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1、名校名 推荐 考点强化练 31(选修 7Unit 1)考点强化练第61 页.阅读理解(2018 全国 )We ve all been there:in a lift,in line at the bank or on an airplane,surrounded by people who are,like us,deeplyfocused on their smartphones or,worse,struggling with the uncomfortable silence.What s the problem?It s possible that we all have compro

2、mised conversational intelligence.It s more likelnone of us start a conversation because it s awkward ,orandwechallengingthinkit s annoying and unnecessary.Butthe next time you find yourself among strangers,consider that small talk is worth the trouble.Experts say it s aninvaluable social practice t

3、hat results in big benefits.Dismissing small talk as unimportant is easy,but we can t forget that deep relationships wouldn t even exist if itweren t for casual conversation.Small talk is the grease(润滑剂 ) for social communication,says BernardoCarducci,director of the Shyness Research Institute at In

4、diana University Southeast.“ Almost every great love sand each big business deal begins with small talk,” he explains.“ The key to successful small talk is learning how toconnect with others,not just communicate with them.”In a 2014 study,Elizabeth Dunn,associate professor of psychology at UBC,invit

5、ed people on their way into acoffee shop.One group was asked to seek out an interaction(互动 ) with its waiter;the other,to speak only whennecessary.The results showed that those who chatted with their server reported significantly higher positive feelingsand a better coffee shop experience.“ It s not

6、 that talking to the waiter is better than talking ,to”yoursayshusbandDunn. “ But interactions with peripheral(边缘的 ) members of our social network matter for our well- being also.”Dunn believes that people who reach out to strangers feel a significantly greater sense of belonging,a bond withothers.C

7、arducci believes developing such a sense of belonging starts withsmall talk.“ Small talk is the basis of goodmanners,” he says.【语篇导读】 本文是一篇说明文。作者通过建议陌生人之间进行交流引出本文的话题 闲谈 ,并介绍了闲谈的益处 ,指出 “闲谈是礼貌的基础”。1.What phenomenon is described in the first paragraph?A.Addiction to smartphones.B.Inappropriate behaviou

8、rs in public places.C.Absence of communication between strangers.D.Impatience with slow service.答案 C解析 推理判断题。第一段描述:我们在电梯里 ,或在银行、机场排队时,周围满是盯着手机屏幕的人,甚至是与让人不舒服的沉默作斗争的人。故可知,第一段描述的是陌生人之间缺少交流的一种现象。故选C 项。2.What is important for successful small talk according to Carducci?A.Showing good manners.B.Relating t

9、o other people.C.Focusing on a topic.D.Making business deals.答案 B1名校名 推荐 解析 细节理解题。根据文章第三段的最后一句可知,成功的闲谈的关键是学习如何与他人取得联系,而不仅仅是交流 ,故选 B 项。3.What does the coffee-shop study suggest about small talk?A.It improves family relationships.B.It raises people s confidence.C.It matters as much as a formal talk.D.

10、It makes people feel good.答案 D解析 细节理解题。根据第四段第三句中的“significantly higher positive feelings 可知 ,在咖啡”店 ,与服务员进行简短的交流 ,会让你有很显著的愉快的情绪和更好的咖啡馆体验,也就是说 ,你的心情会很好 ,故选 D 项。4.What is the best title for the text?A.Conversation CountsB.Ways of Making Small TalkC.Benefits of Small TalkD.Uncomfortable Silence答案 C解析 主旨

11、大意题。纵观全文可知,文章以陌生人之间几乎无交流的现象引出本文主题 闲谈 ,紧接着通过实例介绍了闲谈的好处,故 C 项最适合作本文标题。.七选五Everyone wants to become a better person,but many of us don t knowt towhado.1.But I think everyonedeserves respect and can become a better person.If you really want it,you can change yourself and your habits bytaking a few steps

12、 described below.Pursue your passion.It s important to find yourself and pursuepassionyour.Learn to listen to your innerself,even when someone is trying to bring you down.Some people try to bring you down because they re too wecowardly to pursue their passions and they don t think you should pursue

13、yours.Dond timet withlisten to them.Spenyourself and think about the thing that brings you joy.2.3.Another important thing to do to be a better person is to learn how to keep your dignity.Keep in mindthat only you re responsible for your choices and decision in life andr nevegtdown on yourself when

