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1、2020年9月大学英语四级试题及参考答案【完整版】Part I Writing(30 minutes)(请于正式开考后半小时内完成该部分,之后将进行听力考试)Directions:For this partyou are allowed 30 minutes to write an a short easy on online dictionaries.You can start your essay with the sentence“Online dictionaries are becoming increasingly popular”.You should write at leas

2、t 120 words but no more than 180 words.Directions:For this partyou are allowed 30 minutes to write an a short easy on the use of PowerPoint(PPT)in class.You can start your essay with the sentence“The use of Power-Point is becoming increasingly popular in class”.You should write at least 120 words bu

3、t no more than 180 words.Directions:For this partyou are allowed 30 minutes to write an a short easy on online libraries.You can start youressay with the sentence“Online libraries are becoming increasingly popular”.You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.Part II Listening Comp

4、rehension(30 minutes)Section ADirections:In this sectionyou will hear three news reports.At the end of each news reportyou will hear two or three questions.Both the news report and questions will be spoken only once.After you hear questionsyou must choose the best answer from the four choices marked

5、 A)B)C)and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.注意:此部分试题请在答题卡1上作答。Questions 1 to 2 are baxxxxsed on the new report you have just heard.1.A)Warm currents in the oceanB)Ship traffic in the AtlanticC)Particles emitted by power plantsD)Exhaust fro

6、m cars in Europe2.A)They need to be taken seriouslyB)They have a huge effect on fisheryC)They may be affecting the worlds climateD)They might be causing trouble to air flightsQuestions 3 to 4 are baxxxxsed on the new report you have just heard.3.A)To appeal for higher wagesB)To demand better health

7、careC)To dismiss the bad-tempered supervisorD)To call for a permanent security guard4.A)It was seeking help from the police.B)It would put customersneeds firstC)It had already taken strong actionD)It would take their appeal seriouslyQuestions 5 to 7 are baxxxxsed on the new report you have just hear

8、d.5.A)The road was blockedB)The road was floodedC)The road was frozen with snowD)The road was covered with spilled gas6.A)A truck hit a barrier and overturnedB)The truck driver dozed off while drivingC)The heary snow made driving very difficultD)A truck plunged into a pool of liquid chocolate7.A)It

9、was fortunate that no passenger got injuredB)It was a hard task to remove the spilled substanceC)It was a long time before the cleanup was finishedD)It was difficult to contact the manufacturer.Section BDirections:In this sectionyou will hear two long conversations.At the end of each conversationyou

10、 will hear four questions.Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a questionyou must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A)B)C)and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.Questions 8 to 11 a

11、re baxxxxsed on the conversation you have just heard.8.A)she found it much safer to use cashB)She could enjoy discounts with cashC)She wanted to save for a new phoneD)She bad been cheated using phone9.A)They derive greater pleasure from buying things.B)They are less aware of the value of their money

12、.C)They find it less difficult to make purchases.D)They can save a lot more time and trouble.10.A)More valuable items.B)Electronic devices.C)Everyday necessities.D)More non-essential things11.A)It may lead to excessive spending.B)It is altering the way of shopping.C)It can improve shopping efficienc

13、y.D)It appeals more to younger people.Questions 12 to 15 are baxxxxsed on the conversation you have just heard.12.A)He wanted the furniture store to give him a refund.B)He had a problem with the furniture delivered.C)He had to change the furniture delivery time.D)He wanted to order some wooden furni

14、ture.13.A)Send the furniture back to the store.B)Buy another brand of furniture.C)collect the furniture he ordered.D)Describe the furniture he received.14.A)Improve their serviceB)Apologize to his wifeC)Correct their mistakeD)Give the money back15.A)She recommended a new styleB)She decided all the i

15、tems with the manC)She offered some gift to the manD)She apologized to the man once moreSection CDirections:In this sectionyou will hear three passages.At the end of each passageyou will hear four questions.Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a questionyou must

16、 choose the best answer from the four choices marked A)B)C)and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.Questions 16 to 18 are baxxxxsed on the conversation you have just heard.16.A)Tidying up ones homeB)Reading books of wisdomC)Donating to charit

17、yD)Sharing with others17.A)Things that occupy little spaceB)Things that are becoming rareC)Things that make one happyD)Things that cost a lot of money18.A)It did little business because of the unusual cold weatherB)It received an incredibly large number of donated booksC)It sold as many as fifty box

