7a Unit5 Going shopping词组与句型.doc

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1、Unit5 Going shopping词组与句型1. want sb. to do = would like sb. to do想让某人做某事 want to do = would like to do 想做某事2. be free = be not busy = have time (has time 三单)有空的, 有时间3. dont have any money = have no money 没钱.(no = not any)4. come with me = follow me 跟我来5. need to do 需要做 need sb. to do sth. 需要某人做某事6.

2、carry all the things 搬所有的包, 拎所有的包7. come up 来临8. go shopping 去购物9. play with a yo-yo玩溜溜球10. ask sb. for help向某人求助11. just a minute=just a moment= wait a minute =wait a moment稍等12. take a look at = have a look at 看一看13. many kinds of.许多种类的.different kinds of .不同种类的.all kinds of .各种各样的14. have enough

3、money to do有足够的钱做某事15. never mind不要紧16. match his T-shirt和他的T恤相配17. over there那里over here这里18. show sb. around带领某人参观某地19. tell sb. about sth. 告诉某人有关某事的情况20. 名词+名词一棵苹果树 an apple tree 两家鞋店 two shoe shops 五棵苹果树 five apple trees (apple不须变复数) 十二个女学生twelve girl students 一个男教师 a man teacher ,很多男教师many men

4、teachers a woman nurse一位女护士,three women nurses三位女护士21. at the moment 此时此刻,at present 现在(都用在现在进行时态) 22. wait for my turn 我轮流等候, Its my turn 该我了,Its time for me to do sth .该我做某事的时候了.23. make a wish 许愿24. in the poor areas 在贫困地区 some children in the poor areas在贫困地区的孩子pocket money 零花钱 25 .help the poor

5、帮助穷人 help the old 帮助老人 26. donate some money to sb . 捐些钱给。, raise some money for.为。募捐27. call sb. on 5551 3871 用55513871打电话给某人。Call 110 for help 打110求助28. send sb sth = send sth. to sb 把。送/寄给某人29. in the name of 以。的名义30. try sth on = try on sth (sth是名词) try it/ them on(代词放中间)31. invite sb to sth/sp.

6、 邀请某人到。参加。 Invite sb. to do sth 邀请某人做某事。句型: 1. Simons birthday is coming up .Simon的生日快到了。2. Do you have any good ideas ? 你有好注意吗?3. Thats a good idea.= a good idea 那是一个好注意4. Can I help you?=what can I do for you ?=what would you like to buy ?你想买什么?5. I am looking for =I want/would like to buy.我在找。=我想

7、买。6. how much is/are sth . ?=how much does/do sth. cost ? = whats the price of sth ?(价钱的句子)I spend 6 yuan on the book = I pay 6 yuan for the book (cost 的主语是物,spend 和pay 的主语是人;spend 钱on sth . pay 钱for sth )7. I dont have enough money to buy her a CD =I have no enough money to buy a CD for her 我没有足够的钱

8、给她买光盘。8. Thats too/ quite expensive . 那太/相当贵。9. There is a discount on last years cards 去年的卡片有打折10. They match her favourite jeans well .他们很配她最喜欢的牛仔裤11. I dont want to buy the same things as Amy did . 我不想买和艾米买的一样的东西12. what size do you want ?A Size 4 你想要什么尺码的?-尺码4whats your size ?I am a size 4 你的尺码是

9、多少? -4What size are you in ?- I am in Size 413. We can find something good for him in a sports shop 我们在运动商店能为他找到好的东西(something good 好的东西)14. If you want to buy a Walkman , you can go to an electrical shop .你如果想买随身听,你可以去家电商店。(if 是如果的意思)15. Dont stay out too late . 不要在外面呆的太迟16. They fit very well . 他们很合身。(fit 合身)17. Do you have a cheaper one ? 你们有较便宜的吗?Could you show me a cheaper one? 你能给我一个较便宜的吗?18. It is a good place to meet friends .它是一个见朋友的好地方19. The mall is a really fun place to go . 这个购物中心确实是一个可以去的有趣的地方20. It is very easy to find . 很容易找到。


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