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1、微免(Micro free)Radio examination:1, the correct concept of immunity is (C)A, the bodys defense against pathogenic microorganisms, B, and the ability of the body to remove mutant cellsC, the organism recognizes and excludes the function of antigenic foreign bodies, D, and the bodys ability to clear it

2、self of senescent and dead cells2. When the immune stability function is abnormal, it is manifested as (C)A, hypersensitivity, B, immunodeficiency, C, autoimmune disease, D, tumor, E, and severe infectionThe characteristics of 3 and hapten are (D)A has immunogenicity, immune response, B, no immunoge

3、nicity, and no immunoreactivityC and immunogenicity, but no immunoreactivityD, no immunogenicity, but immunoreactivity, E, or more are wrong4, bacterial toxoid (D)A, toxic, immunogenic, B, non-toxic, immunogenic, C, toxic, and immunogenicD, non-toxic, immunogenic, E, or more are wrong5, animal deriv

4、ed Tetanus Antitoxin is E for human bodyA, antigen B, hapten C, superantigen D, antibody E, antigen as well as antibody6. The material basis for determining antigen specificity is (E)A, antigen size, B, charge properties of antigen, C and physical characteristics of antigenD, antigen type, E and ant

5、igen determinant7. The material basis for determining antigen specificity is (E)A, antigen size, B, charge properties of antigen, C and physical characteristics of antigenD, antigen type, E and antigen determinant8 、 the place where T cells and B cells respond to the immune response is mainly (A)A,

6、peripheral immune organ B, central immune organ C, bone marrow D, lymph node E and bursa of Fabricius9 、 the highest content of Ig in normal human serum is (B)A, IgM, B, IgG, C, IgA, D, IgE, E, IgD10. Which one of the following is true about the description of antibodies and Ig (D)?A and immunoglobu

7、lins are antibodies, but not all of them are IgB and antibodies are not IgC and Ig are antibodies, and antibodies are IgD and antibodies are Ig, but Ig are not all antibodiesE or above is incorrect11. The Ig that passes through the placenta is (E)A, IgA, B, IgM, C, IgE, D, IgD, E, IgG12. The product

8、 of complement cleavage with immune adherence is (D)A, C2a, B, C4a, C, C5a, D, C3b, E, C3a13, the human HLA complex is located (C)A, chromosome seventeenth, B, chromosome sixth, chromosome C, and chromosome secondD, chromosome twenty-second, E, chromosome ninth14. The biological role of complement w

9、ithout following is (B)A, dissolved cell action, B, ADCC, C, and phagocytosisD, inflammatory mediators, E, and immune adhesion15. Mediate the interaction between leukocytes (A)A, IL, B, IFN, C, TNF, D, CSF, E, GF16, the Th cell surface has the significance of identification is (C)A, CD2 molecules, B

10、 and CD3 molecules, C and CD4 molecules, D and CD5 molecules, E and CD8 molecules17 antigen presenting cells did not include (E)A, B cells, B, neutrophils, C, macrophages, D, dendritic cells, E and T cells18, the costimulatory molecules and corresponding ligands that constitute the second signal of

11、T cell activation are mainly (A)A, CD28, and CD80/86B, CD40, and CD154C, TCR, and CD3D, CD2, and CD154E, BDR, and CD7919. The following cellular interactions are not limited by MHC (D)A, macrophages and Th cells, B, Tc cells and tumor cells, C, Th cells and B cellsD, NK cells and tumor cells E, APC

12、and Th cells20 which of the following is characteristic of initial response (C)?The production of A and antibody was large, and the duration of C was long. B was mainly IgG, and the affinity of antibody and antigen was lowD produces antibodies with a high affinity for antigen, E, and an antibody pro

13、ducing short incubation periodThe response of 21 and B cells to TI-Ag is (B)A produces only IgG B and produces only IgM C, which can cause memory responsesD must rely on Th helper E, and neither of these is22, antibodies produced by plasma cells are valuable for early diagnosis of disease (E)A, IgG,

14、 B, IgD, C, IgA, D, IgE, E, IgM23, initial large doses of heterologous animal serum can cause (B)A, serum anaphylactic shock, B, serum sickness, C, blood transfusion reactionD, hemolytic anemia, E, contact dermatitis24 、 infectious hypersensitivity belongs to (D)Type A and I hypersensitivity, type B

15、 and type II hypersensitivity, type C and type III hypersensitivityType D and type IV hypersensitivity E and non hypersensitivity25, belongs to the artificial immunity biological product, is AA, B, C, anti toxin exotoxin toxoidD, new vaccines, E, and dead vaccines26. in the microbiological character

16、istics described below, not all microorganisms are characterized by (E)A. individuals are small; B.Widely distributed; C. species are numerous; D. is not pathogenic; E. can only grow and propagate in living cells27. microorganisms that do not belong to the prokaryotic cell type are (C)A. Leptospira;

