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1、1. The problem _ when the students refused to do their homework. A. arose B. aroused C. rose D. raised 2. When he suddenly _ up the subject of genetic engineering, there was an embarrassed silence. A. took B. brought C. showed D. came 3. _ so many people in the United States been out of work as toda

2、y. A. More than ever before B. In the past, there have never C. Never before have D. Formerly, there never were 4. It _ as a shock to realize that I was not alone in the room. A. came B. appeared C. arrived D. reached 5. Since William had been seriously ill for several months, his parents were worri

3、ed about _ to return to school full-time. A. he wanted B. he wanting C. him to want D. his wanting 6. The association is _ to raising funds to help the blind. A. conducted B. committed C. concentrated D. concerned 7. I wont _ those children making a noise in my house! A. allow B. let C. have D. perm

4、it 8. The TV station, in _ to massive popular demand, decided to continue the soap opera (肥皂剧). A. regard B. relation C. respect D. response 9. The opposition leaders _ the government for not taking action sooner. A. warned B. criticized C. threatened D. urged 10. In some schools children who prefer

5、 to read books rather than _ football become social outcasts (被抛弃者). A. play B. playing C. to play D. to playing 11. Others argue that since the earth has endured a long string of ice ages in the last two million to three million years, any warming is _ to be temporary. A. seemed B. likely C. tended

6、 D. possible 12. _ the concert had begun did we realize what a splendid show it was going to be. A. No sooner B. Only after C. Hardly D. Scarcely 13. _, John has been to several foreign countries. A. Even he is young B. Young though he is C. In spite of he is young D. Young is as he 14. _ theyve got

7、 to know each other a little better, they get along just fine. A. Due to B. Ever since C. Now that D. Regardless of 15. She got a job as an assistant stage manager at the Cambridge Arts Festival Theatre, thinking that it might _ to a career as a playwright (剧作家). A. pave the way B. work wonder C. po

8、int out D. stand a chance 16. Human behavior is mostly a product of learning _ the behavior of animals depends mainly on instinct. A. so B. unless C. if D. while 17. After so many days without rain, the ground quickly _ the little rain that fell last night. A. dropped B. flooded C. grasped D. absorb

9、ed 18. If you want to find a decent location for your own home, _ Mr. Smith for advice. A. turn to B. pass through C. shut in D. write up 19. Senior members of the staff competed eagerly _ the position of sales manager in the company. A. in B. with C. for D. on 20. It was three British sportsmen who

10、 _ banned drugs. A. were catching taking B. caught to take C. caught in taking D. were caught taking 21. The address book _ the email addresses of your friends or groups of colleagues. A. makes it easy to recall B. makes it easy recall C. makes easy to recall D. makes recall it easy 22. She _ her ne

11、rvousness to the importance of the interview. A. contributed B. dedicated C. distributed D. attributed 23. We regret to _ that it may not be possible to deal with every request. A. put off B. pass on C. help along D. point out 24. General Motors, one of the worlds largest auto manufacturers, is expa

12、nding its _ in this country. A. existence B. presence C. location D. residence 25. _ to the papers is restricted to Defense Department personnel only. A. Application B. Exception C. Access D. Glance 26. We were told that Sue would be ideal for the job, but she _ badly when we talked to her. A. came

13、across B. fell out C. looked to D. brought up 27. _ from the occasional late night party, our neighbors are very quiet. A. Apart B. But C. Except D. As 28. I dont know how we can make _ on the timetable for any more courses. A. schedule B. place C. plan D. room 29. Im sorry I forgot to write; I had

14、so much else _ my mind. A. over B. for C. on D. about 30. The boy ran out of the classroom without the teachers _. A. command B. conviction C. consent D. compromise 31. _ the movie I would have finished my paper last Sunday. A. In spite of B. But for C. Because of D. As for 32. Be careful, _ youll f

15、all down. A. on the contrary B. or rather C. or else D. as for 33. We must _ that the experiment is controlled as rigidly as possible. A. assure B. secure C. ensure D. issue 34. It is useful to science _ the earth as an object in space. A. to consider B. which considers C. considers D. the considera

16、tion of 35. _ with the size of the whole earth, the highest mountains do not seem high at all. A. If you compare B. Compare them C. When compared D. A comparison 36. A baby might show fear of an unfamiliar adult, _ he is likely to smile and reach out to another infant. A. if B. wherever C. so that D

17、. whereas 37. The student found the novel _. It provided him with so much information about the subject. A. enlightening B. confusing C. frustrating D. delighting 38. Sorry sir, we dont have wine or beer. We are only licensed to sell _ drinks. A. pure B. sweet C. mild D. soft 39. Lets drink _ Dicks

18、success in business. A. of B. for C. to D. with 40. The terrible noise is _ me mad. A. turning B. setting C. driving D. putting 41. The engine has broken and the boat is _ on the water. A. flowing B. floating C. drifting D. sailing 42. Attendance at football matches have _ since the coming of televi

19、sion. A. dropped in B. dropped off C. dropped out D. dropped down 43. Each year in the United States, many black teenagers _ of school, either because they cannot keep up or they have to work to support their family. A. go out B. drop out C. check out D. pull out 44. When I came through the customs

20、at the airport, I had to pay _ on a clock I had bought. A. taxes B. duty C. fines D. fees 45. Im _ to graduate in the next half of the year. A. owing B. thanks C. due D. because 46. Take it _. It is nothing but a joke. A. easy B. easily C. serious D. seriously 47. Construction of the railways helped

21、 to develop the national _ of Tanzania and Zambia. A. economic B. economies C. economics D. economical 48. Only a(n) _ few were invited to the dancing party. A. elect B. special C. select D. selective 49. In the future, more _ should be placed on the education of the young. A. crisis B. implications

22、 C. impressions D. emphasis 50. Sixty per cent of television viewers chose him as their _ actor. A. popular B. desirable C. favorite D. superior 51. The farmer had to wear heavy boots in the winter because the fields were too wet and _. A. earthy B. solid C. dusty D. muddy 52. I bought this eighteen

23、th century writing desk at a quite _ price. A. reasonable B. cheap C. small D. expensive 53. As you like pop music, _ I like literature. A. so B. therefore C. as D. thus 54. He thoroughly understood the society _. A. he had grown up B. which had he grown up C. in which he had grown up D. he had grow

24、n up in it 55. To study a foreign language, _. A. a good dictionary should be bought B. buying a good dictionary is necessary C. you should buy a good dictionary D. it is necessary that you will buy a good dictionary 56. Its more _ to buy a season ticket if you travel every day. A. cheap B. economic

25、 C. economical D. saving 57. When workers are organized in trade unions, employers find it hard to lay them _. A. off B. side C. out D. down 58. The wealth of a country should be measured _ the health and happiness of its people as well as the material goods it can produce. A. in line with B. in ter

26、ms of C. in regard with D. by means of 59. She had clearly no _ of doing any work, although she was very well paid. A. tendency B. ambition C. intention D. willingness 60. For the new country to survive, _ for its people to enjoy prosperity, new economic policies will be required. A. to name a few B. let alone C. not to speak D. lets say 61. There were many people present and he appeared only for a few seconds, so I only caught a _ of him. A. glance B. glimpse C. look D. sight


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