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1、1 (2009 年山 卷 )So sudden_that the enemy had no time to escape.A did the attackB the attack didC was the attack Dthe attack was【解析】句意 : 次 非常突然以至于 人没有 逃跑。so adj. 放于句首 ,主句倒装。 sudden 是形容 ,在句中作表 ,故 用was。【答案】C2 (2009 年天津卷 )Itravelto the BinhaiNew Area by lightrailwayeveryday,_do many businessmen who live i

2、n downtown Tianjin.A as B whichC when D though【解析】句意 : 每天, 我像 多住在天津 市区的商人一 ,坐 火 去 海新区。as 像一 , 副 , 了 主 , 此 使用了倒装 序。如:They looked upon himas a trusted friend,as did many others he had deceived.他 和他所欺 的 多人一 ,也把他看做可以信 的朋友。【答案】A3 (2009 年江 卷 ) Whats the matter with Della? Well ,her parents wouldnt allow h

3、er to go to the party ,but she still_.A hopes to B hopes soC hopes not D hopes for【解析】句意 : Della怎么了?哦,她父母不 她去参加晚会,但她仍然希望去参加。本句属省略句,完整形式 :.butshe still hopesto go to the party 。【答案】A4 (2009年 宁 夏 卷 )Thecomputerwas usedinteaching.Asaresult, notonly_ , but students became more interested in the lessons.

4、Asaved was teachersenergyBwas teachers energ y savedCteachers energy was savedDwas saved teachersenergy【解析】句意 : 被 用于教学中。 果,不 省了老 的精力,学生也 堂更感 趣了。此 考 not only用于句首 的倒装 构,not only用于句首 后面的句子必 用部分倒装。【答案】B用心爱心专心15 (2009年福建卷) For a moment nothing happened.Then_all shoutingtogether.A voices had come B came v

5、oicesC voices would come D did voices come【解析】句意为:那会儿,什么都没发生。之后大家一起欢呼起来。本题考查倒装句型,副词then , away, out ,in 等置于句首,且主语是名词时,主谓要全部倒装。【答案】B6. (2009 年辽宁卷 )_isthe power of TV thatitcan make a person suddenlyfamous.A Such B ThisC That D So【解析 】句意为:这就是电视的力量,它能使人一举成名。such 指后面要提到的人或事物。如: The damage was such that

6、it would cost too much money to repair.损坏得如此严重,要花费很多钱才能修复。【答案】A7 (2008 年安徽卷 ) Have you got any particular plans for the coming holiday? Yes._ ,I m going to visit some homes for the old in the city.A If ever B If busyC If anything D If possible【解析】句意为:“你为即将到来的假期做了特别安排吗?”“是的。有可能的话,我将去市里的几家老人院看看”。ifeve

7、r如果曾经, 如:Wesee them very seldom ,ifever.我们难得见到他们。if possible有可能的话。由句意可知D 项正确。【答案】D8 (2008 年全国卷 )Itwas in New Zealand_ _Elizabethfirstmet Mr Smith.A that B howC which D when【解析】句意为:伊丽莎白第一次见到史密斯先生是在新西兰。本题考查强调结构。【答案】A9 (2008 年陕西卷 )Not until the motorbike looked almost new_repairingand cleaning it.A he

8、stopped B did he stopC stopped he D he did stop【解析】句意为:他直到把摩托车擦洗和修理得像新的一样才停下来。not until引导的状语 ( 或状语从句 ) 放在句首,主句部分需部分倒装,所以只有B 符合题意。用心爱心专心2【答案】B10 (2008 年福建卷 ) Who should be responsible for the accident? The boss , not the workers.They just carried out the order_.A as told B as are toldC as telling D a

9、s they told【解析】补全为 They just carried out the order as they were told。【答案】A11 Never in my wildest dreams_these people were living in such poorconditions.A I could imagine B could I imagineCI couldnt imagine Dcouldn t I imagine【解析】当 never 后接状语位于句首时,谓语要采用部分倒装,须将助动词提前。【答案】B12. Only after my friend came_

10、.A did the computer repairB he repaired the computerC was the computer repairedD the computer was repaired【解析】当 only 后接状语位于句首时,谓语要采用部分倒装。【答案】C13. They have a good knowledge of English but little_they know aboutGerman.A have B didC had D do【解析】but 后的并列分句是以little这一否定词开头的,所以句子要采用倒装,又由 but 前的并列分句的时态可知,答

