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1、欧洲经济危机,美国兴许获利欧元危机使得全世界范围的市场和经济恐慌不已。但是在美国,欧元危机对投资者来说意味着更低成本的贷款,更加低廉的燃气价格和正面的消息。 【相关内容:欧洲,新兴市场,投资策略,联邦储备系统,Jim Jubak】 .窗体底端欧元危机使得全世界范围的市场和经济恐慌不已。但是在美国,欧元危机对投资者来说意味着更低成本的贷款,更加低廉的燃气价格和正面的消息。【相关内容:欧洲,新兴市场,投资策略,联邦储备系统,Jim Jubak】作者:Jim Jubak在欧洲,欧元债务危机只有坏消息。希腊动乱,西班牙罢工,薪水缩减,20%的失业率,纳税额增加,政府服务减少,萧条景象满眼皆是。那么美国


3、美国财政部债券的证券投资组合,欧元危机确实是个好消息。从世界范围讲,这次危机可能会使美国的股票在一段时间内有上佳表现。在更广泛的领域中,此次危机已经影响新兴的股票市场持续走低。例如,2010年以来,安硕摩根斯坦利巴西市场指数基金(iShares MSCI Brazil Index)ETF基金(EWZ,新闻,消息)下降了大约13%,上海股票市场完全进入了熊市,其指数比2009年最高点时已经下降了20%还多。不过对于这些市场,欧元债务危机给出了尽快结束下跌并快速反弹的承诺。(想要了解更多关于中国市场的熊市情况,请参阅我之前的文章中国危险的平衡行动。)为什么坏事会变成好事一个对于欧洲来说糟糕透顶的坏


5、给4%这个心理上的极限值暗送秋波了。接下来,随着欧元危机的打击,国库券收益率陷入逆境。在债券市场,每天的收益率变化为很少的几个百分点,10年期国库券的收益率在一个月多一点儿的时间内下降了60个百分点。这造成了15%的收益下降。如果我们讨论道琼斯工业平均值($INDU),我们在指数方面已经从最高点下降了1600点。美国国库券市场看到,债券购买者从担心利率增长最早会在2010年秋天结束,转变为相信美联储直到2011年才会改变利率。 Bloombergs开展的定期经济民意调查显示,截止到5月10日,中央预报要求在利率方面适度增长0.25个百分点,到2010年底到达0.5%,这比4月29日中央预报的0






11、经济增长中扮演一个加速器的角色。截至本文发表时,Jim Jubak没有拥有本文中提到的任何公司的股份。Jim Jubak已经在写Jubak期刊,追踪他的市场打击理论的表现。Jubak的精华文章从1997年开始在MSN Money上发表。他是2008年Jubak精华一书的作者,是Jubak精华博客的作者,同时也是MoneyS的高级市场编辑。Jim Jubak: Europes debt crisis could be good for US - MSN MoneyEuropes pain could be your gainThe euro crisis is rattling markets

12、and economies around the world. But in the US, it means cheaper loans, lower gas prices and good news for investors.Related content: Europe, emerging markets, investing strategy, Federal Reserve, Jim JubakBy Jim JubakIn Europe, the euro debt crisis is nothing but bad news.Riots in Greece. Strikes in

13、 Spain. Shrinking paychecks. Unemployment rates of 20%. Rising taxes. Cuts to government services. Hard times for as far as the eye can see.In the U.S.? Sure, the crisis has sent a shiver through the stock market, but its also responsible for falling interest rates, cheaper mortgages and lower gas p

14、rices.In the medium term, the crisis might even lead to sooner-than-expected turnarounds for emerging stock markets from Brazil to China.Go figure.Winning and losing The euro debt crisis has sent stocks tumbling from New York to So Paulo to Tokyo on worries - well-founded worries - that the crisis w

15、ill spread from Greece, Spain and Portugal to, first, France, and then to banks as far away as California. The Peoples Bank of China isnt talking, but Beijings foreign-exchange reserves, held increasingly in euros in recent years as China has diversified away from the U.S. dollar, have taken a beati

16、ng from the 15% decline in the euro. Prices for commodities such as oil and copper have plunged.But no bad deed goes completely unrewarded. And the euro crisis is actually good news if youre thinking of buying a home in the United States or own a portfolio full of U.S. Treasury bonds.The crisis coul

17、d even make U.S. stocks the best-performing in the world for a while. Further afield, the crisis has fed into a relentless decline in emerging-market stocks. The iShares MSCI Brazil Index ETF (EWZ, news, msgs), for instance, is down about 13% for 2010, and the Shanghai stock market is in a bona fide

18、 bear market, with a better than 20% decline from its November 2009 high. But for these markets, the euro debt crisis promises an accelerated end to the decline and a quicker rebound. (For more on Chinas bear market, see my previous column, Chinas dangerous balancing act.)Why bad news is good news W

19、hat are the magic ingredients that have turned what is unrelievedly bad news for Europe into good news for U.S. homebuyers, U.S. investors and developing-economy stock markets?Lower interest rates and lower inflation.In the United States, the euro debt crisis has worked like this: The euros pain has

20、 been the U.S. dollars gain. Investors, traders and speculators fleeing a sinking euro have bought dollars and dollar-denominated instruments such as Treasury bonds. That moved the yield on 10-year Treasury bonds, which many mortgage lenders use as a benchmark, down to 3.34% on May 18.Thats a huge t

