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1、优质抗溃疡病黄肉猕猴桃品种的选育探析关键词:黄肉猕猴桃; 新品种; ‘金喜’ 不易感溃疡病;Abstract: ‘Jinxi’ is a yellow-fleshed kiwifruit cultivar with excellent fruit quality, its seedling is derived from a cross between ‘Jintao’ (a yellow-fleshed cultivar of A.chinensis) and ‘Jinxiong No.1’(a

2、pollenizer strain of A.chinensis) in 2002 at the experimental field,and initially selected in 2007 for fruit weight, fruit shape and superior taste. Throughout regional adaptability test at three sites and productive trial planting from 2008 to 2014, it was finally selected and named ‘Jinxi&rs

3、quo;. In 2018, ‘Jinxi’ has passed the examination and approved by crop variety approval committee of Zhejiang province. The fruit are cylindrical and moderate to large in size. It weighs 88.5 grams in average. The stylar end is flat or slightly concave, the fruit skin present yellow gree

4、n to dark brown. The fruit flesh is golden-yellow and fine juicy. Core appears yellowish white, its proportion in fruit flesh is small. The fruit has a fine texture, flavor is very sweet with aromatic taste, and mild with tangy aftertaste, smooth texture. The content of soluble solids, dry matters,

5、total sugars, total acids and vitamin C is 15.0%-21.7%,18.7%-23.5%,12.2%-13.5%,1.0%-1.2% and 1 416 mg·kg-1 fresh weight, respectively. Timely harvesting is needed. When the content of soluble solids in fruit reach over 7.5%, the harvest begin. The fruit has good storage quality: storage life

6、1-2 months at ambient temperature and more than 4 months at cool store. The shelf life of softening fruit at room temperature could be more than 15 days and 1-2 months under cool-stored condition. The fruit development period of ‘Jinxi’ is about 150 days. It begins to bloom in late April

7、 and its fruit matures in early October in Hangzhou area. The chromosome of ‘Jinxi’ is tetraploid, with moderate to strong vigor, the percentage of bud germination and shoot forming are 72.7% and 100%, respectively. Flowers occur at nodes 1-8 of the fruiting shoots, and there are often 5

8、 to 8 inflorescences on these nodes, predominantly singly or inflorescences of 3 flowers. The fruit set rate is above 95%, and there is no physiological fruit drop. ‘Jinxi’ is less susceptible to bacterial canker of kiwifruit (Psa) and has better performance under Psa condition. This cul

9、tivar is put into production early, with high and stable yield. Grafted plants of this cultivar start fruiting at the second year, and the output is above 1 000 kg per 666.7 m2 at the fourth year after grafting. Spacing in the rows and spacing between rows could be 3m×4m or 4m×4m, using

10、the pergola and T-bar system, with a single trunk and two permanent leaders. ‘Jinxiong No.1’ or ‘Moshan male No.4’ is recommended as pollenizer, the ratio of male to female could be 5-8:1. The inheritance character of ‘Jinxi’ is stable, with the characteristics of

11、 large fruit, good yield, good quality and less susceptible to bacterial canker. Areas suitable for cultivation include Zhejiang and similar regions.Keyword:Yellow-fleshed kiwifruit; New cultivar; ‘Jinxi’ Less susceptible to Psa;品种及其结构是猕猴桃产业的基础和保障。当前栽培的猕猴桃品种中,国内有75.3%为绿肉品种,7.7%为黄肉品种,8.1%

12、为红心品种,8.9%为软枣猕猴桃和毛花猕猴桃品种;而先进发达的新西兰有34%为黄肉品种,绿色品种已减至66%1。黄肉猕猴桃因营养丰富和风味浓甜而越来越受消费者和生产者的喜爱。但大多数黄肉猕猴桃品种不抗溃疡病,如‘黄金果’(Hort16A)、‘金桃’和‘金丰’等都被认定为溃疡病易感品种2。特别是‘黄金果’因爆发溃疡病而在新西兰惨遭淘汰。故而新西兰近来大力发展‘Gold 3’(Sun gold kiwifruit)和‘Gold 9’(Charming go

13、ld kiwifruit)等黄肉猕猴桃品种,其主要优点在于大果、风味较浓、耐贮和不易感溃疡病。这2个新品种为新西兰专利品种,得到植物品种权保护,虽其推广应用和相关生产仅局限于新西兰国内,但其果品在国际市场日益走俏。因此,培育优质抗溃疡病黄肉品种,对于提升我国猕猴桃育种水平,优化品种结构,提高其市场竞争力,促进猕猴桃产业升级增效,具有十分重要的意义。1 选育经过2002年春,浙江省农业科学院园艺研究所以中华猕猴桃黄肉品种‘金桃’为母本、中华猕猴桃雄性优株‘金雄1号’为父本开展人工杂交。于当年获得一批杂交种子并进行播种,次年得到杂交实生苗5 000余

14、株。2004进入初选阶段,2005年对首批入选单株进行高接观察, 2007年从中确定了一批优良单株,其中1个黄肉单株的综合性状为优良,暂定编号为 ‘18-4’。2008年春开始在浙江省农业科学院杨渡基地进行新品种比较试验。2009年开始进行区试和生产性试种。经连续多年观测,‘18-4’遗传性状稳定,具有果实大、丰产性好、品质优良、不易感溃疡病等特点。2014年定名为‘金喜’,2018年通过浙江省非主要农作物认定(浙认果2018001)。2 主要性状2.1 植物学特征以已知二倍体‘红阳’为对照,经流式

