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1、英语课堂小组展示用语表达1. Beginning(开头语):Hello, everyone. Its our turn to share our ideas with you now.(现在轮到我们来跟大家分享我们的观点了。)2. While presenting(展示中):No.1: xxx. Now please read after/ follow me. (请跟我读。)Please pay attention to the spelling/ pronunciation.(请注意拼写/ 发音。)No. 2 should be xxx(第二个应该是xxx)The answer to Qu

2、estion No. 3 is xxx(第三题的答案是xxx)3. Post presentation(展示后):Supplement补充: Can you add more expressions? (你能补充更多的表达吗?)/ Do you have anything to add? (你有什么要补充的吗?)Challenge质疑:Do you have any questions? (你们有什么疑问吗?)Test抽测:Since you dont have any further questions, here are my/ our questions. / Here is a tes

3、t for you. (既然你们没有什么问题了,我们有一些问题给你们/ 这儿有一个测试。)Student A , please read No.5 / please tell me the usage of the word “xxx”/ please translate the phrase/ sentence into English/ please make a sentence using the phrase “xxx”. (A同学,请读第五题/ 请告诉我“xxx”单词的用法/ 请将短语/句子翻译成英语/ 请用“xxx”短语造句。)Assessment评价:(课代表)Lets/ Pl

4、ease welcome Ivy to make some comments about our demonstration./ Ivy, what do you think of our performance/ demonstration? (请Ivy点评我们的展示。/ Ivy, 你觉得我们的展示怎么样?)(Spring)Spring, please give us your comment about the demonstration/ performance of Group 1/2/3/4/5/6. Spring, Whats your opinion? / How about y

5、our opinion, Spring? (Spring,请就我们的展示给出评价。/ Spring,你觉得我们的表现怎么样?)(得分) How many points can we get? (我们可以得到多少分?)4.Welcome the next group(欢迎下一组): Thats all for our demonstration. Lets welcome our next group./ Group 2/3/4/5/6, now you can have the floor./ now, its your turn to present your ideas. Lets welcome! (我们的展示完毕。 欢迎一下组的同学。/ 第2/3/4/5/6组的同学,轮到你们发言了。/ 现在轮到你们来展示你们的观点了。 大家欢迎!)


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