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1、译林版英语四年级上册第四单元教学要求教学内容及课时安排:1.话题和功能:Spot/ Ability2.日常用语与句型:I can.Can you.? Yes, I can. No, I cant. 3.词汇:basketball, football, jump, skate, swim , well, cant, have a try, yeah, quack, tweet, fly, ouch, sad, either4.歌谣: I can skate and I can jump5.语音:字母f在单词中的发音。八课时单元教学目标:1. 知识技能目标 能听懂、会说、会读、会运用单词:bask

2、etball, football, jump, skate, swim能听懂、会说、会读、单词:well, cant, have a try, yeah, quack, tweet, fly, ouch, sad, either 能听懂、会说、会读、会运用句型I can.Can you.? Yes, I can. No, I cant.能够正确读出辅音字母f的发音,并自己归纳一些词。能唱歌曲I can skate and I can jump2. 情感态度目标:能够运用Nice! Cool! Great!Have a try. Dont be sad.等词句。单元教学重点、难点:1)能听懂、会

3、说、会读、会运用单词:basketball, football, jump, skate, swim2)能听懂、会说、会读、单词:well, cant, have a try, yeah, quack, tweet, fly, ouch, sad, either 3)能听懂、会说、会读、会运用句型I can.Can you.? Yes, I can. No, I cant.4) 语音:字母f在单词中的发音。译林版英语四年级上册第四单元教学设计方案 NO:1教学内容Unit 4 I can play basketball课型新授课时间教学目的1. 能够理解Story time部分内容,能够模仿朗

4、读。2. 能掌握单词basketball, football, jump, skate, swim。3. 能听懂、会说、会读、会运用句型I can. Can you.? Yes, I can. No, I cant. Can he/she/.? Yes, he /she can. No, he/she cant.4. 能理解play basketball very well. Have a try.5. 能够运用Nice! Cool! Great!赞美词。6. 培养孩子的运动意识。重点、难点1.能够理解Story time部分内容,能够模仿朗读。2.能听懂、会说、会读、会运用句型I can.

5、Can you.? Yes, I can. No, I cant. Can he/she/.? Yes, he /she can. No, he/she cant.3. 能理解play basketball very well. Have a try.课前准备pictures, cards, tape,配套软件课 时第一课时教学过程:Step 1 Warm up1. Sing a song: Sing, sing, sing, I can sing. I can sing. Oh, dance, dance, dance, I can dance. I can dance. Sing, sin

6、g, sing, I can sing. I can sing. Oh, dance, dance, dance, I can dance. I can dance.2. Do and guess: 老师做动作,请学生猜单词,复习已经学过的动作类单词(jump, run, sing, dance, skate, swim, play football, eat, sleep, open the door.)Step2. Free talkT: (做动作)I can run. Can you run? S: Yes, I can.T: (做动作) I can swim. Can you swim

7、? S: Yes, I can./ No, I cant.T: I can skate. What can you do? S: I can.T: What about you? S: I can. (老师在与学生对话的过程中,遇到学生说的已学的动作类的单词,可以请同学拼一拼,并板书,老师针对学生的回答,可以用Nice! Cool! Great! Wonderful!等语言来进行表达,同时也为本课的内容服务,老师可以出示准备好的这些单词的卡片,直接贴在黑板上。) Step 2 Presentation1. 读一读黑板上的表示动作的单词及赞美性的语言。2. 请同学运用句型Can you.? Ye

8、s, I can. No, I cant.来自由问答。S1: Hello, .Can you.? S2: Yes, I can. S1: Nice!/ Cool! /Great! /Wonderful!S1: Hello, .Can you.? S2: No, I cant.S1: What can you do? S2: I can.S1: Nice!/ Cool! /Great! /Wonderful!T: Can he/she.? S: Yes, he/she can. /No, he/she cant.(让学生除了会运用Can you.?Yes, I can. No, I cant.之

