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1、Lesson 39旅馆其他服务763 Id like a wake up call tomorrow morning.我明天早上需要有人叫醒我。764 For whattime , sir ?什么时间,先生?765 We also have a computer wake-up service.我们有电脑叫醒服务。766 You can dial 5 first and then 0600 for the time.请先拨 5 然后拨时间0600。767 There must be five digits in the final number.最后的数字应是5 位数。768 Our comp

2、uter will record the time and your room number.电脑将自动记录您的时间和房号。769 May I clean your room now, sir ?我现在可以打扫您的房间吗?770 I am a bit tied up at the moment.我现在忙得不可开交。771 Could you clean the room while I am out for lunch?你能在我出去吃午饭的时候打扫房间吗?772 Imafridno cleaningcan be done between 12 00noon and2 00 p.m.,sir.恐

3、怕中午12 00 到下午2 00 不能打扫房间。773 Illputthe room cleaning signon my door knob beforeI go out inthe afternoon.我下午出去时把房间打扫标志挂在门把手上。774 And Imsorrytohavedisturbed you ,sir.很抱歉,打扰您了,先生。775 I have some shirts to be washed.我有些衬衣需要洗。776 Not straight away.不急。777 Will tomorrow morning be all right?明天早上可以吗?778 But

4、I have a suit that I would like pressed as soon as possible.但是我有一套西装需要尽快烫好。779 If you are in a hurry we have a twohour quick service.如果您很急,我们有两个小时特急服务。780 But there is an extra charge of 50 for it.但是特急服务要加收50的费用。781 And there is also a stain on my suit Could you remove it?但是我的西装上还有个污点,请问能不能去掉它?782 What kind of stain is it, sir ?用心爱心专心1是什么样的污点,先生?783 We will do our best to remove the stain but we cannot guarantee the result.我们将尽力去除,但不能保证结果如何。784 Your suit will be charged as an express service.您的西装将按快件收费。785 And we will deliver it this morning around 10 00.我们将在今天上午 10 00 左右送回。用心爱心专心2


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