17、 B. Actinomyces; C. virus; D. bacteria; E. Rickettsia28., the bacterial nuclear material outside the cytoplasm refers to (C)A.mRNA.; B. nucleoprotein; C. plasmid; D. staining granule; E. pili29. does not belong to the basic structure of bacteria (A)A. flagella B. cytoplasm, C. cell membrane, D. cyto

18、plasm, E. cell wall30. the antibacterial mechanism of penicillin is (D)A. interferes with the synthesis of bacterial proteins; B. inhibits nucleic acid metabolism in bacteria; C. inhibits bacterial enzyme activity;D. destroys peptidoglycan in cell walls; E. destroys cell membranes31. what is the des

19、cription of the plasmid (A)?A. An indispensable gene for bacterial life; B. is a genetic material other than bacterial chromosomes;C. has the ability to replicate itself and pass on to offspring; D. can move from one bacterium to another;E. can be lost by itself32. colonies means CA. different bacte

20、ria grow on a culture medium to form a visible cell massB. bacteria propagate on a culture medium to form a visible cell massC. a bacterium that grows on a culture medium and forms a visible cell massD., a bacterial cellE. bacteria isolated from culture media33. which of the following growth stages

21、is the most susceptible to variation in bacteria CA. delay stage, B. logarithmic phase, C. stable phase, D. period of death, E. or more can be34. of the bacteria causing the disease are mostly DA. obligate anaerobic bacteria, B. obligate aerobic bacteria, C. micro aerobic bacteria, D. facultative an

22、aerobe, E. or more are not correct35. incorrect about autoclave sterilization is DA. is the most reliable and widely used. B. is suitable for high temperature and moisture resistant substances. C. can kill all microorganisms including bacterial sporesD. the pressure is usually 2.05Kpa E. and the usu

23、al temperature is 121.3 centigrade36. the most common and effective way to kill bacterial spores is EA. UV irradiation, B. dry baking sterilization, C. batch sterilization, D. flow steam sterilization, E. high-pressure steam sterilization37. The structure independent of bacterial pathogenicity is CA

24、. capsule, B. fimbriae, C., stained granule, D., lipopolysaccharide, E., P - acid38. about endotoxin, one of the following errors is BA. is derived from gram negative bacteria B., which can be detoxified by formaldehyde to form toxoid C. Its chemical composition is lipopolysaccharide D., which is st

25、able and heat-resistantE. is released only when the cell is killed and cleaved39. DPT triple vaccine is BA. pertussis toxoid, diphtheria toxoid, tetanus toxoid, B., pertussis, dead vaccine, diphtheria toxoid, tetanus toxoidC. pertussis dead vaccine, diphtheria dead vaccine, tetanus toxoid, D. pertus

26、sis live vaccine, diphtheria live vaccine, tetanus dead vaccineE. live diphtheria vaccine, diphtheria dead vaccine, tetanus dead vaccine40. in the first week of onset of typhoid fever, the specimens for the isolation of pathogens should be AA. blood, B., urine, C., stool, D., vomit, E., cerebrospina

27、l fluid41. which one of the following statements is wrong about Staphylococcus aureus DA. has a strong salt tolerance, and B. forms a fully transparent hemolytic ring on the blood plate. C. causes localized lesions when localized infection is localizedD. is not susceptible to drug resistance and has

28、 strong resistance to E. Gram-positive bacteria42. which one of the following is wrong with regard to beta hemolytic streptococci D?A. is the most virulent B. in Streptococcus, and the infection is easy to spread. C. can cause hypersensitivity diseasesD. produces a toxin, so we can prevent sensitive

29、 to penicillin E. toxoid43., about the description of intestinal bacteria, incorrect is CA. all the intestinal bacteria are not forming spores; B. Enterobacteriaceae are G - Bacillus C.; Enterobacteriaceae pathogen can break down lactose;D. bacteria in the intestines of bacteria can generally decomp

30、ose lactose; E., a small number of pathogens in the enteric bacteria can slow down the decomposition of lactose44., the drinking water sanitation standard of our city is AA. no more than 3 coliform bacteria per 1000ml of water; B. may not exceed 10 coliforms per 1000ml of waterC. no more than 5 coli

31、form bacteria per 100ml of water; D. may not exceed 30 coliforms per 100ml of water;E. no more than 3 coliforms per 500ml of water45. on the biological character of Vibrio cholerae, the mistake is DA. alkaline peptone water can be used as a selective enrichment medium; B. Vibrio cholerae is alkaline

32、 and non acid resistant;The phenomenon of shuttle movement is seen in B. specimens of fecal samples from cholera patients.D.EL Tor biotype Vibrio cholerae has a strong resistance because of sporulation; E. Gram staining is negative46. tetanus specific treatment can be applied BA. antibiotics; B. ant

