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1、by-:aside or apart from the common; secondary- 表示在旁边,副的byproduct 副产品(by+product 产品)byroad 辅路(by+road 路)byway 小道(by+way 小路)bygone 过时的(by+gone 过去的)bypass 旁路;忽略(by+pass 通过从旁边通过忽略)de-:表示去掉,变坏,离开,变慢,向下等destruction 破坏(de+struct 结构;建造ion弄坏结构破坏)desalt 除去盐分(de+salt 盐去掉盐分)deforest 砍伐森林(de+forest 森林去掉森林)devalu

2、e 降低价值(de+value 价值去掉价值)depress 压制,压抑(de+press 压向下压压制)dia-:through; across表示穿过,二者之间dialogue 对话(dia+logue 话对着说话)diameter 直径(dia+meter 测量对着测量圆直径)diagnosis 诊断(dia+gnosis 知道穿过皮肤知道诊断)diagram 图表(dia+gram交叉对着画图表)hyper-:above; beyond表示“超过,太多”hyperactive 活动过度的(hyper+active 活动的)hypersensitive 过敏的(hyper+sensiti

3、ve 敏感的)hypercritical 吹毛求疵的(hyper+critical 批评的)hyperbole 夸张法(hyper+bole 抛活抛得高夸张)hypertension 过度紧张;高血压(hyper+tension 紧张)Stems:-capit-:head 头capital 首要的;首都;资本(capit+al头的首要的首都)-corp-:body表示“身体,团体”corps n 军队,团体(corp+s 复数)corpse n 尸体(corpse=corp 身体尸体)corporation n 公司,团体(corpor+ation 表名词)corporate a 共同的;团体

4、的(corpor+ate)corporal a 肉体的(corpor+al身体的肉体的)-geo-:earth 地geology n 地质学(geo 地+log+y)geometry n 几何学(geo 地+metry测量地面几何学)-hydro-, -hydr-:water 水hydronaut n 深水潜艇驾驶员(hydro 水+naut 海,引申为船员)hydrous a 含水的,水状的(hydr+ous)dehydrate v 脱水(de 去掉+hydr+ate去掉水)hydropower n 水力发电(hydro+power 电力)-pod-, -ped-:foot 足,脚tripo

5、d 三脚架(tri+pod 脚)-therm-, -thermo-:heat 热thermos n 热水瓶(therm+os 物品)thermometer n 温度计(thermo+meter 测量)Suffixes:-ate:make 表动词,“做,造成”differentiate v 区别,分比(different 不同)frustrate v 挫败(frustr 犯错误+ate)-fy:make 表动词,“做,造成”satisfy 满足modify 修改clarify 澄清-ize:makepublicize v 宣传(public 公开的)materialize v 赋予形体(mate

6、rial 物质+ize)neutralize v 使中和(neutral 中间的,中和的+ize)industrialize v 工业化(industrial 工业的+ize)popularize v 推广,普及(popular 流行的+ize)ExerciseComplete the following sentences according to word analysis:1. A thermometer is an instrument used to measure temperature or heat .2. A pedal is a part of a bicycle on w

7、hich people put their feet .3. If you are hypersensitive to criticism, you are very sensitive to criticism.4. If we deport someone, we carry or drive him away .5. When we simplify a story, we make it simple.6. To beautify ones room means to make it beautiful.7. To debone a fish means to take the bon

8、e (away) from it.8. To disagree with somebody means not to agree with him.9. To debus means to get off the bus.10. When the train was derailed , it was caused to run off the rail.Just as coughing and sore throat are indications of physical illness, a sense of disorientation and an inability to sleep

9、 are symptoms of the psychological illness and cultural shock.1. Disorientation means _.a. losing the sense of directionb. having the sense of directionc. knowing the direction quite well2. Inability means _.a. the state or action of not being able to do somethingb. the state or action of being able to do somethingc. the state of sleeping3. Symptoms mean _.a. keys b. sympathies c. indications of illness4. Psychological means _.a. relating to foot b. relating to mind c. relating to heart


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