9、外,对Can he/she.?Yes, he/she can. /No, he/she cant.也有所了解。 )3. 教学play basketballT: (出示男孩踢足球的图片) Look at the picture. What can he do?S: He can play football. (出示词组play football)T: What can he do?S: He can play basketball.(通过预习,应该有同学能说出来)T: Wonderful! (出示词组 play basketball,教学朗读)观察单词football 足球,foot是脚,bal

10、l球,用脚踢的球,谓之足球。观察单词basketball篮球, basket篮子,ball球,为什么叫篮球?(这个运动开始是用桃枝编成篮子挂在墙上,把球投入篮中,“篮球”之名更形象些。因为球篮挂在离地3米的高处,而篮底又是封闭的,所以每投进一球,就要由一个人爬上专设的梯子从篮筐里把球取出来。后来改成像我们今天见到的篮球框样子。) T: I have a basketball. What colour is it? S: Its brown.T: Is it big? S: Yes,it is. T: (拍篮球) Look, I can play basketball. Can you play

11、 basketball? S: Yes, I can. T: Come here and have a try. (过来试一试)T: Can you play basketball? S: No, I cant. T: Have a try. 出示教学have a try 试一试Step 3 Story time1. 看动画回答问题。T: Now, lets watch a cartoon, please tell me who are in teh playground. (谁在操场上?)(Liu Tao, Wang Bing and Mike)2. 自读回答问题.Can Wang Bing

12、 play basketball?Can Mike play basketball? Can Liu Tao play basketball?Does Liu tao have a try? 在回答第二个问题时教学: He can play basketball very well. Well:做什么事情做得好用well说一说:我跳舞跳得好。我游泳游得好。我踢足球踢得好。我溜冰溜得好。Good指形容东西或人很好。a good boy, a good friend, a good story, a good bag3. 模仿朗读,注意语音语调。4. 分角色朗读。Step 4 Homework1.

13、 听录音,模仿Story time部分。2. 背出单词basketball, football, jump, skate, swim。二度修改板书设计Unit 4 I can play basketball A: Can you play. play basketballB: Yes, I can. jump run/No, I cant. have a try译林版英语四年级上册第四单元教学设计方案 NO:2教学内容Unit 4 I can play basketball课型新授课时间教学目的1. 能通过趣味阅读,了解主要内容。2. 能熟练运用Can Tom/Lucy/.? Yes, he

14、she can. No, he she cant.3. 能够仿照趣味阅读中的内容,来介绍自己及朋友能够做及不能做的事情。4. 会唱歌曲I can skate and I can jump.重点、难点能够仿照趣味阅读中的内容,来介绍自己及朋友能够做及不能做的事情,进行灵活流利地表达课前准备pictures, cards, tape ,配套软件课 时第二课时教学过程:Step 1 Warm up说说做做:老师给指令,请同学边重复指令,边做动作。自我介绍: Hello, Im. Im. I can. I cant.Step 2 Review and free talk1. Imitation请同学跟

15、录音读一遍,然后请个别同学来读一读,老师主要听一听模仿是否到位。2. Asker the questions according to StorytimeWhat can Wang Bing do?Can Mike play basketball well?What about Liu Tao?3. Free talk围绕句型:Can you.? Yes, I can. No, I cant. Can he/she.? Yes, he/she can. No, he/she cant. What can you do? I can.(此处老师可以利用图片或动作,增加一些课外的内容如:play

16、table tennis, play volleyball, play badminton)Step3 Sing a songT: Now boys and girls, lets enjoy a song “I can skate and I can jump”.1. 老师播放歌曲,帮助学生熟悉旋律,听懂歌曲内容。2. 老师带领学生一起跟着录音唱一唱,并配以相应的动作,根据学生唱时存在的具体问题进行具体指导。3. 老师知道学生以对歌的形式唱一唱。4. 请同学尝试替换歌词唱一唱,并给大家展示一下。Step4 Fun time1. Read and sayT: Now boys and girl