15、细胞仪鉴定,‘金喜’猕猴桃为四倍体,其母本‘金桃’为四倍体,而同类品种‘黄金果’(Hort16A)为二倍体。一年生枝浅褐色,二年生枝深褐色,皮孔椭圆形,棕色。叶片中等大小,质地厚实,叶柄淡绿色,叶尖凸尖或微钝,叶缘锯齿明显,叶面颜色绿色,叶背叶脉凸明显,叶背被灰白色茸毛。花多为单生,花冠白色,花瓣57片,雄蕊5154枚,花冠直径3.94.5 cm,萼片35片,花柱3942枚。2.2 果实经济性状‘金喜’猕猴桃果实圆柱形,大小均匀,端正美观,果顶平或微凹,成熟时果面光洁无毛,果皮黄褐色;果肉黄色,中心

16、柱黄白色,所占的比例小;肉质细嫩,高甜味浓,有清香味,口感鲜美(图1)。平均单果质量88.5 g。可溶性固形物含量15.0%21.7%,干物质含量18.7%23.5%,总糖含量12.2%13.5%,可滴定酸含量1.0%1.2%,果实维生素C含量1.416 mg·kg-1 鲜质量(表1)。果实较耐贮藏,常温下可贮12个月,低温下可贮34个月以上,软熟果货架期较长,常温下1520 d,低温下12个月。贮藏温度以13 为佳,贮藏100 d好果率96%左右。2.3 开花结果习性与物候期树势中等偏强,枝条萌发力强。其萌芽率72.7%,成枝率100%,坐果率95%以上,没有生理落果现象。平均

17、每果枝有花序58个,位于结果枝的18节。单花和三花均有,幼树以单花为主,成年树时单花略多于三花。在杭州地区,‘金喜’2月下旬树液开始流动,3月上旬萌芽,3月中下旬至4月上中旬展叶和现蕾,4月下旬开花,花期45 d,5月上旬坐果,5月中旬至6月中下旬为果实迅速膨大期,10月上旬果实成熟。授粉品种以‘金雄1号’或‘磨山4号’3为佳。以果实可溶性固形物含量作为采收成熟度指标,超过7.5%时开始采收。图1 黄肉猕猴桃新品种‘金喜’果实Fig.1 Fruit of yellow-fleshed kiwifru

18、it cultivar ‘Jinxi’表1 ‘金喜’‘金桃’和‘黄金果’的果实特性比较表2 ‘金喜’‘金桃’和‘黄金果’的产量比较2.4丰产性和抗病性20142015年在衢州、台州、杭州等猕猴桃产区开展的品种区试结果表明,2014年每666.7 m2‘金喜’产量分别为1 410.0 kg、1 494.6 kg、1 419.4 kg;2015年每666.7 m2其产量分别为1 499.3 kg、1 513.

19、4 kg、1 507.3 kg,两年平均产量每666.7 m2为1 477.4 kg,均与对照‘黄金果’和‘金桃’的产量基本相当(表2)。该品种经面上示范推广,各地平均产量每666.7 m2为1 420 kg左右,表现为丰产、稳产、优质。在品比试验和示范推广的基础上,经离体鉴定和田间抗性比较,‘金喜’比‘金桃’和‘黄金果’等猕猴桃抗溃疡病,其抗病性与美味猕猴桃‘海沃德’相当,属于不易感溃疡病(表3)。表3 不同猕猴桃品种对溃疡病抗性的比较3栽培技术要求

20、3.1合理密植与整形修剪该品种的生长量较大,栽植密度以34 m×4 m的株行距为宜。山坡地以采用T形架效果最好,平地可采用大棚架。有利于生长结果和整形修剪。冬剪采用短截加疏删的修剪方法,以便更新复壮。3.2高温抗旱与肥水管理该品种抗旱能力和耐热性一般,高温干旱季节需及时灌溉,并同时采取适当遮阳措施。园地务必排水良好,特别是梅雨季应及时排水防涝。重施基肥和有机肥,重视大量元素、中量元素和微量元素的配比,特别要注意对高磷、高钾的需肥特点,要求基肥(有机肥)的施肥量占全年的60%以上。3.3充分授粉与适时采收该品种对授粉的要求较高,要配足授粉树,雌雄株比例68:1,同时做好人工授粉工作。

21、当果实可溶性固形物含量超过7.5时开始采收。4开发应用前景‘金喜’猕猴桃不仅具有‘黄金果’果实品质的优异性,而且丰产稳产、不易感猕猴桃溃疡病,可替代‘黄金果’等溃疡病易感品种在中华猕猴桃产区推广应用。参考文献:1 齐秀娟,徐善坤,林苗苗,李玉阔,孙雷明,方金豹. 红肉猕猴桃果实着色机制研究进展J. 果树学报, 2015, 32(6): 1232-1240.2 高小宁,赵志博,黄其玲,秦虎强,黄丽丽. 猕猴桃细菌性溃疡病研究进展J. 果树学报, 2012, 29(2): 262-268.3黄宏文,张忠慧,姜正旺,程中平,陈绪中,王彦昌,王圣梅.中华猕猴桃雄性新品种‘磨山4号’J.园艺学报, 2006, 33(5): 1163.


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