计)一、教材分析1教学内容本课时系教材英语基础教程 1第一单元的第四课时,教学内容包括Vocabulary practice中的Vocabulary practice部分 和 Supplementaryreading,具体内容为:词汇练习和拓展阅读。本课时内容是对本单元所学知识(特别是词汇)的总结和回顾,有助于学生进一步掌握关键词汇,对单元知识产生清晰的认识。同时,拓展阅读的教学有助于帮助学生延伸课堂知识,教师可以侧重于训练学生阅读能力。2教学重点、难点教学重点对本单元重点词汇、短语的提高性学习;对阅读文段的学习和理解;教学难点

2、对阅读文段的理解;二、教学目标1. 知识目标1 掌握与见面礼节、个人信息(含名片)相关的词汇、短语;2 理解、读懂阅读文段;2. 能力目标1 学生能流利使用关于见面礼节、个人信息(含名片)的词汇、短语;2 能根据要求从文段获取相关信息,并理解其蕴含的文化差异;3. 情感目标学生能认识到不同的国家具有不同的礼仪、礼节、风俗习惯,并理解到良好的礼仪对于个人的重要性。三、教学步骤Step One Lead-in 1. The teacher plays the video for students. Ask the students to take some notes while they are

3、 watching the video.e.g. T: Do you know how to offer or accept a name card? Lets watch a video clip about how to use your name card. (设计意图:建议授课老师播放如金正昆谈礼仪之名片礼仪等关于名片礼仪的视频,既激发学生的学习兴趣,也利于突出本单元的主题。)2. The students exchange their name cards with each other.(设计意图:职场情境模拟,教师也可参与名片互换环节。要求学生互换名片时能用英语打招呼,简单自我介

4、绍,注意名片交换礼仪等,决出职场高手。)Step Two Vocabulary practice1. Review the words and phrases.e.g. 1) kiss on the cheeks,shake hands,say hello to the guest,make a respectful bow,hug each other;2) Nice to meet you.Glad to meet you.3) Id like to introduce myself.Where do you come from?Where are you from?Which compa

5、ny are you from?What do you do?I come from Im a student from a vocational school.(设计意图:复习本单元已学过的重点词汇和短语,为下个环节的词汇提高性练习做铺垫。)2. (1)Give some examples to Ss. Let them learn how to explain an English word in English.e.g. Could you explain the word fruit? (Encourage Ss to say some about fruit in English.)

6、It is something which grows on a tree or bush and which contains seeds or a stone covered by a substance that you can eat.(2) Activity 14. Read and match. (设计意图:在Activity 14之前先帮助学生认识题型,完成该活动后给与学生学习建议:通过英语来掌握英语单词或短语是一种有效的提高词汇量的方法。)3. (1) Describe the five pictures in Activity 15.(2) Activity 15. Matc

7、h and label.After finishing Activity 15, students make some sentences according to the pictures. (设计意图:活动15的练习内容较简单,教师在该环节可以进行适当的拓展,如鼓励学生进行图片描述,优生说一段话、句子,学困生说出单词、短语也可予以鼓励。)4. Activity 16. Read and complete. (设计意图:通过本活动的练习,再次巩固单元重点词汇。)Step Three Supplementary Reading(1)The teacher tells the students

8、the requirements of Supplementary Reading.The students are asked to read the article and complete reading tasks without teachers help.(设计意图:由于本单元的拓展阅读是学生在该教材中第一次接触,因此授课教师应为学生阐述拓展阅读部分的学习要求和学习建议。)(2)Students read the article and try to answer the comprehension questions.(3) The teacher gives some key

9、patterns and expressions to Ss. e.g. Manner makes man. When in Rome do as the Romans do.(4)Discuss about manner and etiquette.(设计意图:通过阅读文段,再次帮助学生认识礼仪、礼节的重要性、入乡随俗的重要性,在学科教学中渗透德育教育。)Step Four SummaryMake a short summary of what weve learned today.1. To offer or accept a name card1) kiss on the cheeks,

10、shake hands,say hello to the guest,make a respectful bow,hug each other;2) Nice to meet you.Glad to meet you.3) Id like to introduce myself.Where do you come from?Where are you from?Which company are you from?What do you do?I come from Im a student from a vocational school.2. Key sentence structure

11、in the article:Manner makes man.When in Rome do as the Romans do.(设计意图:总结回顾本次课、本单元所学内容,帮助学生梳理已学知识。)Step Five Homework 1. Copy and recite the key words and patterns in the Supplementary Reading.2. Write a short article: my comment on the new school/teacher/English (in Chinese or English) 3. Complete the part “Translation” in the workbook.四、板书设计Unit 1Vocabulary practiceActivity 14 Read and match.Activity 15. Match and label.Activity 16. Read and complete.Supplementary ReadingRead and decide.Read and answer.Key sentences:Manner makes man.


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