17、s, lets do some funny reading.a. 学生自读。b. 请同学每人读一句,直至吧所有内容读完。c. 回答问题。How many people(人)are there? Three.Who are they? Tom, Lucy and Peter.d. 利用表格检查学生的阅读情况。footballbasketballtable tennisswimrunTomLucyPetere. 请同学利用Can.?来问答。f 请同学分别介绍Tom, Lucy and Peter.Tom is a boy. He is eleven years old. He can play f

18、ootball. He cant play basketball.Lucy is Toms sister. She is nine. She can play table tennis. She cant swim.Peter is Toms brother. Hes four. He cant play football. He can run and swim.(表达年龄的方法: Im nine. Im nine years old.)2. 请同学分组活动介绍自己及朋友的实际情况。My name is. Im .years old. I like. I can. I cant. I hav

19、e a friend. His/Her name is.Hes/Shes.years old. He/she can. He/she cant.Step 4 Homework1. 自己再读一读Fun time 中的内容,仿照了说一说。2. 自己唱一唱歌曲。二度修改板书设计Unit 4 I can play basketball A: Can he/she play. play footballB: Yes, he/she can. skate swim/No, he/she cant. 译林版英语四年级上册第四单元教学设计方案 NO:3教学内容Unit 4 I can play basketb

20、all课型新授课时间教学目的1. 能够读懂Cartoon time 部分内容,体会其中的趣味性。2. 理解会说句子:Quack, Quack! I can swim. Tweet, tweet! I can fly. Dont be sad, Bobby. I cant fly either.重点、难点1. 能够表演Cartoon time部分内容。2. 能了解either与too的区别。课前准备pictures, cards, tape record,配套软件课 时第三课时教学过程:Step 1 warm upSing a song: I can skate and I can jump.

21、(可以请同学变换了多种形式唱一唱)Step 2 Revision and free talk1. Free talkT: Hello, . How are you today? S:Im.T: How old are you? S: Im./Im.years old.T: Good morning/afternoon. What can you do? S: I can.T: Can you play table tennis? S: Yes, I can./No, I cant.T: Hello, . Can you sing? S: Yes, I can. T: Can you sing

22、well? S: Yes, I can.T: (根据上面问的内容,问全班同学)Can.sing? Ss: Yes, he/she can.2. 请同学介绍自己或介绍自己的朋友。T: Who can introduce yourself or introduce your friend?Step 3 Look and say1. Ask and answer出示Checkout time板块中Look and say部分内容的图片,T: Now, boys and girls, look at the picture. What can the boy do? (指其中一幅)S: He can

23、swim. T: Can he swim well? S: Yes, he can.T: Can the boy skate? S: No, he cant.T: Can he play basketball? S: No, he cant.T: What else can he do? S: He can.2. Try to say(根据本部分内容)I can.and . I cant. I cant.3. 利用此模式,根据自己的实际情况来说一说。Step 4 Cartoon time1. 教学Quack, quack! I can swim. Tweet, tweet! I can fly

24、. T: (出示小鸭子图片) Look, whats this? S: Its a duck. T: What can the duck do? S: It can swim.T: Quack, quack! I can swim. (请同学读一读)T: (出示小鸟图片) Look, whats this? S: Its a bird. T: What can the bird do? S: It can fly.T: Tweet, tweet! I can fly. (请同学读一读)T: A duck can swim. A bird can fly. Can you say?A _ can

25、_.2. Read and answerT: Now, boys and girls, lets see what Bobby can do.a. Can Bobby fly? Yes, he can.b. Can Bobby fly? No, he cant.c. Can Sam fly? No, he cant.3. 理解句子“Dont be sad, Bobby. I cant fly either.”T: Bobby cant fly. How does Sam say to him?S:“Dont be sad, Bobby. I cant fly either.” 理解并读好这句话

