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1、新概念英语笔记(第一册)Lesson 29-30v Content and Aim 内容和目标s 祈使句s 情态动词-must (重点)v Key Words and Expressions 关键词和词组shut 关门 bedroom 卧室 untidy 乱,不整齐 open 打开 air 换换空气 put 放置 clothes 衣服 wardrobe 大衣柜 dust 掸掉灰尘 sweep 扫v Language Points 语言点s Come in, AmyCome in 在口语中还是说“Come on in”s Shut the door, please.1. 这是一个祈使句,我们前面

2、已经接触过。英语中需用祈使语气来表示直接的命令、建议、告诫、邀请等多种意图。祈使句一般省略主语You,后面用动词原形。2. 常用动词或动词词组补充:put on turn on opentake off turn off shut3. Shut这个词在这里表示“关上”和close意思一样。所以shut the door也可以说成close the door.s What must I do, Mrs. Jones?1. 这句话的意思是“我应该做些什么呢?”是一个what引导的疑问句。这个句子的回答是:You mustWhat must I do? You must open the door.

3、2. 这个句子里出现了一个动词must, 这是一个情态动词,意思是“应该,必须”,表示不可逃避的义务或不可推卸的责任。什么是情态动词?表示人的情感、状态或情绪变化的一种助动词,它本身具有实际意义。如何使用?英文里的情态动词,不因人称的变化而变化,后面接的是动词原形例如:You must finish your homework. I must go home now.否定形式和疑问形式如何表达? 否定形式在其后面加“not”,一般疑问句把它提前。例如:You must open the window. You mustnt open the window. Must I open the wi

4、ndow?3. Open the window and air the room.“open”和”air”在这里都是动词,表示“打开”和“使通风”注意这两个词的其他词性及其意义。英语中,一个单词有不同词性的单词很多,请多注意。请列举本课出现的几个不同词性,表示不同意思的词。open air dust s untidy 不整齐,乱这个单词里的”un”是一个否定前缀,构成其反义词。英语里的前缀是放在单词前面,帮助单词构成词语的一个部分,本课出现的“un”是表否定意义的前缀例: happy-unhappy important-unimportants make the bed 铺床v Pattern

5、s基本句型-What must I do?- Open- Turn on例句:-What must I do?-Open the window.-Turn on the television. 一,选词填空 where plates on must sweep 1, Please _ the floor, Amy. 2,What _ I do, Madam? 3,_ are the forks? 4,There is a blue bottle _ on the shelf. 5,Are there any _ on the cupboard.二,选择填空 1,I dont have a pe

6、n.Can you lend(借) _ one. A, you B, me C, it D, I 2, Mum,I am thirsty.Would you please pass(递) _ a glass of juice. A, she B, her C, me D, I 3,_ is my son. Do you like to play with(和.一起玩) _? A, You; you B, She; her C, I; me D, he; him 4,_ room is large. A, Mr.Smith B, Mr. Smiths C, Mr. Smiths D, Mr. S

7、miths 5, _ there any orange in the cup? A, is B, am C, are D, be 6, There _ a peach and three pears in the refrigerator. A, are B, am C, is D, be 7, These _ are running across the field. A, sheeps B, sheepes C, sheep D, shep 8, There are some _ on the playground. A, boys B, boies C, boyes D,boy 9, T

8、he sofa is in the middle _ living room. A, in B, at C, on D, of 10,_ the window , please. A, Open B, Opens C, Openes D, Opening三,改错。 1, There is some armchairs in the room. _ 2, There is an fork on the plate. _ 3, Is there cup on the table? _ 4, Please opening the door. _ 5, I must to go now. _四,根据要求改写句子。 1,There are some pictures on the wall.(改为一般疑问句并做肯定否定回答) _ _ _ 2, There are two magazines on the table.(改为否定句) _ 3, 他们的箱子在地板上。(翻译)Their boxes are _ _ _. 4, 你们的杯子在梳妆台上。_ _ _ on the dressing table. 5, Sandy is very well. (对句子划线部分提问)_ 6,That is my bedroom.(对句子划线部分提问)_


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