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1、如皋市薛窑中学2013 届英语一轮复习活动单制单人:杨冬芸赵志娟M2U2&U3 一轮复习活动单第一部分基础记忆篇Activity Aims:In this part, you will1. Review the important words, phrases and sentences.2. Master the usage of some important words and phrases.3. Learn the structures of some key sentences and use them correctly. 英英 备注Activity One1.冒 1.flight

2、2.安排2.brilliant3.抛弃3.scare4.不舒服的4.atmosphere重5.旅游 5.afterwards6.前 ; 先6.rough点7.幸存7.classic8.周 的8.officially9.探索9.reflect10. 划;日程安排10.cattle单11.埋葬11.Egyptian12.目的地12.fortune词13.宣布13.coincidence14.和 14.disturb15.保存,保 15.riddle16 启迪,激励16.nationality17.使灰心,使泄气panion18.各种各 的18.astronaut19.申 ; 用19.candida

3、te20. 的20.statusActivity Two1.在的保 下1. 好奇重2.提前, 先2. ,碰运气3.提供某人某物3.偶遇, 点4. 了防御4.在的入口 5.靠近地5. 致, 果是短6.在日出 6.阻止某人做语7.旅游景点7.向某人申 8. 高于(周 的人和物)8.比更好, 9.以免,以防万一9.掌管,控制10.的家园10. 1如皋市薛窑中学2013 届英语一轮复习活动单制单人:杨冬芸赵志娟11.与和 共 11.吓跑12.与有关 12.安排做 .13. 佩,尊敬13 埋 于 . / 心于14. 法做成14.完全匹配15. 某人的梦想15. 入史册16.最 温暖舒适16.取得好 果,

4、成功17.仍然是个 17.在富 村的映 下Activity Three1. Well try to get as close as possible tothe animals, even though theyre dangerous, so that we can take some really good photographs.2. In this perfect world lived people who had discovered how to stay young forever.3. We?ll live with the local people in their vil

5、lages, and eat and drink whatever they do, including cow ?s blood.重要 4. The best times to visit Shangri-la are spring and autumn when thetemperature is at its mildest.句型 5. Nature has provided Shangri-la with endless natural treasures, ,making the land a happy home for the local people.6. If breathe

6、d in , they can result in illness or even death.7. He too visited the tomb, only to catch a high fever the next day.8.What is certain , though, is that the curse of the mummy remains a riddle to this day.Activity FourBelow the mountains, the sunshine reflects on the many lakes, making段them shine lik

7、e diamonds against the rich countryside. Sheep, cattle and落horses wander on the green grass, and the surrounding forests are home to背many birds and animals. In this peaceful land, people live in perfect诵harmony with nature, far away from the noise and worry of the outside world.2如皋市薛窑中学2013 届英语一轮复习活

8、动单制单人:杨冬芸赵志娟A short brief introduction to some tourist spot.仿写第二部分基础运用篇Activity Aims:In this part, you will1 Use the words, phrases and sentences flexibly.2. Consolidate words, phrases, and sentences what you have learnt through exercises.检 测 内 容备注Activity one一根据句意及所 首字母提示,拼写出 的正确形式。1. He a _ that t

9、he meeting should be put off for a week.2. She sat there, b _in thought.3. It was a_ that new speed restrictions would be introduced.4. The different parts of the picture form a h_ whole.5. Just out of c_, where were you last night?6. Dreams are a rich source i_ for some writers.7. These regulations

10、 only a_ to children.8. You are s_ to me in many aspects.9. At home , Justin feels love and kindness s_ him.10.They not only studied all the subject required to be an astronaut, but also learnt s_ skills and all about how spaceships and rockets are built.Activity Two二从方框里 适当的短 并用其正确的形式填空。in harmony

11、withlook up tobe home toprovide with live one ?s dreamcome acrosspay offbe superior toin no casearrange forbe buried in thought1. She has been _her uncle, because he is an outstandingdoctor, who has saved many people by now.2._ should you give up, faced with difficult situations.3. Yang Liwei is luc

12、ky in that he managed both to _and to become famous.4. The government _ children in poor areas _ food3如皋市薛窑中学2013 届英语一轮复习活动单制单人:杨冬芸赵志娟and clothes.5._, he nearly knocked me down.6. She imagined herself _ others.7. After more than ten years of hard work, the old man at last _ all the money he borrowed

