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1、人教新课标必修8 Unit3,Language points,called up,打电话,使回忆起,今晚我会给你打电话。_,Ill call you up tonight.,老相片引起了我对童年的回忆。 _,The old photo calls up memories of my childhood.,Ex. -Can I do the job? -Im afraid not, because it _skill and patience. calls on B. calls out C. calls up D. calls for,D,1.give sb a ring/ call, pho

2、ne sb, telephone (to) sb /ring sb up,2.sb look back on/ upon sthreflect on/upon,ring off 挂断电话,与“打电话”相关的短语:,ring up call up give sb a ring,ring back call back,hang on hold on,just a moment hold the line,接通电话 get through,get through,1.They have all got through the exam. 2.I must get through the book b

3、efore Monday. When you get through with your work, lets go out. 3. We got through a fortune while we were in New York. 4. Thousands of refugees will die if these supplies dont get through to them . As soon as your letter gets through, I will set out. 5. I cant get through to him. 6. I find it imposs

4、ible to get through to her.,3.用完;耗尽,1. 通过,5. 接通电话,4.到达某人处,2. 读完;做完,6. 使某人理解,now and then 时而;不时= sometimes, but not often,我偶尔看见他,但不常见。 _ 我有时喜欢去看歌剧。 _,I see him now and then, but not often.,I like to go to the opera now and then.,相关短语: from time to time / (every) now and again / occasionally a little

5、now and a little then / once in a while 与now相关的短语: from now on 从现在开始,今后 just now 刚才 now that 既然 now or never 机不可失 until/ till/ up to now 直到现在 right now/ then 立刻,马上,distinguish vt. 引爆,激起,建立;创立,区别,使与众不同,留出,分开,分离,记下;让某人下车;制定,点燃,使着火,+ P63 Ex1.,abruptly adv.突然地,唐突地 abrupt adj.突然的;意外的 Ex. 这路有很多急转弯。 The ro

6、ad is full of _. 这会议突然结束了。 The meeting came to _. 我们的讨论突然给缩短了。 Our discussion was _ curtailed.,abrupt turns,an abrupt end,abruptly,convenient adj. 方便的,便利的 be convenient for sth 对某事方便 It is convenient for sb. 对某人方便 It is convenient for sb to do sth.某人做某事方便 注意: convenient 不能以人作主语。 inconvenient adj. co

7、nvenience n. for (the sake of) convenience 为了方便起见 at ones convenience 在某人方便的时候 comfort and convenience 舒适与便利,三点钟对你方便吗?_,Will 3 oclock be convenient for you?,我想这个时候见你恐怕不大合适。 Im afraid this isnt a _ to see you.,convenient moment,expectation n. firm belief that sth will happen 期待,期望;所希望的东西;前程;希望 in exp

8、ectation of 预计;期望 beyond/ against ones expectations出乎意料 meet ones expectations=live/come up to ones expectations不负众望 Have high/low expectations of 对期望很高/不高,We waited at the station _. 我们在车站等着,期待着她的到来 He has _ passing the exam. 他对考试及格不抱希望。 如果你再给我一个机会,我相信我能达到你的期望。 If you would give me another chance,

9、I believe I can_.,in expectation of her arrival,little expectation of,come up to your expectation,seize vt. 抓住;夺;捉住 短语:seize hold of sth 抓住某物 be seized with=be infected by受到的侵袭 seize the opportunity抓住机会 seize the day 把握今天 seize the moment 把握时机;把握此刻,If he _ of escaping from the burning building, he m

10、ight have lost his life.如果他当时没有抓住机会从燃烧的大楼里逃出来的话,他很可能就死了. Here _ with an illness while he was writing his essay.令人不安的消息传来,他在写论文时突然病倒了。,hadnt seized the chance,came the disturbing news that he was suddenly seized,beaten track 踏平的路;一贯的路;惯例。如: We followed a well-beaten track through the forest. 我们沿着一条人们

11、踏出来的路穿过森林。 cover ones track 隐匿行踪 keep track of 掌握的行踪/线索 lose track of 不了解/失去的动态 track down 追踪到,We have to keep track of every cent we spend. 我们得记下我们花的每一分钱,He was determined to track down the cause of food spoilage. 他决心查出食品腐烂(spoilage)的原因。,dive (vt)(1)to go headfirst into water 潜入;跳水: He dived into t

12、he river and rescued the drowning child. 他跳到水中,救起那快要溺死的小孩。,(2)to move quickly in a specified direction 扑去;冲去 When the rain started, we dived into a caf. 雨下了起来,我们立即跑进一家小餐馆。,(3)to put your hand quickly into sth 迅速将手伸入 He dived into his pocket and pulled out a quarter. 他将手伸入口袋中取出了一枚25分的硬币(a quarter)。,(

13、4)to put ones heart into 全心投入;潜心研究 He dived into/in the history of Chinese literature. 他潜心研究中国文学史。,associate v.联系;联想 n.同伴;伙伴;同事 短语associate with .把和联系起来 be closely associated with和密切联系 in association with与合作/合伙 (1)The origin of the tango is associated with the capital of Argentina. _ (2)Through scie

14、nce weve got the idea of _ the future. 通过科学我们知道了应该把进步和未来联系起来。,探戈的起源与阿根廷的首都有关。,associating progress with,practical 实际的; 实践的; 实用的 I want some practical advice. 我想要些实际性的建议。 It wouldnt be practical for us to go all that way just for the weekend. 我们跑那么远只为了去度个周末实在很不切实际。 The dictionary is very practical. 这

15、本词典非常实用。,out of order 坏了;有毛病。如: Our refrigerator is out of order again. Wed better buy a new one instead of repairing it. 咱们的冰箱又坏了,我们别修它了,最好买一个新的。 与之相反的短语是in order, 意思是“处于正常情况,情况良好”。如: The house is painted and decorated, and everything is in order. 房子粉刷了,装修了,一切都整整齐齐。 Ill see that everything is in good order when the guests arrive. 客人来时我会把一切都照料得井井有条的。,out of balance out of control out of reach out of fashion out of hand out of shape out of breath,失去平衡 失去控制 够不到 过时 难以控制 变形 上气不接下气,


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