26、。区别too与either: too和either都表示也的意思,too 用在肯定句中,either 用在否定句中。说一说: 我也会唱歌。 我也不会游泳。我也不会打乒乓球。我也会打篮球。4. 跟录音朗读,模仿语音语调,提醒嘘声注意朗读时的语气。如:朗读I can.too时要读出骄傲的语气,朗读I cant fly.时要用难过的语气。Step 5 Homework1. 模仿朗读Cartoon time.2. 默写单词及词组:skate, jump, swim, fly, well, play basketball, play football, cant=can not have a try,

27、sad.二度修改板书设计Unit 4 I can play basketball A: Can he/she play. quack tweetB: Yes, he/she can. fly ouch/No, he/she cant. sad either译林版英语四年级上册第四单元教学设计方案 NO:4教学内容Unit 4 I can play basketball课型新授课时间教学目的1.复习Story time、cartoontime2. Song time3.Sound time重点、难点1. Song time2.Sound time课前准备pictures, cards, tape

28、,配套软件课 时第四课时教学过程:Step 1 Greeting and warm upGreeting (单词和句子默写)Happy timeT: Lets enjoy our English lessons now. Can you sing or say rhymes?通过这个环节让学生提前进入学习英语的氛围中。可以引导学生说一些关于本课内容的歌曲:I can skate and I can jump .Step 2 Song time 1.learn the song.2.make a new song.可以用学过的其他动词来代入,如:fly、 sing、dance等等 Step 3

29、RevisionWhat can the boys/ Bobby do?1.跟读(教师注意语音和语调的指导与纠正)2.自读(任选一种方式读)A. 自己单独读B.跟伙伴扮演角色读C.跟伙伴齐读 3.比一比,赛一赛,谁读得好,模仿得像。 Step 4 Sound timea.f Father has five footballs, For his five funny boys.b. 看图填空。 has , For funny . c.试读单词:afternoon, breakfast,family,father,football你能说出更多类似的单词吗?Step 5. Homework1.巩固背

30、诵单词拼写,巩固背诵课文。2.听磁带,模仿跟读语音和韵律诗部分。3.寻找更多字母f发音为f 的单词,试试写出更多的句子。二度修改板书设计Unit 4 I can play basketball A: Can you/he/she play. f afternoon, breakfast,B: Yes, I/he/she can. family,father,footballNo, I/ he/she cant. Father has five footballs, For his five funny boys.译林版英语四年级上册第四单元教学设计方案 NO:5教学内容Unit 4 I can

31、 play basketball课型练习课时间教学目的1、能完成Checkout time部分2、完成补充习题重点、难点1、能完成Checkout time部分2、完成补充习题课前准备pictures, cards, tape,配套软件课 时第五课时教学过程:Step 1 Checkout time:Listen and judgeT: Now, lets do some listening comprehension1. 读一读题目Helen can not skate.Su Yang an play table tennis.Liu Tao cannot play basketball.Y

32、ang Ling can play football.2. 播放录音,判断正误。3. 以问答的形式进行核对答案。错,对,错,错Step 2 Ticking time1、读一读2、理解能用英语说出所学运动类单词。能根据实际情况正确的运用can和cant。能了解字母“f”在单词中的读音。3、Are you doing well?引导学生回顾本单元的学习情况,并作小结。Step 3 补充习题A Listen and tick听录音前,仔细认真看图,并预想可能会呈现的短语,提醒学生注意can和cant。B Listen and circle先看问题和答案的两个选项,然后听对话,要求学生能做相应的记录,

33、记下所听人物会做和不会做的项目,圈出正确答案的序号。C Red and say根据表格,仿照例句说一说。先共同看表格,看清每一个人物及其擅长的运动。然后指导阅读范例。仿照例子,介绍其他5个孩子。D Read and match领导学生先看对话下方的连线部分,要求学生能带着问题去阅读对话。然后根据对话将动物与其所具备的技能用线连起来。E Think and write 认真看字宫格和图片,先带领学生一起做一个。然后让学生完成剩下的单词。F Look and write先带领学生看图。根据女孩表情判断她是否会做某项运动。然后指导学生根据图意联系上下文,完成短文填空。二度修改板书设计Unit 4 I