13、 from his friends.8. It ?s said that Zhongguancun _ many IT companies.9. He _ the meeting to be put off for a week.10. The couple live _ each other: they never quarrel about anything.Activity Three三根据提示翻译下列句子1. 你最好在旅行的时候带张地图,这样你就不会迷路了。2. 你可以借阅任何一本你喜欢的书。( whichever )3.这位老人把他的大部分积蓄捐给了这所农村学校,使得很多孩子重返学校

14、。(分词作状语)4.山顶上有座寺庙,历史悠久。(倒装句)5. 我们急忙到学校,不料没人在那儿了。6.除非修一下,这台机器是没有用处的。4如皋市薛窑中学2013 届英语一轮复习活动单制单人:杨冬芸赵志娟第三部分语法自查篇动词时态Activity Aims:In this part, you will1. Review different tenses you have learnt before.2. Command their usages in different contexts.检测内容备注一、用动词的正确形式填空。1. This time tomorrow, I _ (fly) to

15、New York.2. I didn ?t know if he _ (come) one hour later.3. Because the shop _( close down) , all the T shirts are sold at half price.4. We had completed our match when the bell _ (ring)5.He _( think ) you would accept his invitation, but you didn?t.6. He _(leave) the room than they began to talk ab

16、out him.7. By the end of June last year they _(treat) over 10,000 patients.8. - Listen, Tom, what ?s that terrible noise?- The neighbours _(prepare) for a party.9. In the past few years, great changes _ (take place ) in my hometown.10. - Have you moved into the new house?- Not yet. The rooms _(paint

17、)二单项选择1. We _ a basketball match at five tomorrow afternoon.A. will have watchedB. watchC. can watchD. will be watching2. What are you going to do this afternoon? I am going to the cinema with some friends. The film _ quite early,so we _ to the bookstore after that.A. finished; are goingB. finished;

18、 goC. finishes; are goingD. finishes; go3.If he _, don?t interrupt him.A. still worksB. is still workingC. still has been workingD. will still be working4.We _ leave when they came in .A. are going toB. were toC. are toD. were about to5. I didn?t know when she _ _, but if she _ I _ you know.A. came;

19、 would come; would letB. came; came; letC. would come; came; letD. would come; came; would let6.- Alice, why didn?t you come yesterday?- I _, but I had an unexpected visitor.A. hadB. wouldC. was going toD. besides7. - What did you say to me?- Nothing. I _to myself.A. would talkB. had been talkingC.

20、have talkedD. was just talking8. Father _ for London on business upon my arrival, so we hadnt much time to talk.A. has leftB. leftC. was leavingD. had left9. When the farmer _ to walk back to his house, the sun _ in the west.5如皋市薛窑中学2013 届英语一轮复习活动单制单人:杨冬芸赵志娟A. started; had already setB. had started;

21、 had already setC. had started; was settingD. was starting; set10. John, a friend of mine, who got married only last week, spent $10,0000 morethan he _ for the wedding.A. will planB. has plannedC. would planD. had planned11. Oh, is that you, Bob? Yes. Ah, you?re Mary. Sorry I _ you. We haven?t seen

22、each other for ten years, have we?A. didn?t recognizeB. hadn?t recognizedC. haven?t recognizedD. don?t recognize12. Mr. Black, I should tell you this is the fourth time you_.A. have been lateB. had been lateC. were lateD. are late13. If the sun _ tomorrow, what would we do?A. It ?s going to rainB. d

23、oes not riseC. would not riseD. were not to rise14.-We just saw John at the bookstore.- That ?s strange. I didn?t think he _back until tomorrow.A. will comeB. was to comeC. is comingD. is to come15. He works in China now, but he _ in Africa for eight years.A. has workedB. workedC. had workedD. has b

24、een working16.- Is this hat yours ?- No, mine _ there near the window.A. is hangingB. has hungC. hangsD. hung17.- Mum, I really think Dad should have a break and get relaxed.- Yes. He _ too long.A. readB. has been readingC. had readD. is reading18. The manager is said to have arrived back from Paris

25、 where he _some European business partners.A. would meetB. is meetingC. meetsD. had met19.Close the door of fear behind you, and you _ the door of faithopen before you.A. sawB. have seenC. will seeD. are seeing20. The fact that so many people still smoke in public places _ that we may need a nationw

