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1、Unit 1 Whats he like ?Part A一 单词1. 形容人的形容词:外形:young 年轻的old 年老的 tall 高的short矮的strong 强壮的weak柔弱的 fat胖的thin瘦的性格:kind和蔼的strict 严格的 funny滑稽可笑的 clever聪明的 shy 害羞的 polite有礼貌的 helpful乐于助人的 hard-working 努力工作(学习)的 quiet 安静的、文静的 nice 好的 lovely 可爱的2. old旧的-new 新的 funny(名词)-fun二句型 1. 问:Whos your ( )teacher ? 谁是你的

2、( )老师?括号里填科目(如:Chinese,English,maths,science等)答:Mr./ Miss. / Ms. / Mrs. 某先生/某女士/某女士/某夫人2. 问:Whos ( )? ( )是谁?括号里填人名(如:Miss White, Mrs Smith, Mr Jones等)答:He is our English teacher. She is the head teacher.3. Is引导的一般疑问句,谈论某位老师是否具有某方面的特征:Is he / she + 与身体特征和性格特征有关的形容词,回答用:Yes, he / she is. No, he / she

3、isnt. 例:(1) Is she/he kind ? 她是和蔼的吗? 肯定回答:Yes,she/he is .否定回答:No ,she/he isnt .(2) Is she quiet? Yes, she is.(3) Is Mr Jones funny? No, he isnt.(4) Is Chenjie shy? Yes, she is.4. Do you know Mr Young ?你知道杨先生吗? 肯定回答:Yes ,I do .否定回答:No ,I dont .三字母y在单词结尾发音 i happy baby sunny windy sorry many candy par

4、ty familyPart B一 单词1.称呼用词: Mr 先生 Miss女士(未婚) Ms女士(不明是否已婚) Mrs夫人(随丈夫姓)2.频率词:often经常 usually通常 sometimes有时二句型1问: Whats ( ) like ?某人是什么样的/长得什么样子?括号里可填:(she/he/your father/your art teacher/Zhang Peng/Mr Li等人物)答:He /She is ( ) . 括号里填描述人的形容词2. be like: 在本单元中,Whats like?的句型是主句型,这里的like是“像一样”的意思. Whats like?

5、是问某某长得什么样子,同学们千万别和like的另一个意思“喜欢”相混了。 例:(1) Whats Mr Grey like? (像一样) He is polite. (2) What does Mr Grey like?(动词,喜欢) He likes hamburgers.3. Miss Wang will be our new English teacher .王女士将会是我们的新英语老师。4. Do you know _? 横线上要用宾格。如:her, him Yes, I do. No, I dont. 三 句型变换 1. She is kind .(变为疑问句) Is she kin

6、d ? 2. Mike is young .(对划线部分提问) Whats Mike like ?3. I know .(变为否定句) I dont know .4.They are helpful. (对划线部分提问) What are they like ?5. Do you know Ms wang? (肯定回答) Yes, I do.四 be 动词的用法Be 动词有三个:am, is, are.be 动词用法记忆歌:我用am,你用are,is 连着他,她,它。单数名词用is,复数名词都用are。I am I am helpful .you You are friendly . It It is smallwe are We are strong . he is He is funny .they They are old . she She is kind .五、读一读,写一写外形Unit 1 Whats he like?kind funny strict Politehard-working helpful clever shy性格tall-short strong-weakold-youngfat-thinold-young


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