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1、应试技巧阅读理解及七条秘诀 知己知彼,百战不殆,一 段落及文章的主题句,He studied English hard in the university for the test on Sunday.,他在大学里,为了考试星期日努力学习英语。,1.1. 主题句通常在段首(绝大部分文章) 2.如果有转折词,如but,however等, 中心思想通常在这些连词的后面。,Waves are beautiful to look at, but they can destroy ships at sea, as well as houses and buildings near the shore.

2、What causes waves? Most waves are caused by winds blowing over the surface of the water. The sun heats the earth, causing the air to rise and the windows to blow. The winds blow across the sea ,pushing little waves into bigger and bigger ones.,but they can destroy ships at sea, as well as houses and

3、 buildings near the shore.,二 英语文章的结构,The convenience and economy of small cars accounts for ( 说明 -原因 )their popularity. They are easy to park quickly and take smaller parking spaces. Small cars also a means of conserving ( 保存,节约 )energy because they use less gas than big cars. They are also more eco

4、nomical to operate and maintain, and they cost less. Because of these advantages, the next car I buy is going to be small one.,1,1 该篇文章的中心小型汽车好( 文章第一句 )。,2具体说明小型汽车好在什么地方(文章中部),3文章结论(即作者观点)(文章尾部) “我要再买车就买小型车”。,阅读理解可能测试的要点,1文章的中心思想第一句。,2作者的观点或文章结论最后一句。,3文章中具体细节(查细节)。,4对错选择。,5指出代词所代替的意思。,6解释词义。,三 阅读理解应

5、试技巧,11 先抓文章主题句了解文章中心思想。(只读主题 句不读文章)要想“又快又准”地考好阅读理解,抓住文章 中心是关键。因为一篇文章总是要围绕“中心”转。请看 下面的文章。,Modern Sun Worshippers People travel for a lot of reasons. Some tourists go to see battlefields or religious shrines! Others are looking for culture, or simply want to have their pictures taken in front of famou

6、s places. But most European tourists are looking for a sunny beach to lie on.,But most European tourists are looking for a sunny beach to lie on., The writer seems to imply that Europeans travel mostly for the reason that _ They want to see historic remains or religious spots. They are interested in

7、 different cultural traditions and social customs. C.They would like to take pictures in front of famous sites. D.They wish to escape from the cold, dark and rainy days back at home.,D, In paragraph 2,cities like London, Copenhangen, and Amsterdam are mentioned_ A.to show that they are not good citi

8、es in terms of geography and climate. B.To tell us how wealthy their residents are. C.To suggest that these cities lack places of historic interest and scenic beauty. D.To prove that they have got more tourism than they can handle.,A., According to the passage, which of the following might spoil the

9、 touriists fun at Mediterranean resorts and beaches? Polluted water. B. Crowded buses. C. Traffic jams D. Rainy weather.,D,总结 综上所述,可以看出文章可以不读,中心一定 要抓住中心一般在第一段的第一句,如有 “but, however, so”, 先读这些词之后内容。 这样做题 “又快又准”,又能避开大量生词。 省出更多时间去写作。,2 读问题-确定问题类别。,不是抓住中心就能解决所有的问题。在抓住文章 中心思想之后,应直接读问题确认问题的种类, 即前面提到的6种类别,具

10、体问题,具体对待。,There is an old saying in English : “laughter is the best medicine.”Until recently, few people took the saying very seriously. Now, however, doctors have begun to investigate laughter and the effects it has on the human body.They have found evidence that laughter really can improve peoples

11、 health, We learn from the first paragraph that laughter A. is good for ones heath. B. Is related to some illness. C. Has been investigated long since. D. Has no effect on the body.,Tests were carried out to the effects of laughter on the body. People watched funny films, while doctors checked their

12、 heart rate, blood pressure, breathing and muscles. It was found that laughter has similar effects to physical exercise. It increases blood pressure, the heart rate and the rate of breathing; it also works several groups of muscles in the face, the stomach, and even the feet. If laughter exercises t

13、he body, it must be beneficial., Doctors have found that laughter A. keeps down blood pressure. B. Has similar effects to physical exercise. C. Decreases the heart rate. D.Increases stress.,这是属于考查细节(抓住题干中的关键词, 到课文中去快速寻找相同单词和短语), 读一下句子便能做出正确答案,有时找出 “长得像的”就行即“重复”。,Other tests have shown that laughter

14、appears to be capable of reducing the effect of pain on the body. In one experiment doctors programs. The group, which tolerated the pain for the longest time, was the group, which listened to funny program. The reason why laughter can reduce pain seems to be that it helps to produce endorphins(内啡肽)

15、in the brain. These are natural chemicals that diminish both stress and pain. There is also some evidence to suggest that laughter helps the bodys immune system, that is the system which fights infection. In an experiment, one group of students watched a funny video while another group served as the

16、 first group. Doctors checked the blood of the students in both groups and found that the people in the group that watched the video had an increase in the activity of their whole blood cells, that is, the cells which fight infection. As a result of these discoveries, some doctors and psychiatrists

17、(精神病学家)年他和U尼特大States now hold laughter clinics, in which they try to improve their patients conditions by encouraging them to laugh. They have found that even if their patients do not really feel like laughing, making them smile is enough to produce beneficial effects similar to those caused by laug

18、hter.,(3)Which of the following statements is NOT true of laughter, according to the passage? A. It reduces pain B. it exercises the body. C. It improves the bodys immune system. D. It can cure cancer.,(4)In a laughter clinic,doctors A. laugh at their patients. B. encourage their patients to laugh.

19、C. smile when they dont feel like laughing. D. never stop laughing.,(5)The writers attitude towards laughter is A. critical B. doubtful C. positive D. negative,该题属于提问作者观点,其实我们已经知道作者态度, 如果不敢确定,只要看文章最后一句话,就足够了。,总结 文章很长,生词又很多,但只要我们按照英国人 的思维习惯,抓住“中心”,查找几个点,明确 作者“态度”,全文几乎不读也能全对。,重要提示 如何才能做好阅读理解,1 抓住文章的中心

20、,就成功了一半。,2抓住中心后,不必读全文,直接读问题,并将问题 分类,具体问题具体对待。了解老师常用的留种提问 方式。,3提问中心思想-读第一句(状语从句读主句)或读 but,however后面,“。”,4提问作者观点(态度)读文章结尾,(状语从句 读主句)或读but ,however ,so后面,-“。“,5提问细节从题干中确认关键词或词组(可以多找 几个),然后在课文中找到出处,注意but,however” ”,答案便出来了。,6不要被生词吓住,可以从上下文中推出该词的含义。 只要你能掌握上述方法,一篇文章只需读几个点。 这样自然可避开大量生词,提高了阅读速度。,7再好的方法也只是别人的理论,将其转化为自己的思 想需大量的练习,但这种练习应该是在正确理论下进 行。也就是我们常说的用“心“练。,


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