14、you dosomething wrong.Don t let anyone or anything bring you down and remind yourself that your life is unique,specialand really worthwhile.Share your time,energy and talents.4.You might not get aware of them,but you have them.Sharing yourtime,energy and talents can help become a better person,so le

15、arn to share more of your precious time with others and help people in need and you will feel much better about yourself.Learn something new.You should never stop learning something new.That you are in your 30s or 40s,or even 60s,doesn t mean you can t learn a new language or other interesting thing

16、s.Knowledge is always great.5. When you are a well-educated person,everyone respects you and your knowledge. A.Generally speaking,a better person must be a talented person.B.The more you learn about the new things,the better you will feel about yourself.2名校名 推荐 C.Life is so tough that we often make

17、mistakes we don D.Every person has talents,including you.E.Learn to keep your dignity.F.Be responsible for your choices and decision.G.You ll soon discover your passion and start pursuing it. t want to do.答案与解析【语篇导读】 本文是一篇说明文。文章就如何让自己成为一个更好的人提出了一些建议。1.C上文提到 ,人人都想成为一个更好的人,但很多人又不知该如何去做。而空格后讲人人都应该得到尊重而

18、且可以成为一个更好的人。根据 “But可”知 ,空格处与下文构成转折 ,故 C 项“生活如此艰难以至于我们经常犯我们不想犯的错误 ”既承接上文话题 ,又与下文构成转折关系 ,符合语境。2.G根据该段主题句和内容可知,该段主要讲述发现自我和追逐激情是非常重要的。因此不要被别人的言行所诱惑 ,花点时间考虑一下带给你快乐的那些事。G 项“你很快就会发现你的热情并开始追寻它”承接上文中的“ passion,并”照应该段主题 ,符合语境。3.E根据文章结构可知 ,空格处是该段的主题句。根据下文中的“ to learn how to keep your dignity可知 ,该段主”要讲述要学会保持你的尊

19、严,这也是成为一个更好的人需要做的另一件重要的事情。E 项概括了这一主题 ,适合做该段主题句。4.D 主题句讲 ,要分享你的时间、精力和天赋。联系下文可知 ,你也许并不清楚自己的天赋 ,但你一定具备。由此可知 ,D 项 “包括你在内 ,人人都有自己的天赋 ”与下文话题联系密切 ,符合语境。5.B根据该段主题句和内容可知,该段主要讲述人要一直学习新的东西。故B 项 “当你学得越多 ,你就会感觉越好”照应该段主题句承接上文话题“Knowledge is always great.,符合”语境。.完形填空Last night it was still light out when I returne

20、d home from work.My new neighbor and his son were in theirfavorite place,outside in the1,playing ball.The young boy always2to me how many“ home runs(全垒”打 )he hits and I always clap and3for him.The guys are very special.4you see one of them,the other is not faraway.The dad is always 5the child in con

21、versation,focusing on the6 .not talking on a cell phone orwalking ahead of the boy so that he has to run to7him.This guy is the real deal.It8 my heart to see a fatherand son enjoying each other s company like they do.As they were returning to their upstairs9,Iasked the dad ifhis son had a bike.He sa

22、id no.I10no time driving to the store and I was beside myself with11 as I pickedout a bike with all the jazzy stuff kids like.I loaded the bike and helmet into my12and off I went.At home,I 13the bike and gear(用具 ) and carried it14 to their apartment and left it outside the door.Not 5 minutes later t

23、heywere at my door,with the boy15up and down with excitement,the dad modest and16 .I told the dad that Ineed to get rid of a man s mountain bike that17I wasfor a friend and he was18obliged(感激 ) by taking itoff my hands.Now the two of them have another19they can do together.I told the dad how proud I

24、 was of himfor 20 quality time with his son.It s something the boy will remember throughout his ,itlife.Fors onme of life spleasures to see them together.【语篇导读】 本文是一篇记叙文。 “我 ”看到邻居的父亲与孩子在一起玩耍 ,“我 ”认识到这位父亲是多么珍惜与孩子在一起的时光 ,于是 “我 ”给这个孩子买了一辆自行车 ,让他们又多了一项活动。3名校名 推荐 1.A.fieldB.yardC.roomD.street答案 B解析 合前文中的

25、 “.when I returned home from work.My new neighbor. 以及后文”的那个男孩向“我” 他 的 可知 ,他 是在自己家的院子里玩耍。故 B 。2.A.introducesB.repliesC.criesD.reports答案 D解析 从空后的 “how many home runs he 可hits知 ,那”个男孩向 “我” 他投了多少个全 打。故 D 。3.A.cheerB.regretC.adviseD.wave答案 A解析 系空前的 “I always clap可知”,听到他 的 ,“我” 是鼓掌 , 他 呼。故 A 。4.A.UnlessB.