34、 can play basketball A: Can you/he/she play. B: Yes, I/he/she can. No, I/ he/she cant. 译林版英语四年级上册第四单元教学设计方案 NO:6教学内容Unit 4 I can play basketball课型练习课时间教学目的能听懂、会说、会读、会运用句型I can.Can you.? Yes, I can. No, I cant.重点、难点能听懂、会说、会读、会运用句型I can.Can you.? Yes, I can. No, I cant.课前准备pictures, cards, tape,配套软件课

35、时第六课时教学过程:一、语音f / f / afternoon breakfast family father football Father has five footballs for his five funny boys.二、单词(加粗为四会单词,必须会默写)basketball篮球football足球jump跳skate溜冰;滑冰swim游泳fly飞well好cant = cannot不会,不能sad难过的,伤心的either也(用于否定句末)yeah是的,对的ouch哎呦quack(鸭子的)呱呱声tweet(小鸟的)叽喳声三、短语:play basketball打篮球play fo

36、otball踢足球play table tennis打乒乓球have a try试一试eleven years old十一岁very well很好四、句型1Can you play basketball, Wang Bing? 你会打篮球吗,王兵?Yes, I can. 是的,我会。2Can Mike play basketball? 麦克会打篮球吗?Yes, he can. He can play basketball very well. 是的,他会。他篮球打的非常好。3What about you ,Liu Tao? Can you play basketball? 你呢,刘涛?你会打篮

37、球吗? No, I cant. 不,我不会。4Have a try, Liu Tao. 试试吧,刘涛。 Yeah! I can play basketball. 耶!我会打篮球了。5Can you? 你能吗?6I can swim too. 我也会游泳。7Dont be sad, Bobby. I cant fly either. 别难过,波比。我也不能飞。8Father has five footballs for his five funny boys. 爸爸有五个足球给他的五个可爱的男孩。五、语法1can表示“会做”,如:I can skate. 我会溜冰。2Can Lucy swim?

38、 Lucy会游泳吗? Yes, she can. 是的,她会。/ No, she cant. 不,她不会。3其否定形式为cannot(=cant),如:I cant fly. 我不会飞二度修改板书设计Unit 4 I can play basketball A: Can you/he/she play. B: Yes, I/he/she can. No, I/ he/she cant. 译林版英语四年级上册第四单元教学设计方案 NO:7教学内容Unit4 I can play basketball课型练习课时间教学目的通过练习,熟练掌握第4单元的内容。重点、难点指导每种题型该怎么做,帮助学生看

39、懂题目。课前准备pictures, cards, tape record,配套软件课 时第七课时教学过程:一、朗读每组单词,判断读音是否一致,用“”“” 表示。(5%)( )1. basketball father ( ) 2. thirteen skirt( )3. football fruit ( ) 4. breakfast four( )5. ruler jump 二、根据句意,填入适当的译文。(12%)1.Can you _?(打篮球)2.Mike can _.(很好地溜冰)3._,(试一试) Liu Tao.4._(那边的男孩们) can play table tennis wel

40、l.5._(不要难过),try again.6.I cant jump either._.7.The toy animal is for these girls._.8.The purple grapes are nice and sweet._.三、选择,把答案写在前面括号内。(9%)( ) 1. Let _ make a salad.A. I B. our C. them D. she( ) 2. Whats this? _A. Theyre apples. B. Its an apple. C. Its red. D. Theyre red.( )3. _ drink my milk.A

41、. dont B. Not C. Dont D. Cant( ) 4. Whats _ over there?A. this B. those C. that D. these( )5. _ is my pencil case? A. Wheres B. Where C. What D. This( )6. Its time _ eat the cake.A. for B. to C. out D. at( ) 7. _ a nice bag! A. How B. What C. Where D. Its( ) 8. We cant _.A. sleep B. eat C. drink D. skate ( ) 9. 当你想知道谁能游泳时, 你说:A. Who can swim? B. Who swims well? C. Can you sw


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