18、es of booksD)It joined the citys clean-up campaignQuestions 19 to 21 are baxxxxsed on the conversation you have just heard.19.A)Give free meals to the homelessB)Provide shelter for the homelessC)call for change in the local governmentD)Help the vulnerable to cook lunches20.A)Promote understandingB)S

19、trengthen co-operationC)Follow his exampleD)Win national support21.A)Spreading news of his deedsB)Sending him hand-made bagsC)Following the example he setsD)Writing him thank-you notesQuestions 22 to 25 are baxxxxsed on the passage you have just heard22.A)To install some audio equipment in a labB)To

20、 test their eyesight using a phone appC)To send smartphone messagesD)To solve word search puzzles23.A)They could no longer concentrate on their taskB)They could not go on until the ringing stoppedC)They grabbed the phone and called back right awayD)They asked their experimenter to hung up the phone2

21、4.A)A decline in sports activitiesB)A rise in emotional problemsC)A decline in academic performanceD)A reduction in the amount of sleep25.A)Ensure they have sufficient sleep every dayB)Realize the disruptive effects of technologyC)Take effective measures to raise productivityD)Protect the eyesight o

22、f the younger generationSection AHews Report 1ANASA satellite orbiting over Portugal took photographs that reveal the effects of pollution from ships.One of the photos shows a thin film of clouds above the brilliant blue of the North Atlantic,cut by white lines of thicker clouds that look like scars

23、.NASA officials explained those thicker clouds are signs of ship traffic below.【Q1When ships power their ways through the ocean,they pump exhaust into the atmosphere,just as cars do.And those massive amounts of particles can cause clouds to form.Get enough of those particles in one place,as from the

24、 exhaust of a ship,and they can lead to the creation of new clouds easily visible from space.These clouds can be huge,some of them stretch hundreds of kilometers from end to end”NSAS officials said.【q2】Its likely that these sorts of clouds are having some effect on the global climate,according to NA

25、SA officials.But scientists arent yet sure what effect it has.Q1:What has caused the thick clouds in the photos taken by a NASA satellite?Q2:What do NASA officials think about the thick clouds?Hew Report 2Staff at a suburban supermarket in Melbourne say they feel unsafe at work after security guards

26、 were removed.This came after a series of physical attacks and verbal abuse by customers.More than 50 workers at the store have signed a letter calling for a permanent security guard following a series of incidents,including a customer threatening to attack a supervisor with a knife.A security worke

27、r had guarded the store each night from 7pm until 12ambut that had stopped suddenly on Monday”employees said.0ne worker said an angry customer had thrown a chicken at his head after complaining about how long she had waited to be served.Another worker said the lack of protection at the store made he

28、r feel uncomfortable at work.Howeverthe spokesman of the supermarket said the store had taken strong action in response to incidents,“We have found very few instances of bad customer behavior at our store in the past year.Q3:For what purposedid the staff at the supermarket in Melbourne sign a letter

29、?Q4:What did the spokesman of the supermarket say,regarding the employeesdemand?News report three5.drivers on their way to the polish capital of Warsaw on Wednesday morning found the road blocked by an unusual obstacle.Tons of liquid chocolate that spilled onto the motorway,6.a truck carrying the sw

30、eet load hit a road barrier and overturned,blocking two lanes.The cracked tank spilled a pool of rapidly hardening chocolate,which quickly covered the width of the road,while the driver was taken to hospital with a broken armfirefighters struggled to remove a reported 12 tons of solid chocolate from

31、 the road.7.A representative for the firefighters told the local TV that removing the chocolate was worse than dealing with snow.After contacting the chocolate manuf ac turer,the firefighters resorted to spraying hot,pressurized water to get rid of the sticky substance.Thelocal TV also noted that th

32、e cleanup spanned more than a mile,because drivers simply dove through the chocolate after the crash,leaving a long chocolate trail.But despite the sticky situation,firefighters and policeattending to the cleanup were reportedly cheerful about the long task ahead.After all,who could be mad about 12

33、tons of chocolate?Q5What did drivers on the motorway to War saw find?Q6What does the report say about the accident?Q7What are the firefighters representative tell the local TV?Section BConver sation 1Man:Lisa,why did you pay for you meal with cash instead of the payment apps on your phone?Woman:Well