33、itoxin; C. toxoid; D. bacteriocin; E. tetanus vaccine47. tuberculin test is a positive reaction, the following may be wrong EA.It showed that the organism had been infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis; B. showed that BCG was successful; C. indicated that the organism was certain of Mycobacterium

34、 tuberculosisSpecific immunity; D. showed a delayed hypersensitivity to M.tuberculosis; E. showed that the organism was immune to M.tuberculosis48. the replication cycle of the virus in the host cell is the correct description of AA. adsorption, penetration, shelling, biosynthesis, assembly, maturat

35、ion and release, B. adsorption, shelling, biosynthesis, maturation and releaseC. adsorption, binding, penetration, biosynthesis, maturation and release, D. specific binding, shelling, replication, assembly and releaseE. binding, replication, assembly and release49. the transmission route of poliovir

36、us is DA. air communication; B. blood transmission; C. insect borne D. fecal oral transmission; E.; vertical transmission;50. the most easily mutating structure of influenza viruses is AA. influenza A virus HA, B., influenza B virus HA, C. nucleoprotein, D.M protein, E.RNA polymerase1., the site of

37、human B cell differentiation is mature (A).A, bone marrow, B, thymus, C, lymph nodes, D and spleen2. cells with immunological memory are (C).A, macrophages, B, neutrophils, C, lymphocytes, D and mast cells3. which of the following diseases is caused by type III hypersensitivity (C)?A, serum anaphyla

38、ctic shock, B and contact dermatitis, C, rheumatoid arthritis, D, hemolytic disease of the newborn, E, acute urticaria4. which of the following growth stages is the most susceptible to variation in bacteria (C)?A, delay phase B, logarithmic phase C, stable phase D, decline period E or more can be5.

39、metabolites associated with bacterial pathogenesis do not include (B)A, B, C, bacteriocin pyrogen exotoxin E and endotoxin D, invasive enzymes6., the optimum concentration of alcohol disinfection is (C)A, 100% B, 95% C, 75% D, 50% E, 30%7. the main pathogenic factors of Streptococcus pneumoniae are

40、(C)A endotoxin into B. exotoxin C. capsular D. fimbriae E. invasive enzymes8., the dominant bacteria in the normal intestinal flora is AThe A. of Escherichia coli B. anaerobicbacteria shigae C. hammer D. E. white Streptococcus proteus9. what kinds of microbes are caused by human infectious diseases

41、(B)?A bacteria, B viruses, C, Leptospira, D, Mycoplasma10. vertical infection of the virus means infection through the (E) pathwayA skin, mucous membranes, B, respiratory tract, C, digestive tract, D, contact E, internal cells or placenta11. of the confirmed hepatitis B patients and the indication o

42、f their infectivity are (B)A, HBcAg (+) and anti -HBs (+), B, HBsAg (+) and HBeAg (+), C, -HBe (+), D, -HBc (+), E, HBsAg (+)An organ transplant between 12. siblings is the cause of rejection (B).A, heterologous antigen B, homologous antigen C, autoantigen D and superantigen13. which of the followin

43、g substances, injected into their own bodies, can cause an immune response (D)?.A, red blood cell B, plasma C, lymphocyte D, semenThe longest half-life of Ig is 14. (A).A, IgG, B, IgM, C, IgA, D, IgD15. the activation of the complement pathway pathway is independent of which of the following actions

44、 (B)?.A and C3 cleaved into C3a and C3b, B and C4 cleaved into C4a and C4bC and C5 cleaved into C5a and C5b D, and the formation of membrane attack complexes16. immunity to infectious diseases is known as (B)A, auto immunity, B, natural immunity, C, passive immunity, D and artificial immunityE, natu

45、ral passive immunity17. the normal human body is sterile (C)A, external auditory canal B, small intestine C, gallbladder D, urethral orifice E, conjunctiva18. which of the following structures of bacteria may survive under certain conditions (A)?A. cell wall, B. cell membrane, C. cytoplasm, D., cyto

46、plasmic E. above can be19., the spore error is (C)A. is the resting body of bacteria. B. is a special structure of bacteria. C. is the reproductive body of bacteriaD. is very resistant to the outside world, E. different bacteria, their spore shape, location, size is also different20. viruses that ca

47、use fetal malformations are (E)A influenza virus, B, measles virus, C rotavirus, D adenovirus, E, rubella virus110ACCCBCCABE1120BBDABBCACE1. antigen presenting cells include (D).A, B cells, B, macrophage C and dendritic cell D were all correct2. place where the immune response occurs after antigen stimulation is (D).A, bone marrow, B, thymus, C, bursa D, lymph nodes3. which of the following conditions does not


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