11、案选D。【答案】D14 In the farforests_, some largeenough to hold severalEnglishtowns.A stand many lakes B lie many lakesC many lakes lie Dmany lakes stand【解析】考查介词短语位于句首时的倒装。地点状语提前,构成完全倒装。stand 表示“站立,直立”,不符合语意,故答案选B。【答案】B15 Why? I have nothing to confess._you want me to say?用心爱心专心3A What is it that B What it

12、 is thatC How is it that DHow it is that【解析】考 句的特殊疑 句。此句是疑 句,故排除B、 D。又由于say 后缺 ,故排除C。【答案】A16 It was after he got what he had desired_he realized it was not soimportant.A that B whenC since D as【解析】考 句。本 是 “ afterhe got what he haddesired ” 行 ,此 缺少了 that,故答案 A。【答案】A17 The man stopped from time to tim

13、e_whether he was being followed.A as if found B as to findC as if to find D when found【解析】此 的完整形式是“ as if he wanted to find whether he was beingfollowed ”。【答案】C18 _they move the picture over there?A What about B How farC What if D How come【解析】此 是主句省略,完整形式 :What will happen ifthey move the pictureove

14、r there? A 后接名 或 -ing 。 D 意 “ 何”,不符合句意。【答案】C19 She is seldom, _,absent from school.A if ever B if someC if not Dif any【解析】 ifever 表示“如果曾 有的 ”,是“ ifshe is ever absent from school ”的省略形式。【答案】A20 Itwas Aliceand her husband who sent the old man to the hospital, _?Awasnt it B was itCdidn t they D did the

15、y【解析】考 句的反意疑 句。用心爱心专心4【答案】A21Wasitin the village_weused to livein_theaccidenthappened?A where; that B which ; thatC that ; where D where; which【解析】第一个空填which ,引导一个限制性定语从句;第二个空填that ,为强调句式中的连接词。【答案】B22 Itwas_computer games that cost theboy a lot of time that he oughtto have spent on his lessons.A to

16、have played BplayingC played Dhaving played【解析】此题考查强调结构和定语从句。句子的主语由动名词短语playingcomputergames充当。在此题中句子的主语是被强调部分。第一个that是强调结构词,第二个that引导了修饰time 的一个定语从句,并在从句中作spend 的宾语。【答案】B23 Will it snow any more? _.A I hope so B I hope notC I think so D I think not【解析】此题考查省略。 在英语中, so 可以代替单词、 词组或句子, 作 call,expect ,

17、hope,do,imagine ,suppose ,speak ,say ,tell,think,believe,notice ,I m afraid等的宾语; not 代替否定的句子, 用法与 so 相似,并可放在perhaps ,probably ,absolutely等副词后。由答语中的We have had enough this year可知,要用I hope not我不希望下雪。【答案】B24 Why didnt you buy the gold ring? I_ ,but I didnt have the money.A would have B boughtC would li

18、ke to D had bought【解析】句意为: 你为什么不买那枚金戒指?我想买,但我没钱。该句是与过去事实相反的虚拟语气,完整形式为:If I had the money, I would have bought it.【答案】A25 It_we had stayed together for a couple of weeks_I found wehad a lot in common.用心爱心专心5A was until ;when B was until; thatCwasnt until; when D wasnt until; that【解析】此题考查强调句型。结合强调句和no

19、t.until的用法可得知D项正确。【答案】D26 _,I believe , and you will find Tom is very outgoing.A Having a talk with the studentB One talk with the studentC Given a talk with the studentD If you have a talk with the student【解析】考查特殊句式。此句是“祈使句and简单句”句型。如果选择D 项,需要去掉题干中的and。句中的 I believe是插入语。【答案】B27 It isnotlikeMr Smith

20、 ,who is an honest man, _anyoneinbusiness.A to cheat B cheatingC cheats D cheated【解析 】考查特殊句式。句意为:Mr Smith 是一个很诚实的人,不会在生意上欺骗任何人。此句是“ its not like sb.to do sth.”结构,意思是“做某事不像某人的一贯行为”,言外之意是某人不会这么做。【答案】A28 I stillremember how many years ago_I lastmet her in thecountryside.A when it wasB was it thatC when

21、 was itD it was that【解析】考查强调句型。 remember 后的部分是宾语从句,从句中含有一个强调句型,被强调部分是how many years ago。【答案】D29 I didn t do well in the last English test.How about you? _.AI ll do better next timeB Even worseC I like English, thoughD A lot better【解析】语境省略,完整的句子是“I did even worse in the test”。【答案】B30She is ratherdifficultto make friendswith ,but her friendship,_is用心爱心专心6more true than any other.A once gained B when to gainC after is gained D while gaining【解析】 once 引导的时间状语从句的省略形式,完整的句子是“ onceitis gained ”。【答案】A用心爱心专心7


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