34、,Ive gone back to cash.Im only using payment apps if thats the only option.【q8】Im trying to save money for a new phoneand I find that using cash rather than payment apps helps me to save.Man:But how?Money is money,isnt it?【Q11】I dont think it matters whether you take it out to the bank and put it in

35、to wallet,or simply transfer from your bank account to the sellersbank account using an app.Woman:Mo,I believe it does matter.Its a psychological phenomenon.【Q9】I believe we have less connection with a value of our money,when we just tap the approve buttons on our phones.Man:You might have a point,s

36、ince I stop carrying cash around,and start to using my phone apps to pay,I may have developed a tendency to buy【Q10】more small or non-essential items.Woman:Thats highly possible,think about the amount of time we spend with our phones in our hands,and all the things we do with our phones.It sometimes

37、 seems that our phone is buying the product for usnot ourselves.Man:So,cash is the payment affects our ability to budget?Woman:I believe so.If we spend a hundred Yuan in cash,we realize that we dont have that hundred Yuan to spend on some thing else.But if we spend in electronicallywere less likely

38、to make that mental calculation.Man:I stopped using my credit card because Im fond of spending excessively.Perhaps I should take the same approach of paying using my phone.Woman:Its worth considering.Q8:Why did the woman decide to go back to cash for payment?Q9:what happens when people use apps for

39、payment according to the woman?Q10:what might the man tend to buy with payment apps?Q11:what does the man think of electronic paymen t?Section BConver sation2售后服务退换货:Hello Mr.Brown.I was expecting your call.My secretary told me you were having some problems with the wooden table,is that right?M:No,n

40、o,the table is fine.【Q12】The problem is the chairs.W:oh,the chairs,so,what exactly is the issue?M:Well,put simply,【q12】these are not the chairs my wife and I selected in your store last week.There must be some confusion with our order.W:0h,I see.Im looking through my files now.And I see that the del

41、ivery was this morning.Is that correct?M:Yes.W:【q13】Do you mind describing the chairs that were delivered to your apartment,Mr.Brown?M:Sure.These have a flat back with a round top and are very heavy.They are light brown and look kind of cheap.The ones we ordered were dark brown to match the table.W:

42、Right.Of course.It says here you purchased the Arlington table and four Milano chairs.As you said.There must be some confusion with the order.Im terribly sorry.【q14】Well send a van to collect those four and replace them with the Milano you purchased.Will tomorrow 9 a.m.be OR Me.Br own?M:Yes.That wou

43、ld be great.Thank you.W:Good.Did everything else you ordered from us arrive oK?M:Yes.I think so.Let me check.The mirror and two paintings are here.The two coffee tables are also here.And the sofa.Yes.We havent noticed anything else wrong or missing.But if we do,well certainly let you know.W:OK.Great

44、.Once again.【Q15】Im sorry for the confusion and trouble caused.Q12:Why did the man call the woman?Q13:What did the woman ask the man to do?Q14:What did the woman promise to do for the man?Q15:What did the woman do at the end of the conversation?The woman apologized ag ain.Section BPassage 1Do you ha

45、ve too much stuff?Are you dare we say it“untidy”?Say hello to a TV show called“Tidying Up with Marie kondo”.A home improvement show baxxxxsed on her widely popular book The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Uup.In the show,Marie Kondo acts as a tiny garbage fairy for essy people,visiting their houses t

46、o share the wisdom of the“KonMarime thod.This method is simple in theory but can be endlessly complex in practice.You divide all the stuff in your house-all of it-into several categories,and then examine each item-all of them-to see if it sparks joy.If it does,you keep it.If it doesnt,you thank it,a

47、ndneatly discard it.So,is the TV show inspiring people to tidy up?Firsthand accounts seem to indicate a small wave of people bringing piles of donation bags to used good stores.One store received thousands of bags of used possessionsin one day.January is usually the stores slow season for donationsb

48、ecause its cold and people dont want to bother.But not this January.People seemed determined to clean up their homes.One used bookstore received a months worth of books in donations in a week when a man gave over 50 boxes of books from his home.It seems Maries TV show is having a big impact after all.Q16.What is Maire Kondos rv show about?Q17.What things can be kept in ones home,according to Maire Kondo?Q18.What do we learn about one used bookstore this January?Passage 2At just twelve years old


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