26、In caseC.WhereD.Since答案 C解析 从空后的 “the other is not far away 可知 ,空”格所在句指看到父子中的一个在哪里,另一个就离那个地方不 。故 C 。5.A.forbiddingB.engagingC.consultingD.forcing答案 B解析 此 是指 位父 是 孩子参与 ,注意力都在孩子身上。 engage sb.in sth意.为 “(使)从事 ,参加 ”。故选 B 。6.A.dutyB.thoughtC.childD.plan答案 C解析 系空后的 “not talking on a cell phone or walking

27、ahead of the boy可知 ,父 的心”思用在孩子身上。故 C 。7.A.keep up withB.get away withC.get along withD.run out of答案 A解析 从空前的 “walking ahead of the boy可知”,父 走在孩子的前面 ,孩子不得不跑着去赶上他。故 A 。 getaway with 逃“脱 ”;get along with 与“ 相 ; 展 ”;run out of“完用 ”。8.A.takesB.hurtsC.reachesD.warms答案 D解析 合空后的 “to see a father and son enj

28、oying each others company 可like知 they,看到do父子 ” 的情景,“我”心里很温暖。故 D 。9.A.platformB.apartmentC.floorD.shop答案 B解析 系下文 14 空所在句中的 “carried itto their apartment 可知”,他 的家住在公寓里。故 B 。10.A.spentB.lostC.wastedD.found答案 C解析 从空后的 “no time driving to the store可知 ,“我”争分 秒地赶着去商店。故 C 。11.A.excitementB.horrorC.anxietyD.

29、amusement4名校名 推荐 答案 A解析 联系空后的 “as I picked out a bike with all the jazzy stuff kids like 可知 ,挑选出孩子”喜欢的自行车 ,“我”很兴奋。故选 A 项。12.A.roomB.officeC.bedD.car答案 D解析 结合空前的 “I loaded the bike and helmet以及空”后的 off I went 可知 ,“我 ”开车走了。故选D 项。13.A.repairedB.unloadedC.changedD.hid答案 B解析 从前文的 “I loaded the bike and h

30、elmet可知 ,现”在 “我”把自行车和头盔从车上搬下来。故选B 项。14.A.downtownB.upsideC.upstairsD.outwards答案 C解析 结合前文他们家住在公寓楼上以及空后的“to their apartment可知”,“我 ”将自行车和头盔搬到楼上去。故选C 项。15.A.dancingB.wanderingC.climbingD.looking答案 A解析 联系空前的 “Not 5 minutes later they were at my door 可知 ,孩”子在 “我”的门口兴奋地蹦蹦跳跳。故选A 项。16.A.surprisedB.ashamedC.r

31、egretfulD.appreciative答案 D解析 因为 “我 ”给那个男孩买了辆他喜欢的自行车,所以他的父亲是感激的。故选D 项。17.A.buyingB.storingC.makingD.donating答案 B解析 从空前的 “I need to get rid of a mans mountain可知bike,“我”告”诉这位父亲 “我 ”为一个朋友保存了一辆山地自行车 ,需要将其处理掉。故选 B 项。18.A.unwillinglyB.slowlyC.happilyD.hurriedly答案 C解析 联系空后的 “obliged(感激 ) by taking it off my hands可知”,这位父亲很乐意要那辆自行车。故选C 项。19.A.activityB.contributionC.dutyD.occupation答案 A解析 从空前的 “Now the two of them have another可知 ”,有一辆自行车后 ,他们俩可以一起做另一项活动了。故选A 项。20.A.addingB.suggestingC.demandingD.valuing答案 D解析 结合前文中提到的父亲与孩子在一起活动可知,父亲珍惜与孩子在一起的时间。故选D 项。5


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