21、urnaround. The yield on 10-year Treasurys had been on a march upward as financial markets prepared for the Federal Reserve to start increasing interest rates and as bond buyers demanded to be paid more to take on the risk of a falling dollar. From 3.14% on May 15, 2009, the yield climbed to 3.94% on

22、 April 9, 2010. On some days, it flirted with the psychologically important 4% threshold. And then, as the euro crisis hit, the yield on Treasurys plunged. In the bond market, where daily changes in yield are normally measured by a few hundredths of a percentage point, the yield on 10-year Treasurys

23、 fell by 60-hundredths of a percentage point (0.6) in a little more than a month. Thats a 15% decline in yield. If we were talking about the Dow Jones Industrial Average ($INDU), wed be shaking our heads over a 1,600-point drop in the index.The U.S. Treasury market has seen bond buyers go from worry

24、ing about interest-rate increases as early as fall 2010 to believing that the Federal Reserve wont make a move until 2011. Bloombergs regular poll of economists showed that, as of May 10, the median forecast called for a very modest 0.25-percentage-point increase in interest rates to 0.5% by the end

25、 of 2010. Thats down from the April 29 median forecast of a 0.75% target rate by the years end.Why the change? The thinking is that with the euro debt crisis causing growth in the eurozone economies to slow to 1% or less in 2010, the Fed will be extremely reluctant to slow U.S. growth with interest-

26、rate increases and risk stalling the U.S. economic recovery.The reversal in interest rates has rippled out across the U.S. economy.For example, mortgage rates have fallen almost as fast as Treasury yields. On May 18, the interest rate for 30-year fixed mortgages was 4.70%, down from 4.79% on May 11,

27、 according to Zillow Mortgage Marketplace. The interest rate on a 30-year mortgage hadnt been that low since December. Continued: Good for housingLower mortgage rates are, of course, good for a U.S. housing industry that is still crawling off the bottom. Housing starts boomed in April, according to

28、government numbers released May 18, with builders starting construction of 672,000 homes, well above the consensus projection of 655,000 and the highest level since October 2008. Housing starts remain at an extremely low level, and its premature to talk about a recovery, but I think it is fair to sa

29、y that the housing industry is showing signs of stabilization. And thats good news, especially because economists had feared that higher mortgage rates would send home sales and starts back down.This reversal - a U-turn from rising interest rates and falling expectations that the Federal Reserve wil

30、l move on rates anytime in 2010 - has also turned income investors strategies inside out. Earlier in the year, income investors were moving away from Treasurys because they thought bond prices were due for a decline as interest rates climbed. Now, however, Treasury bonds promise positive total retur

31、ns for the year. Yields are still absolutely low, but a 2%-plus real yield - the yield of 3.34% minus the 1.1% annual rate of inflation as measured by the core Consumer Price Index - stands up pretty well against the volatility of the stock market right now.And, of course, the euro debt crisis, with

32、 its guarantee of lower economic growth in the eurozone and lower demand for global commodities such as oil and copper, promises to put a damper on global inflation.In the United States, that will be one more reason for the Federal Reserve to put off raising interest rates anytime in 2010. In the wo

33、rlds emerging markets, lower inflation is likely to mean a more rapid end to moves by governments and central banks that have sent stocks in those countries reeling. (For more on how this is playing out in China, see my blog post Chinas stocks enter bear-market territory on inflation fears.)Fewer in

34、terest-rate increases? Higher commodity prices arent the only reason that inflation has picked up in China, Brazil, India and much of the rest of the developing world. (In many of these countries and in China in particular, theres a little matter of a runaway money supply.) And it will take months o

35、f lower-than-expected inflation numbers to convince central banks in emerging countries that they can stop raising interest rates sooner rather than later. But theres a good chance that lower commodity prices will cause central banks planning on four interest-rate increases to stop at three.I think

36、this is especially likely in emerging economies with a strong commodity-export sector. In those cases, stagnant or falling commodity prices will cut into inflation at home and slow the economy as export growth moderates in reaction to the euro debt crisis.Brazil is the prime example of just such an

37、economy. Indonesia is another in that group. (For more on plans by the Banco Central do Brasil to raise interest rates, see this post on my website.) Right now, the fear that the euro debt crisis will spread beyond the eurozone and that slower growth in Europe will derail the global recovery oversha

38、dows any more nuanced way of looking at the results of the crisis. When youre worried that the world is coming to an end, you dont stop to notice that spring has come early this year.The euro debt crisis is indeed a major economic and financial crisis that will play out across the world. But the com

39、plexity of the connections in the world economy pretty much guarantees that bad news is almost never uniformly bad news in every market and for every consumer and investor.Toward the end of what is shaping up as a very rough 2010, I think investors will have gained enough perspective - which is just

40、 a fancy way to say that the fear will have receded a bit - to start to bid up stocks in emerging markets as interest-rate increases and inflation-fighting policies end shorter-than-expected runs. The stock market rallies that will result will be based largely on the strength of these emerging econo

41、mies. But todays euro crisis will play a part, if only to speed up a return to accelerating growth in the developing world.At time of publication, Jim Jubak did not own shares of any company mentioned in this column.Jim Jubak has been writing Jubaks Journal and tracking the performance of his market-beating Jubaks Picks portfolio since 1997 on MSN Money. He is the author of a 2008 book, The Jubak Picks, and writer of the Jubak Picks blog. Hes also the senior markets editor at MoneyS.


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