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1、UNIT 5 Why do you like pandas?教学目标要求1能够询问对方对动物的喜好并能简略回答此类问题,如:Do you like koalas? Yes, I do. /No, I dont. 2能够表达喜爱物并给出原因,如: I like koalas. Because they are cute .3能听懂并指认所学动物的英语名称,如:koala, elephant ,panda等。4能够描述动物,如:Pandas are kind of interesting 等。5能够掌握表示动物特质的描述性形容词,cute, fun, lazy ,interesting等。6能认读

2、并能工整书写所学单词:koala, elephant, panda等。7能模仿录音正确朗读和表演教材上的对话并能模仿目标语的结构和语调进行初步表达(会话)。如:Why do you like tigers ?Because theyre really cool.教学过程复习1复习已学目标语和导入谈论动物的话题Look at the pictures and find out which animal you have already known. And try to remember them.2根据图片写单词,回顾所学词汇。学生用一分钟的时间写单词,所写单词数量最多的同学为胜者。之后在屏幕

3、上显示之前所学过的动物名称。导入3导入新课话题Lets watch the animals that we havent learned.(出现考拉的图片)Well, Whats this?(学生会回答“考拉”或“koala”)Yes, its a koala .Do you like it ?(学生会说“yes”或“no”)So, why do you like or dislike it?(学生可能会用所学词汇来描述,如:lovely, lazy等)4引入单元标题Today lets talk about“ Why do you like koalas?”.教师板书或课件显示:Unit5

4、Why do you like koalas ?教师询问几个学生:Why do you like koalas?5读图,了解对话情景地点和谈论的话题First, look at the picture.Where are the pupils?What are they talking about?(Theyre in the zoo. Theyre talking about animals.)OK. Answer my questions with Yes or No.(指向熊猫)Whats this?Does the girl like it?Why does the girl like

5、 it?6运用课件,激活学生小学曾学过的动物名称Now, find the animals you know in the picture and tell their English names.学生指认所知道的动物的英语名称。教师给予评价(肯定或“纠正”,即让他们初步接触某些未学的动物英语名称)7理解辨认有关动物名称的单词Please youre your books and turn to page25 .Look at 1a. Match the words with the animals in the picture. Fill in the letters A to F in t

6、he right places.(教师点击a示范填入1的答案)学生个人活动,复习已知的单词,接触未知的生词(单词的形式)Now, lets check.核对1a任务的答案,学生进行自我评价8学习并指认所学动物的英语名称。Lets learn these words.图A出现动物图片及名称,让学生学习并跟读。图B只出现图片,没有动物名称,让学生看图片说单词。学生看图片能够指认动物的英语名称9通过听力导入询问对方为什么喜欢的功能项及其答语(目标语)Why do you like?Because itsLets do a listening practice. Dont look at your b

7、ooks. Listen carefully. Then tell me how many animals you hear.教师问:How many animals do you hear? What are they?10听辨对话,感受目标语Now open your books and look at 1b.Listen again and check the animals.核对答案11视听会话的动画,并模仿跟读会话Look, listen and repeat.1c12组织Pair work,学生扮演角色模仿上述会话Please practice the conversations

8、in pairs.学生练习时,教师板书:Why do you like koalas?Because its cute.13针对目标语进行控制性的实践活动Now look at the picture.(教师指图片上的动物,与学生进行会话示范)Lets see the lions?Why do you like lions?Because theyre interesting. (单词拼写和书写)2a14本活动的检查评价,转入下一活动1Ask a student about the animal she or she likes and the reasons.Hi, Dick. Which

9、animal do you like? Why?2Ask one or two students tell the class what animal she/ she likes and why.S: I likebecause同上15在语境中听辨对话所谈及的动物名称.Well, well listen to a longer conversation.First, please listen and write the animals you hear.Then lets check the answers.16在语境中听辨对话所谈及的喜欢某种动物的原因及故乡。Then lets list

10、en again and draw lines from animals to description words and countries they come from.2b17听前活动,了解对话的情景和主题Look at the conversationin2 b on page32.What are they talking about?Yes, animals.Now, please listen again and finish the conversation.18进一步体验对话内容;跟读对话中的句子Listen and repeat.(课件领读,学生模仿朗读会话)2c19扮演角色练习对话;拓展性实践Talk about the other animals in 2a.小结20本活动的检查评价;归纳反馈强化本节课学习目标1抽查两对学生的会话表演2教师在他们会话完成后询问几个学生:Why do you like?3(师生交流)The boy says, “I likebecause”拓展21拓展:询问为什么喜欢(其他内容)教师拿出实物、图片或用课件询问:What do you like?Why do you like it?作业22Homework(布置作业)


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