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1、一字母及字母组合在单词中的发音: a-ei: make made take lake face plane baby place latea a-:angry can catch fan fantastic matter ran rang sad swam bag man had drank dad cap cat carry happily a-a: :fast class last grass half past plant a- :above along arrive sofa e-i:before begin beside between because behind e e-i: :

2、 email fifteen sixteen feel need see sheep meet e-e :best bell well tell better met send seventy twentylev i-ai : arrive blind fire hide ice kind ninety time tirednice Friday ride ice rice climb i i- i :finish fifty give ill into k ilo kitchen list miss river sixty skip think trip with swim British

3、city u u- ju: :use argue cute music museum Tuesday computer useful u-: up hungry us number sun run fun u :those kilo over rope told sofa home old close phone go :lot hot dog lost of won along bottle drop crayono : love above come some brother mother u:into to do took who whose room woof too zoo 班级:

4、姓名: 语音:选出划线部分发音不同的单词,将正确答案填入括号内。一组:( )1. A . along B. past C. grass ( )2. A. bell B. send C. email( )3. A . rice B. time C. ill ( )4. A. sofa B. lost C. won( )5. A . hungry B. Tuesday C. run( )6. A. swam B. carry C. plane( )7. A . those B. who C. into ( )8. A. forty B. why C. sky( )9. A . you B. you

5、ng C. happily( )10. A. first B. slow C. cheese二组:( )1. A arrive. B. kind C. with ( )2. A. lost B. rope C. phone( )3. A . better B. meet C. well ( )4. A. arrive B. ninety C. think ( )5. A . over B. hot C. bottle ( )6. A. too B. sofa C. do( )7. A .always B. sports C.close. ( )8. A. number B. cute C. u

6、s( )9. A. yellow B. sorry C. hungry( )10. A kilo B. some C. love三组:( )1. A . into B. mother C. who( )2. A. computer B. us C. hurry( )3. A . better B. met C. begin ( )4. A. fan B. plant C. rang( )5. A . grass B. fast C. plane( )6. A. finish B. Friday C. miss( )7. A . above B. come C. along( )8.A. spo

7、rts B. always C. cheese( )9. A . sky B. baby C. happily ( )10. A. yellow B. forty C. angry四组:( )1. A . slow B. row C. now ( )2. A. team B. deaf C. tea( )3. A . catch B. juice C. place ( )4.A.ground B. argue C.sausage( )5. A . coffee B. nice C. clock( )6. A. rope B. told C. lost( )7. A . trip B blind

8、. C. time ( )8. A. won B. home C. go( )9. A . made B. grass C. take ( )10. A. cute B. useful C. fun五组:( )1. A . number B. music C. run ( )2. A. send B. before C. behind( )3. A over. B. those C. lost ( )4. A. do B. bottle C. crayon( )5. A . give B. ill C. tired( )6. A. nose B. school C. famous( )7. A

9、 . my B. healthy C. why ( )8. A. arrive B. can C. catch( )9. A . river B. fire C. ride ( )10. A. tell B. feel C. need六组:( )1. A . orange B. egg C. ground ( )2. A. flower B. how C. show( )3. A . best B. better C feel. ( )4. A. us B.computer C.number( )5. A . catch B. sofa C. fan ( )6. A. swim B. Brit

10、ish C. arrive( )7. A . come B. drop C. bottle ( )8. A. team B. sweater C. deaf ( )9. A . place B. juice C. call ( )10. A. well B. email C. bell ai : shy fly sky my whyy i : thirty forty seventy eighty many really healthy angry baby city thirsty happily sorry hungry party hurry twenty j :young yester

11、day yes yellow you s : us send list lost first best sports sixteen slow alsos fantastic skip sad smell grass last past dangerous schoolfamous sun sang saw hospital delicious sea see z : those use useful cheese museum always closeThursday because busy nose is whosec s : rice ice place juice face nice

12、 cinema k:can crayon catch fantastic coffee come climb clock callea i: :team really healthy tea cream e: bread deaf sweater g :ground give argue begin grass good go green g cheese get egg d : sausage orange bridge u:how now flowerow au:row window snow show yellow slow know(一)选出划线部分发音不同的单词,将正确答案填入括号内

13、第一组:( )3. A. was B. sang C. bad ( )4. A. have B.bag C. take( )5. A.Tuesday B. computer C. fun( )6 A.city B. bike C.time( )7. A. clever B.because C.lesson ( )8 A. rice B. cap C. cake ( )9. A.Friday B.did C.nice( )10. A.nose B. long C.holiday 第二组:( )1.A.take B.travel C.made( )2.A.poster B.pop C.strong

14、( )3 . A. because B.helpC.fell ( )4. A.will B. time C. ride( )5. A. computer B. sun C.bump( )6 A. wash B. happen C.water( )7. A.phone B.love C.postcard( )8.A.hospital B.to C.whose( )9. A. great B. bridge C.orange( )10. A.wash B. fast C. class第三组:( )1. A.fever B.tell C.welcome( )2. A.had B. plane C.c

15、a rry( )3. A. climb B. ship C. rice ( )4. A. Miss B. kite C.him( )5. A. music B. sun C. cute ( )6.A. young B. fly C. shy( )7.A. saw B.Thursday C.stomach( )8.A. ice B. come C. face( )9.A. then B me C. bed( )10.A.holiday B.mother C.come( )11. A.party B.my C. family( )12. A.can B.China C.about第四组:( )1.

16、A .uncle B. much C. music( )2. A.ship B. chick C. ride( )3. A.desk B. help C. me( )4. A.hospital B. photo C. pop( )5. A. close B. who C. do( )6. A.bump B. computer C. up( )7. A .picnic B. swim C.like( )8. A.call B. cinema C. nice ( )9. A. came B. game C. thanks( )10. A. why B shy.C.cloudy第五组:( )1.A.

17、luck B .Tuesday C.peanut( )2. A.bit B.nice C.bike( )3. A.well B.next C.these ( )4. A.rice B.milk C.fish( )5. A.mother B.father C.month( )6.A.long B.pop C.postcard ( )7. A. also B. poster C. whose( )8. A.great B .egg C. orange ( )9.A.plane B.dad C.happen( )10.A.weather B.thing C. there 三.找答语:从第II栏中找出

18、答语与I栏组成对话.第一组: I 栏 II栏( )1.Will you take your kite tomorrow? A.Yes, it was.( )2.Is it Beijing ? B.He played with his friends last Sunday.( )3.What did Sam do last Sunday ? C.No. I will take my ball ( )4Was it a big city then? D.Ill help my mother.( )5.What will you do next week? E.No,it isnt .Its Shanghai.第二组: I 栏 II栏( )1.Did you buy some water? A.Yes, I was.( )2.Are you at home? B.No, we bought drinks and cakes.( )3.Who is that little girl? C.I visited my grandparents.( )4.Were you at school yesterday? D.Yes,I am.( )5.What did you do last week? E. Its me.I was four then.


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