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1、姓名_三年级上册一、默写26个字母_七; _八; _ 九; _十; _蓝色 _黑色;_棕色; _手; _头; _身体; _腿; _ 脚;_猴子; _鸟; _老虎; _熊猫; _蛋糕; _鱼 _米饭; _钢笔; _铅笔盒; _书姓名_三年级下册 女孩_ 新的_ 朋友_ (外)祖母_(外)祖父_ 小的_ 大的_ 长颈鹿_ 地图_ 玩具_ 盒;箱_ 葡萄_ 西瓜_ 二十_ 风筝_ 美丽的_1. you Where from are? _ 2.woman is that Who? _ 3.your Is father he? _4.mother she your Is? _姓名_四年级上册(1-3单元

2、)二、根据中文写单词打扫_ 墙_ 电灯_ 窗户_ 书包_数学书_ 故事书_ 玩具_ 眼镜_ 安静的_ 头发_ 鞋_ 讲台_ 教室_new have classroom We a._ schoolbag is Where my? _ is friendly He. _ heavy My is schoolbag. _ is colour it What?_ big eyes two She has. _姓名_四年级上册(4-6单元)卧室_ 起居室_ 沙发_ 桌子_护士_ 叉子_ 小刀_ 汤_ 父母_ 司机_同辈表亲或堂亲_ 舅父;叔父;伯父_ 鸡肉_aunts Whats job your?_i

3、snt No,she. _the Dad Wheres cat,? _ nice Your living room is. _would you like What?_family My six people has. _ 姓名_四年级下册(1-3单元)图书馆_ 操场_ 美术教室_ 班;班级_早餐;早饭_ 起床_ 上床睡觉_ 寒冷的;冷的_温暖的;暖和的_ 阳光充足的_ 多风的;风大的_纽约_ 阴雨的;多雨的_ 下雪(多)的_teachersoffice the Where is?_have libraryyouaDo? _is Whatit time? _to Itsgetup time.

4、_cold Itsoutside._like Whatsweather theNewYorkin? _姓名_四年级下册(4-6单元)试穿_ 奶牛_ 动物_ 山羊_ 母鸡_外衣_ 衬衫_ 短袜_ 手套_ 雨伞_便宜的_ 多少钱_ 夹克衫_ 毛衣_西红柿_Arecarrots these?_Whatthose are? _IsJohns this? _ coat Whosethisis? _ I Canyou help? _skirt How this much is?_姓名_like doskirt youthis How? _姓名_五年级上册(1-3单元)年老的_ 严格的_ 努力的,勤奋_ 有

5、礼貌的_星期一_ 星期四_ 星期日_ 洗我的衣服_做作业_ 三明治_新鲜的_甜的_汉堡包_ he Is young? _ like Whats she? _Thursdays What do have on you? _Do often you in this read books park? _would What like to eat you? _favourite Whats food your? _like What drink you to would? _姓名_五年级上册(4-6单元)唱;歌唱 _ 弹琵琶 _ 练武术_ 游泳_植物 _ 瓶子_ 房子;住宅_ 在旁边(附近)_森林_

6、 湖泊_ 建筑物 _ 树;树木_在前面_party can you do the, children for What? _I English sing can songs. _ big is a There bed. _ you Can do John kung fu any ,? _nature there Are any the tall in park buildings? _forest a Is in the, Miss White river there? _姓名_五年级下册(1-3单元)晨练_ 吃晚饭_ 打扫我的房间_散步_ 秋天_ 堆雪人_ 去游泳_一月_ 七月_ 六月_ 十

7、月_ When morning do class in the you finish? _the do do on weekend you What? _the When party is? _summer Because like vacation I. _Which do season best likeMike you ,?_ 姓名_五年级下册(4-6单元)第二的 _ 第一的 _ 第三的_ (正在)看书_我的_ 他的_ 他们的;她们的;它们的_ (正在)吃_ (正在)喝水_ (正在)做早操_ 保持你的课桌干净_ 小声说话_ 第二十三的_is birthday When your? _Th

8、e is mine yellow picture. _ Whose it is? _water Is drinking he? _are doing What they? _ Keep clean desk your. _monkey the Whats little doing? _姓名_六年级上册(1-3单元)科学博物馆_ 邮局_ 书店_ 医院_步行_ 乘船_ 慢下来_ 明信片_去超市_ 词典_ 单词书_拜访爷爷奶奶_is museum Where shop the? _can How get there we? _ Its the in cinemafront of. _ pay I t

9、raffic must to the attention light. _ In must the people bikes wear USA oneon . _going What do are to tomorrow you? _not Why go Tuesday on? _姓名_六年级上册(4-6单元)跳舞_ 唱歌_ 踢足球_ 做中餐_猜字谜_ 去远足_ 工厂工人_ 渔民_科学家_ 教练_ 生气的_ 难过的_看病_数到十_ Peters are hobbies What? _ he like Whats? _is The angry cat them with. _he does go

10、 to How work? _feel you How do ? _should this see He a morning doctor. _ of him Theyre afraid . _姓名_六年级下册更年轻的_ 更年长的_更重的_更瘦的_ 打扫房间_ 看电影_上周末_ 洗衣服_ 去野营_脚受伤_买礼物_ 几月之前_骑自行车_ 打羽毛球_Its us taller of together than both. _-are What Mike size your shoes? , _-you How are heavy? _- weekend How your was? _- anything Did do else you? _-I my cleaned and my washed room clothes. _-with -I to my family Sanya went . _- there We plane went by . _-go did you there -How? _-know -How that do you? _-in There no library was my school old ._-


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