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1、Revision2 Name_二.反义词big- small fatthin thick(粗、厚)thin(细、薄) longshort tallshort new-old young-old sharpblunt happysad hungry-full little-large man-woman afraid-brave open-close stopgo nearfar away from here-there these-those this-that youngold come-go clean-dirty good-bad in-out my/our-your I/weyou p

2、ut ontake off updown stand-sit blackwhite dry-wet cool-warm hot-cold roughsmooth soft-hard sweetbitter in front ofbehind under-on 三同音词knowno forfour eyeI herehear theretheir totootwo wherewear see-sea四.名词的复数:1一般情况加 s 2以s, x, sh, ch结尾的加-es例子:dress-dressesfoxfoxesdishdishes watch-watches3以辅音加y结尾的去y加-i

3、es 例子:library-librariesaviary-aviariesbutterflybutterflies4. 以f或fe结尾的去f或fe为-ves 例子:scarfscarvesleaf-leaves5. 无规则变化:mouse-mice, sheep-sheep, man-men, child-children, tooth-teeth6. 指示代词复数:this-these, that-those7. 人称代词的复数: I we youyou he/she/ittheymy-our your-your his/her/itstheir五、量词词组(不可数名词可用量词词组表达数量

4、)box(盒子) a box of. two boxes of. bag(包) a bag of. two bags of.packet(小包)a packet of. two packets of. bottle(瓶) a bottle of. two bottles of.glass(玻璃杯) a glass of. two glasses of. pair(一对、一双、一副) a pair of. two pairs of.bar(块) a bar of. two bars of. bowl(一碗) a bowl of two bowls of.六动词的ing形式 (用处:1. like

5、+ doing2. 现在进行时 be+doing)注意发音1. 直接加ing jumpjumping flyflying skiskiing paint-painting2. 去e加ing havehaving dance-dancing skateskating shine-shining3. 双写尾字母加ing runrunningswim-swimmingskip-skipping七介词与介词词组:in(里面)in the cage, in the street(在街上), in the tree在树上, in the zoo(住/工作在动物园里), in the shop, come

6、inon(上面)-on XX Road(在XX路上), on the street(在街两旁), on the tree(长在树上)under(下面)under the desk beside(在旁边)beside the river;betweenand(在XX和XX中间) between the shop and the parknear(在附近-在大范围的附近)near the sea next to(紧邻)next to the cinemaathave a look at, at home, at the party, at No.xx, xx Road(在XX路几号)to-listen to, go to school, count to数到几with-play with snow, count with(和数), wash with water, see with eyesup(向上)-stand up, hands up, down-sit down, hands down,fall down;awaygo away, run away far away fromby bus、be late for、turn off、jump into be full of(充满) be afraid of (对害怕)


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