26、ide campaign to raise awareness of the risks of smoking.A. suggestB. suggestsC. suggestedD. suggesting6如皋市薛窑中学2013 届英语一轮复习活动单制单人:杨冬芸赵志娟M2U2&U3 单元能力提升训练 (限时 45 分钟 )备注一、单项填空1. _ and short of breath, Andy and Ruby were the first to reach the top ofMount Tai.A. To be tiredB. TiredC. TiringD. Being tired

27、2. - Jenny, how was your trip to Beijing?- Oh, I missed it. I wish I _ my vacation there.A. am spendingB. will spendC. have spentD. had spent3.I d like to arrive 20 minutes early _ I can have time for a cup of tea.A. as soon asB. as a resultC. in caseD. so that4 Allowchildrenthe chance to express th

28、eiropinions, _ they are differentfrom your own.A. untilB. even ifC. unlessD. as though5.We sat in silence, _ to be together.A. being contentB. contentingC. contentD. contented6.The mother opened the door quietly so as not to _ the sleeping baby.A. upsetB. interruptC. disturbD. release7.By the end of

29、 last year, another new building _in our school.A. would be completedB. was being completedC. has been completedD. had been completed8.Morehighwayshave been builtin China,_ it much easier for people totravel from one place to another.A. makingB. madeC. to makeD. having made9.I told a lie when _ at t

30、he meeting by my boss.A. questioningB. having questionedC. questionedD. to be questioned10.You neednt have worried. I knew for sure that your efforts would_.A. payB. pay forC. pay backD. pay off11.You can?t predict everything. Often things don ?t _as you expect.A. run outB. break outC. work outD. pu

31、t out12.The students can?t _ their studies when they are tired.A. insist onB. consist ofC. persist inD. concentrate on13. - It ?s reported that the government has lightened the burden on the students.- Oh, today we are still _ from heavy school work, _ at preparing us for the college entrance examin

32、ation.A suffering; aimedB. suffered; aimedC. suffered; aimingD. suffering; aiming14.Share prices on the Stock Exchange plunged sharply in the morning but _slightly in the afternoon.A. recoveredB. restoredC. regainedD. retained15.Your education will _you to earn a good living. Work hard from now on.A

33、. associateB. equipC. relateD. feed7如皋市薛窑中学2013 届英语一轮复习活动单制单人:杨冬芸赵志娟16. Only after they had discussed the matter for a few hours _ a discussion.A. they reachedB. did they reachC. they reachD. do they reach17.- Why are you so late?- I was halfway when it _ to me that I has left my notebook home, so I

34、 had to fetch it.A. occurredB. hitC. happenedD. reminded18.It?s reported that the accident _ careless driving,so a lotofmoney_ be paid by the driver.A. was due to; was due toB. due to ; was due toC. is due to ; was due toD. is due to ; due to19.After the traffic accident, no one _ except a few peopl

35、e who were badlyinjured.A. surviveB. survivedC. was survivedD. was surviving20.Was it on a lonely island _ he was saved one month after the boat wentdown?A. whereB. thatC. whichD. what二、完形填空Another person?s enthusiasm was what set me moving toward the success I haveachieved. That person was my stepm

36、other.Iwas nineyears oldwhen she entered our home inruralVirginia.Myfather_1_me to her with these words: “ Iwould like you to meet the fellow who is_2 for being the worst boy in this county and will probably start throwing rocksat you no _3than tomorrow morning.”My stepmother walked over to me, _4my

37、 head slightly upward, and lookedme right in the eye. Then she looked at my father and replied,“ You are5.Thisis not the worst boy at all, _6the smartest one who hasn?t yet found an outlet(释放的途径)for his enthusiasm.”That statement began a(n) _7between us. No one had ever called me smart,My family and

38、 neighbors had built me up in my _8as a bad boy . My stepmotherchanged all that.She changed many things. She _9my father to go to a dental school, fromwhich he graduated with honors. She moved our family into the county seat, where myfather?s career could be more _10and my brother and I could be bet

39、ter_11 .When I turned fourteen, she bought me a secondhand_12and told me thatshe believed that I couldbecome a writer. I knew her ernthusiasm,I_13it, and Isaw how it had already improved our lives.I accepted her _ and began to write for local newspapers.I was doingthe same kind of_ that great day I went to interview Andrew Carnegie andreceived the task whichbecame my life?s worklater.Iwasn?t the_ benefi


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